Why do you ignore this is optional?
Why do you ignore the fact that we all DON'T CARE that it's optional? Haven't I already countered this argument?
I don't know why but when Nintendo does it every one cries and whines. When Sony or MS does it every one praises them. The thing will be *cues broken record* optional. It won't get past certain parts with out the user doing them. Its really a hint system. Telling them to "push Block A to hole A" I really don't know what the big fuss is about. If this is going to solve some one's Block fine with me. It won't **** up the game.
Why do people insist on this...
When Sony and Microsoft implement a system like this, I'm going to be JUST as pissed. You can't say "You guys are complaining now but when Sony and Microsoft do it you won't be! You're such hypocrites!" You can't predict the future and then blame us for your predictions.
Oh, and aside from some parts of some games, telling the person to do it is almost as bad as doing it for you.
And it's not like the Nintendo 'hardcore 'buys anything since the N64 other than Mario or Zleda anyway. lol
Are you EVER going to stop saying this? Jesus...
I am probably what would be considered the Nintendo 'hardcore' and I've bought plenty of things besides Mario and Zelda since the N64.
Assumptions for the epic fail. Especially when you use the same assumption everywhere without any sort of evidence other than you're just convinced we're close-minded.
Not to mention it's not really relevant to this topic.
This is aimed at casuals. Casuals don't know any thing about sites like IGN,GameFaqs or Gameradar. The Hint system will allow them to not get frustrated, break a T.V and leave gaming.
I swear, either casuals are just made out to be stupider than they are, or someone with an IQ of 20 is more competent than them.
Feel free to chew me out for this, but why are some people opposed to letting casual gamers have their own gaming experience? I know some folks that never even beat Super Mario Sunshine because they thought it was too hard.
Um...because in order for them to have their own experience, they have to ruin gaming?
Maybe if they actually attempted to enjoy the media rather than be determined to have it their way, they could HAVE their own experience without anyone complaining.
People are so quick to jump down Nintendo's throat nowadays (and I know you may have your reasons). But really, there are cheat codes and hacks out there in lots of games that can also deprive anyone of the "intended" experience. Those are entirely optional too and can make a game "easier".
Yeah, and those cheat codes and hacks are not only not endorsed by Nintendo, but HIGHLY DISCOURAGED, to the point of constantly updating the Wii to destroy Homebrew and AR.
I'm not sure if real "casual" gamers know the difference between "casual" and "non-casual" games, but correct me if I'm wrong.
No, they obviously don't go to the store and say "That game is casual! I want it!", but just as I might be attracted to a Metroid game, they are attracted to casual games. Because those are the kinds of games they enjoy.
2 routes are shown in a Call of duty game. Kind code shows the easiest route. You go through there and done. 2nd play though comes and the casual will want to check out the other route. The casual then finds a better weapon than the one s/he used previously. If all goes well the casual will then start checking out alternative routes that where seen but not walked into later ingame. Secrets, better weapons and grenades not found on the first route will be used.
Who's to say casuals will bother to replay a game, and even if they do, who's to say they'll search for other paths?