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Louie's Notes-Olimar Q&A Thread!!


Smash Hero
Jul 29, 2008
Ba Sing Se, EK
well, you CAN spam standing grab if you want. no ones stopping you. you'll most likely get punished though unless its like against snake or something haha.

edit- ninjasa


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2010
They wouldn't be playing Olimar then, because 90 percent of the black people play Falco ;P


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2010
From that comment I think I do. :p It was a joke someone said in Iowa.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2010
All black people are good with Peach, Mario, TL, and all top tiers.

Maybe Pit too.

But they all eventually main Mk or Falco.



Smash Master
Mar 10, 2010
Allen, TX
All ganon mains secondary mk... if you haven't noticed.

It's actually quite brilliant, cause mk covers all of ganon's bad match-ups.


Smash Master
Feb 4, 2009
Brawl Monsters Club House
2 questions

First, on the pokemon stadiums. Sometimes during the stage transformations the wings don't transform. are those wings still standard pluck percentage? Or do they change wih the whole transfomration to what it's pluck percenage is?

Also about MK's tornado. A lot of the time recently my yellow f smash has been beatin tornado from the bottom. I already have known about this, but does anyone hve frame data or a complete explanation of this?

Sorry for spelling errors, on a ****y phone lol



Smash Master
Feb 4, 2009
Brawl Monsters Club House
2 questions

First, on the pokemon stadiums. Sometimes during the stage transformations the wings don't transform. are those wings still standard pluck percentage? Or do they change wih the whole transfomration to what it's pluck percenage is?

Also about MK's tornado. A lot of the time recently my yellow f smash has been beatin tornado from the bottom. I already have known about this, but does anyone hve frame data or a complete explanation of this?

Sorry for spelling errors, on a ****y phone lol




Smash Master
Mar 10, 2010
Allen, TX
MK's tornado is one of the most complex moves in the game by design. Just know its priority is a function X # of times pressed over move duration (which is also a function related to # of inputs) multiplied by other things that I don't remember because the skype chat was moving too fast d= You'll most likely beat it toward the beginning of the move if they started it higher in the air.

Also, you can grab it if it's grounded.


Smash Master
Feb 4, 2009
Brawl Monsters Club House
That does help me understand what information that needs to be studied in order to find my answer... I'll go to the MK boards now for complete clarification. I'll post back here once I've figured out when yellow F smash does beat nado. thx for the help fino


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2010
Allen, TX
I'll go to the MK boards now for complete clarification.
I'm like 98% sure you won't find anything there. That info was directly from smash-lab research... idk if I'll get in trouble given the vagueness of my response though, lol.
Mar 15, 2008
What's up Olimar mains?

I have a couple of questions I want to ask and I'd like you guys to help me answer them. They're all related to Norfair by the way.

1) How does your character fare with just the stage? Does your character benefit from the layout and the numerous hazards or do they normally hinder you?
2) How does your character generally fare on this stage against certain matchups? Does he excel in a lot of them and only has a few bad MUs, or is he generally bad on this stage against a large portion of the cast?
3) What are some general strategies for your character on this stage? Controlling the center? Stalling? Staying mobile?
4) Overall, would you say that this stage is mostly good for your character, mostly bad, or depends?

Thanks in advance!

This mass survey across most of the character boards is admin approved.


Smash Lord
May 6, 2007
What's up Olimar mains?

I have a couple of questions I want to ask and I'd like you guys to help me answer them. They're all related to Norfair by the way.

1) How does your character fare with just the stage? Does your character benefit from the layout and the numerous hazards or do they normally hinder you?
2) How does your character generally fare on this stage against certain matchups? Does he excel in a lot of them and only has a few bad MUs, or is he generally bad on this stage against a large portion of the cast?
3) What are some general strategies for your character on this stage? Controlling the center? Stalling? Staying mobile?
4) Overall, would you say that this stage is mostly good for your character, mostly bad, or depends?

Thanks in advance!

This mass survey across most of the character boards is admin approved.

