The main problem with TL isn't so much how hard the MU is, it's how ANNOYING it is. I do the MU best with Kirby, but I can't stand more than 1 set of that MU and end up switching to Wolf or Mario since it's not as stupid. Seriously, the frustration I feel when playing this MU makes it go from like 50-50-ish to 65-35 (AKA If I'm calm/patient, it's easy, then after a set or two, I can't stand it anymore, and start losing hard.)
I mean, TL has ridiculous projectile spam and great mobility, along with a good Zair. All this translates to you are going to be chasing him all game, trying to get in, but, since we suck at approaching and he's pretty good at stopping approaches, you pretty much have to chase him until you get close, then once your close bait and punish. Then the chase starts anew... So annoying...
That being said, TL's seem to do Zair to grab a lot if the Zair hits you out of a jump, since it works on characters that aren't Kirby/MK/Jiggz, and when they whiff that grab, that's pretty much always a guaranteed KO, which is nice.
Hate that MU with a passion though. Need to improve my Wolf so I can just always do the MU with him. Reflector + laser + Bair = haha, now you have to approach and try to get in. What now *****?