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Ike Boards General/Q&A Thread


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I dunno. It's been 9 years since the event, and I find it annoying that people are still overly sensitive about this. There are far worse things going on in this world that shouldn't be laughed at in comparison to this (Darfur anyone?).


Smash Journeyman
Sep 13, 2007
Orono, ME
I actually cannot believe that video exists. It wasn't funny at all.

But the fact that it does exist is hilarious.


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
i laughed very, very hard.
as for 4chan, i'm a frequent browser, and its not as bad as everyone cracks it up to be, get a few proxies and youre fine


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2009
In the back room, sleeping with the waifu


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
america just reacted the wrong way to it
they get hit by terrorists, they wage war on terror and are still extremely sensitive towards comments on 9/11.
UK gets hit by a terrorist attack, we mourn the losses for a few days...then go back to normal life.
notice we havent been targeted since XD


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
I laughed at it with the utmost insanity.
*still believes the only thing gained from that day was people becoming too sensitive to others and being criticized for things that you wouldn't even bother with if the event never happened*
You're a ****ing moron. I'm gonna get modded for saying so but I straight don't give a **** you ignorant ****.

That said the video was worth a smirk I suppose.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
Has nothing to do with that. You can find humor in a situation that was mean to create humor and still find a ****ing ******** statement exactly that. People are fully capable of examining things on an individual basis.

You wanna laugh at something inappropriate? Do what you gotta. You wanna wax philosophical without knowing what the ****? **** that.

But if you're going to bring up priorities. Yes, I happen to find some southern mongoloid mouthing off about an event that I saw unfold with my own 2 eyes (my school was 2 blocks away, I was on the bridge to school when the first hit so I got to see it happen as close as a civilian would be allowed to. The FBI and swat that showed up to the scene took base on the first floor of my school) absolutely ridiculous and the only thing stopping me from claiming that I'd punch him right in his gaping drooling maw is that I'd come off looking like an e-thug.


Smash Ace
Nov 14, 2009
San Diego, California
The audio is funny but the fact in the video doesn't go along with it at all; like you're putting a comedy theme with people who are about to die.

Brawl: Ike's back-hopped bair from the ledge is really good. opponent can hardly react to it and it has always got me a hit yesterday, most of which was a stock.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
It's a Smash meme (internet meme if you wanna go that far), so it's only natural that the audio would get put with anything. Just youtube Wombo Combo spoofs, and you will find several...some that don't even make any sense at all. The same can be said with Guile's Theme Fits All, Falcon Punch, etc.

And are you talking about back hopping off stage or reading the opponent's edge options?


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
I just sort of twitched when I saw that the wombo combo spoof was of the 9/11 event.

Not that I don't appreciate the intended humor and it's not like it's 'too soon' or anything either. It's just that a huge massacre of 2000+ plus people just doesn't sit right with me when combined with a silly smash meme.

I don't know, I don't think I'm being overly sensitive. This sort of this just doesn't seem right, though.

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
Haha, it's fine, Mr Doom. You've had more epic saved moments than I have, I do believe.

As for the 9/11 dub over on Wombo Combo. I mean, just as Ryko and Light said. Worth a smirk, but no more, really. I can see the humor behind it, but... it's just not... -funny-.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Like I said, some people are more sensitive than others. When my family back home is constantly dealing with all the crap they have to put up with in regards to the terrorism, the flood, and the stupid government in Pakistan, I feel bad and I know it sucks. However, i wouldn't pause to laugh at something if it was funny.

Some people take racism or feminism seriously, and comedians who make jokes in regards to those are often found humorous to most, but not to those "sensitive" about the topic. I would admit that I was pretty sensitive about terrorist jokes for a while after 9/11. But there comes a point when you just have to shrug it off and just laugh with them.

Point is, you can claim that said video is not funny, and you are with the general population on this, but it's still gonna be funny to others. At the same time, you might find something funny that would not be funny to others.


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
in ryko's case i can see why its still a big deal because he was at the scene when it happened, however for someone like me who really isnt bothered y anything these days (honestly ive seen too much sick stuff) and for someone who wasnt even old enough to be aware of wtf was going on at the time, jokes on it arent really that much of a bigger deal.
infacti heard this one the other day that made me feel better, but i can guarantee none of you would find it funny because its very much disregarding america


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
in ryko's case i can see why its still a big deal because he was at the scene when it happened, however for someone like me who really isnt bothered y anything these days (honestly ive seen too much sick stuff) and for someone who wasnt even old enough to be aware of wtf was going on at the time, jokes on it arent really that much of a bigger deal.
infacti heard this one the other day that made me feel better, but i can guarantee none of you would find it funny because its very much disregarding america
That's not even the point, bro.