Norfair is arguable olimars best stage. Multiple platforms for recovery, EXTREMELY short sides/ceiling for fast kills on certain platforms. We can WAC the fire wall, we can get saved by the fire on the bottom.

We have no bad matchups there that i am aware of

Let me quote from 2 years ago...

"He's like a ****ing monkey LOL"

+1 for Norfair

Sky Pirate

The best defense is a lot of frigging healing
Mar 10, 2009
Elgin, Texas
Just play keep-away. They have a really hard time approaching if you play campy.


Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2010
Alright, as the new blood on the block its practically my job to pester you pros about the inner workings of olimar.

As of yet I've only had practice against one of the best MK's in Aus, so my questions will be limited to MK.

1. I'm getting ***** by some freshly squeezed nado. I tilt my shield up but everytime it was instantly poked (note this was about halfway through the nado, so might just be that, thought i'd check.) My question is this, is it viable to tilt the shield up as Oli against it?

2. MK goes down air camp... down air camp... down air camp... waits for me to do something > Nado
My question: whut do? I've tried waiting for practically non existant gap in down airs to up air... get nado'd, i've sat back and camped with pikimin throw, he down airs the pikmin away, and plenty of other various tricks, most of which failed miserably.

3. What do you do if MK is dead set on scooging/timing out oli? The only sure fire way I've found works is to punch the player in the face.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
You can pivot grab or dash grab nado

If you know he's gonna nado, then count his jumps, wait for it, grab.

Uh if he's planking.. ANTIPLANK

Sky Pirate

The best defense is a lot of frigging healing
Mar 10, 2009
Elgin, Texas
1. I'm getting ***** by some freshly squeezed nado. I tilt my shield up but everytime it was instantly poked (note this was about halfway through the nado, so might just be that, thought i'd check.) My question is this, is it viable to tilt the shield up as Oli against it?
It only really works if you have a full/near-full shield. Otherwise, it'll get poked.
If he's hovering it over you, you could spotdodge between hits near the end to help with this a bit. You have to learn the timing, though.

2. MK goes down air camp... down air camp... down air camp... waits for me to do something > Nado
My question: whut do? I've tried waiting for practically non existant gap in down airs to up air... get nado'd, i've sat back and camped with pikimin throw, he down airs the pikmin away, and plenty of other various tricks, most of which failed miserably.
Well, if he's doing that in a set pattern, move toward him to bait Nado out and hit it with an UpB. If you use the default control scheme (or close to it), you should consider setting Y or X (whichever one you don't jump with) to Special to help with jump-canceling your UpB.

3. What do you do if MK is dead set on scooging/timing out oli? The only sure fire way I've found works is to punch the player in the face.
I don't really know much about this one. We have rules against scrooging and planking here. ^^;
If he's just avoiding contact, I've found that being patient and trying to punish his landings or poke him with UpB kind of works.


Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2010
You can pivot grab or dash grab nado

If you know he's gonna nado, then count his jumps, wait for it, grab.

Uh if he's planking.. ANTIPLANK
He only starts his nados in the air so I can't grab him lol ><
He's not a nado spamming MK, so when he does it, it pisses me off haha
Punching him in the face seemed to work pretty well :3

It only really works if you have a full/near-full shield. Otherwise, it'll get poked.
If he's hovering it over you, you could spotdodge between hits near the end to help with this a bit. You have to learn the timing, though.

Well, if he's doing that in a set pattern, move toward him to bait Nado out and hit it with an UpB. If you use the default control scheme (or close to it), you should consider setting Y or X (whichever one you don't jump with) to Special to help with jump-canceling your UpB.

I don't really know much about this one. We have rules against scrooging and planking here. ^^;
If he's just avoiding contact, I've found that being patient and trying to punish his landings or poke him with UpB kind of works.
Yeah, I'll have to try spot dodging.

Thats actually a really good idea. Def's going to try that out next tourny.

