I'm really liking Jaroda. It didn't look great at first, but a Perversity / Contrarian Leaf Storm, though weak at first, is ridiculous. Even though it lacks a large movepool and coverage, a combination of Sub and Leech Seed can easily wear down its counters. Its natural bulk also aids it, as it can survive random priority moves and hit hard. I haven't tested its other sets yet, but right now, it looks like this is definitely going to a excellent set on Jaroda.
Jaroda @ Leftovers / Life Orb
Timid Nature / Perversity
24 HP / 252 SpA / 232 Spe
-Leaf Storm
-Hidden Power Ice, Fire, or Ground
-Leech Seed
Come in on a resisted attack, set up a Substitute, and act accordingly. If Jaroda can't touch the opposing Pokemon with its attacks, use Leech Seed to weaken it. Otherwise, just Leaf Storm to boost your Special Attack and proceed to hit things hard. Hidden Power Ice hits Dragons, Hidden Power Fire hits Steels, while Hidden Power Ground has good all around coverage with Leaf Storm.
The EVs give Jaroda as much power as possible. A Timid Nature and 232 Speed EVs allow it to outspeed +Speed Base 110s, which iirc are the closest speed tier to Jaroda's Base 113 Speed. The rest are dumped into HP to give Jaroda some extra bulk.
Anyways, I tried a couple of test battles against Tomo Takino and UltiMario and it was pretty good. It could stall out Tomo's Urugamosu easily with Leech Seed, and then it often proceeded to sweep with Leaf Storm, using HP Ice to deal with Dragons and such.