5th grade was just starting when it happened and I vividly recall that the only thing I thought about when I heard about it in the morning was "Hey, so I guess school is cancelled?" or something like that. And, to be honest, I am pretty much as far away from New York as you are.

And it's not that I'm sensitive, I watched the puppies getting thrown into the river video without batting an eye at all. I've seen a bunch of ****ed up **** that doesn't even phase me anymore.

But I'm not going to LAUGH at a video where 300 people die at that very instant (2700+ was the total death toll but you can pretty much understand that the image of that plane hitting was when 300 people lost their lives instantly) just because someone adds a sound clip of the wombo combo shouting.

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
Well. Terrorist jokes can be pretty funny, of course.

Actually laughing at a video of thousands of people dying is different. I'm not sickened or bothered (believe me, I'm desensitized to a lot of **** too), but I can't bring myself to think it's funny.

In the same way, black jokes can be funny (just as any other race jokes), but I couldn't laugh at a video of a slave being brutally beaten to death.

Ninja Light gets me again for the second time today.


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
well i'm just a dcik then, because it was hard to not laugh when i originally saw it.
although to admit it was easy to not laug hwhen i saw the clip of the plane initially hitting, so i might still have a soul. but i was like, 7 when it happened so it really wasnt important that a few building had fallen down, took me a few years to find out what it meant


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2009
Bronx, NY
I was in 4th grade during 9/11 and I didn't know how to react tbh.
The only thing I worried about during that time was my dad since he was working that day. (He worked at Manhattan. =/). Came back fine.

Side note: While introducing ourselves in one of my classes last week, a Middle Eastern (judging by clothing) person said he's a chemist major. Couldn't help but smirk. -.-


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Well. Terrorist jokes can be pretty funny, of course.

Actually laughing at a video of thousands of people dying is different. I'm not sickened or bothered (believe me, I'm desensitized to a lot of **** too), but I can't bring myself to think it's funny.
No it's not different. Take it from a kid who like many of us here, didn't know what was going at 9/11, then ended up getting stared at, get dirty looks, have my house egged and vandalized on several occasions, and basically things that haunted me in school and outside of school and totally ruined my life. It used to hurt to hear those jokes, because they are not true, and they would especially hurt when my religion was brought into the joke. Given the fact that I care deeply about my religion, practice it daily, and would do anything for it, those times were tough for me.

Fast forward to present, and there's still extremist morons out there doing stupid stuff. At this point, I've learned to become "desensitized" to such acts, and really just feel sorry/laugh at those morons. The jokes are still there, but that's all there are to me, jokes. I'll laugh, share my own, and then be on my way. In this case, a video of a terrible event (yes 9 years later), and people are still up and arms or can't even understand that there can be humor about it.

I'm gonna stick by my beliefs and say that everyone has their own sense of humor and sensitivity. You're only right, because you fit the with the mass in agreement.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2009
In the back room, sleeping with the waifu
Meh, say one thing that sounds insensitive, and get ravaged by others because of it being just that.

Anywhom seeing everyone else is doing it, eh why the hell not;

My own reasoning as to why I laughed at that said vid again is due to it still reflects to my own and perhaps several million other families of soldiers as well. While that may of course be another opinion, it does not help the fact that yes up to 3000 people died that day, but to this day; the death toll for this said "war" on terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, <whatever the next excuse to invade a country for here> has already taken more than what one day in history has done.

While we may think of those whom died on 9/11, what about those whom are having to take up arms and leave families behind still? Those whom have to suffer on a day to day basis, those whom may only see their brother, sister, mother, father, etc for the last time for years. Only to get the call saying they were killed in the line of duty? I may have sympathy for lives lost, but what I don't have sympathy for is why those lives are being lost. For a so-called freedom, patriotism, whatever other reason that is being shout out for in the name of America.

Anyways; only just recently was this said war over with.... really? Why is it over now and not when after all that was said and done with finding out WoMD were non-existent then? Or how about those whom are still considered a threat? Sure the president may say/consider the war "over", but those are mere words. It doesn't help the fact that people are still being deployed into a place that can still be considered a war zone.

When I woke up at my schools desk on the day shots were heard all around the world. To see the TV report going on I didn't think much of it. Sure soon after when people living on Benning or any other installation, were sent home due to going into a state of high alert that I only started to question what was going on, and to then see my old man leave me not once, twice, but as of this Sunday; leave for a third time into one of the very hard hit places in the middle east. To know that once again he is putting his life at risk and leave family behind whom will have to wait in anticipation that he comes back alive. All because of this simple action done by whom we call "terrorists".

Ryo, if you want to punch me if we ever see eye to eye hypothetically then go right ahead, but because you saw an event occur with your own two eyes on that said day. Does not mean no one else still is seeing it unfold right before them.