Yeah, we have a LGL but it still doesn't stop him being a giant prick :c I'll just go back to backhanding them :3

appreciate the answers from both of you
-tips hat- Thank you :3

professor mgw

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2008
Bronx, NY
A few questions regarding PIKMIN AND OLIMAR!

Q1: What are the most important AT's every olimar should know? (i.e Instant Return, Whistling etc.)

Q2: What are some things that we should do against nado? (i.e yellow f-smash > bottom of nado etc.)

Q3: What are our top 3 worst MU's?

Q4: How should we mix-up our recovery & landing so that we don't get to predictable?

Q5: Why isn't everyone using homolimar? Doctor's wear blue gloves and save lives all the time :0



Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2011
Seattle, WA
Q2 - I know our tether and our pivot grab can both beat nado if they're in the right position for it.

Q5 - Cuz Oliver da bess.

Sky Pirate

The best defense is a lot of frigging healing
Mar 10, 2009
Elgin, Texas
Q1: What are the most important AT's every olimar should know? (i.e Instant Return, Whistling etc.)
Most important are probably Usmash OoS and whistle bounce (and pivot grabbing, if you count that as an AT. XD) Olimar doesn't have a ****-ton of ATs to learn or anything.
Instant return isn't that important, but it is helpful.

Q2: What are some things that we should do against nado? (i.e yellow f-smash > bottom of nado etc.)
  • Grab/pivot grab (only low nados)
  • (Jump-canceled reverse) UpB (doesn't have to be a specific pikmin, but the number of pikmin determine the duration)
  • DI out -> whistle last hit -> Punish
  • DI out -> Nair the top
  • tilt shield up -> spotdodge near end -> punish
  • tilt shield up -> punish after end (full shield)
Q3: What are our top 3 worst MU's?
Falco is generally considered our worst at the moment.
Next is MK, IMO. Dunno about a third.
Q4: How should we mix-up our recovery & landing so that we don't get to predictable?
Whistle Bounce, Airdodge, surprise aerials, save your second jump, Whistle -> Aerial, footstool, etc.
A common method is to come from under using the second jump and Uair to get people off the ledge before tethering.
It's kind of hard to answer a question about something so broad and situational. ^^;

Q5: Why isn't everyone using homolimar? Doctor's wear blue gloves and save lives all the time :0
Because people are interesting and prefer to play more than one color.

This kind of belongs in the Q&A thread, BTW. Moving it there now.

professor mgw

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2008
Bronx, NY

"Usmash OoS"

I just want to be 1000% clear just so that I don't confuse it with anything else lol. USmash OoS is PShielding (or not) an attack and U-smashing right after right?

  • Grab/pivot grab (only low nados)
  • (Jump-canceled reverse) UpB (doesn't have to be a specific pikmin, but the number of pikmin determine the duration)
  • DI out -> whistle last hit -> Punish
  • DI out -> Nair the top
  • tilt shield up -> spotdodge near end -> punish
  • tilt shield up -> punish after end (full shield)

Thanks for dish :)

"Whistle Bounce, Airdodge, surprise aerials, save your second jump, Whistle -> Aerial, footstool, etc.
A common method is to come from under using the second jump and Uair to get people off the ledge before tethering.
It's kind of hard to answer a question about something so broad and situational. ^^;"

I know :( It's just that from all the matches I've played lately and the feedback I've received, DI'ing & Recovering are my main weakpoints.

"Because people are interesting and prefer to play more than one color."
But it's scientifically proven that homolimar is the best, your logic is questionable 0___0

*My replies are in the quote*


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Q1: What are the most important AT's every olimar should know? (i.e Instant Return, Whistling etc.)

whistle bounce, pivot grab, boost pivot grab, Jump-Cancelled Upsmash Out Of Shield, pikmin pluck cancel

Q2: What are some things that we should do against nado? (i.e yellow f-smash > bottom of nado etc.)

yellow fsmash at bottom of nado, this technique only works if your opponent isn't mashing on the B button or if they just started the nado. Up-B if its coming from the air. Grab it. Shield it, tilt your shield up, and punish. Roll away, let it follow you, perfect shield it, punish. When low on shield, shield it, then spotdodge and hope it ends. Nair at the top of it. Upsmash at the bottom of it just when it starts.

Q3: What are our top 3 worst MU's?

In order: Falco, MK, Marth

Q4: How should we mix-up our recovery & landing so that we don't get to predictable?

Whistle bounce, use aerials, airdodges, and whistles, up-B before you reach the ground, mix up landing on the main stage, the edge, and platforms

Q5: Why isn't everyone using homolimar? Doctor's wear blue gloves and save lives all the time :0

I don't use that color because i need origomar for SV, delphino, FD, PS1, YI, and sometimes RC. I need Silvermar for lylat, BF, and sometimes RC. Rojomar is needed on my castle and halberd. Negromar is what the doctor ordered on Frigate

Sky Pirate

The best defense is a lot of frigging healing
Mar 10, 2009
Elgin, Texas
just want to be 1000% clear just so that I don't confuse it with anything else lol. USmash OoS is PShielding (or not) an attack and U-smashing right after right?
Now see, dabuz isn't too lazy to include the jump-canceled part. XD
To perform JC usmash OoS, you need to cancel the shield drop animation with a jump and cancel the jump with an Usmash.

Tap Jump on: Shield, Up on control stick, Attack button
The Attack input needs to come immediately after the Up input.

Tap Jump off: Shield, Up on Control stick, Jump, Attack button
The Attack input needs to come immediately after the Jump input.

- It may seem that it would result in an Utilt, but it doesn't.
- It doesn't need to be a powershield.

I know It's just that from all the matches I've played lately and the feedback I've received, DI'ing & Recovering are my main weakpoints.
Well, that's something that comes largely from experience. You should learn the directional attributes of the moves that seem to be killing you.

A couple of other things:
- If you're sent high, you usually have time to Uair to bring a purple to the front. You're going to be fastfalling an Uair anyway, just check your line for a purple while you're doing that and count the number of Uairs you'll have to do.

- Don't forget your whistle, but also don't forget your other options. If you notice that you've been whistle bouncing once every time you're sent into the air, try throwing in a second bounce, airdodge and pull back, just do a regular whistle, or just airdodge and keep going through. The main thing to try for is unpredictability.
Also, look for when the opponent is just shielding and waiting for you to do something. You can land into a pivot grab, land away from them, footstool them, etc. If you're wary about footstooling them, just remember that you were going into a bad situation anyway and footstooling just resets it and gives you another chance to land.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2011
Seattle, WA
What are some ways Oli can take advantage of platform canceling? All I can think of is Utilt, Jab, and shield/spotdodge, since our pikmin-based moves always whiff due to the minor desynch caused by PCing.


Sky Pirate

The best defense is a lot of frigging healing
Mar 10, 2009
Elgin, Texas
Don't use the C-stick to platform cancel. Use down on the control stick to PC.
You won't get the "desynch" that way.

Just try holding down when jumping and releasing it as you pass through the moving platform.


Smash Lord
May 6, 2007
What are some ways Oli can take advantage of platform canceling? All I can think of is Utilt, Jab, and shield/spotdodge, since our pikmin-based moves always whiff due to the minor desynch caused by PCing.

To be honest it's not worth it in any situation i have seen yet. You are better off camping under the platform. I mean, maybe you can use it to trick your opponents when they have invincibility and you are running around. But other than that, there isn't really anything i can see it as the "best option"

Don't use the C-stick to platform cancel. Use down on the control stick to PC.
You won't get the "desynch" that way.

Just try holding down when jumping and releasing it as you pass through the moving platform.
you can hit down to platform cancel? maybe then...ill have to check later :D


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2008
you dont' desynch if you platform cancel with fair

but yeah olimar doesn't need to do it all that often


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2011
Seattle, WA
On the topic of Olimar ATs, would you say DACUSing is important? It does get more range than Run > Usmash for us...
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