So call me sick if ya want, but I do it because it is the only way I know on how to react from this. Knowing that if 9/11 never happened. My old man my could have been retired as of now and being able to make up for the time missed with him. Families with their own kin lost in this war, may have been given a chance to not of died. Sadly, I can only wish and hope that everyone whom goes over can return safely, but the outcome of such a thing is never what we expect until it occurs.

Heh, prolly gonna just get chewed out more for this, but oh well.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
Your view is ignorant. You don't act like one atrocity's grievers are just overly sensitive because "worse **** has happened" since. There's probably someone out there who still doesn't give 2 ****s about how much worse has happened since pearl harbor because they lost family and friends in a 50+ year old tragedy. If someone makes a joke that's one thing but then trying to act like it's their emotional ****up because they don't appreciate it isn't even a matter of insensitivity, it's straight up lack of basic human intelligence.

Considering a friend I've had for 20 years has been deployed thrice and there are things he just will not talk about (see: most of it) I don't see how being appropriately respectful regarding 1 event precludes your doing it for another.

My friend's mother died of cancer. As a result I don't make cancer jokes around him. That's not sensitivity, that's being a worthwhile human being and understanding everything has a time and a place. Friends of mine were discussing things in a backyard for hours and discussion about 9/11 came up. I just went to the bathroom and by the time I cam e back the subject changed, no one questioned it despite many people there knowing full well why I got up despite my not saying it.

My issue with your statement was the GLARING logical fallacy, not that you laughed at a dumb joke. I can't slam someone for subjectively enjoying something, but I will not for a second hesitate to absolutely mow someone down for pontificating with their foot in their mouth.


Smash Ace
Sep 9, 2009
Didn't bother reading your post, Sen, too long Dx

I was in 2nd grade when that happened.

My mom won't even let me spend the night at my friend's this weekend because she said these people are going on rampages, burning Muslim bibles or something like that, so she thinks I'm gonna get kidnapped or something.

9/11 wasn't funny or sad to me. It was just an 'eh' moment. I was young and the event creeped me out, thinking I was gonna get stormed out a huge building (but I grew outta it). It seems all like an epic movie to me now, but still kinda scares me a little. That's all.

Lol @ Ryko. You'll get no sympathy from me.

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
Vandalizing houses and really hurting people and insulting their religion =/= jokes.
Joking about 72 girls who don't know what the hell to do = joke.

Back to my other example, to relate it to yours...

Black people love fried chicken and Kool-Aid for every meal = joke.
Dragging a black person across town from the back of your car =/= joke.

Now, imagine if someone had bombed any precious place related to your religion and thousands of people who live for the same reason you do died. This wasn't glorified in any war or given with just cause. Just an out-of-the-blue outrageous act.
How long would it take you to call that a joke? A month? Two?

I care about what happened then. And I care about other things. I wouldn't laugh at the subway bombs halfway across the world and I wouldn't laugh at Pearl Harbor.

I'm truly sorry that people gave you crap after the event, but I never got any dirty looks because of 9/11, so I still care about 2700+ innocent lives contributing to a functional society--- lost.


Smash Ace
Sep 9, 2009
It's called Cristina's bull****, kthx. :D I skimmed through it afterwards and laughed at it. I remain neutral to your complaning/fighting/looks or something. ]: Sadly, I don't have time to be entered in your huge argument.

Edit: Pff, don't double post. =/ And I'm talking about your massive complaining on something so subtle. It's kinda annoying. Humans are always too blind to look at the other sides. You think we don't look at your side when we plainly do. You're too blind, however, to see that we do. :D

Edit: Oh, and if you want to complain about my text, then just don't read it. Simple solution, right? :D


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
I disregarded everything you said because

What are you, stupid? Colorblind? 12? Seriously, this isn't AOL chat. Learn to pick a font color if you're going to be obnoxious enough to change it in the first place.

Edit: After highlighting, we coincidentally picked the same solution! That really was simple.


Smash Ace
Sep 9, 2009
I don't use AOL. Come again? :3 Btw, I said if you have an issue with it, then don't read it. Simplest solution for everyone.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
You're still posting despite the fact that I'm not actually reading anything you're saying. If what you're saying is to not read it then you're repeating yourself like the 12 year old I suspect you to be.

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
Cristina. Ryko. I like you both and all, but this is stupider than anything else going on in the thread.




Edit 2:
He is right, though, Cristina. I have to try hard to read what you're saying.


Smash Ace
Sep 9, 2009
It's not like I care. :chuckle: It's actually kinda funny that you're ignoring everything I say now, because I could post something completely rude towards you and it'll be oblivious. :D Next thing ya know, people are gonna start-- Lawl. I like pie. *.*
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