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Ike Boards General/Q&A Thread


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
In NY, losing The Game (constantly)
Anyway. Jam. I suggest applying to more than just Ivy League, bro. Some of those schools basically require you to know the dean to get in. I'm not at all saying you can't get in. I'm just saying you need some more options.

(I only applied to one university, but that's because I was pretty much guaranteed accepted.)
I know. Thing is, where else should I apply? I have several others in mind, but still not enough. I better start looking. It's already halfway through summer.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Focus on what colleges excel with the areas of studies you are interested in. No point in going to an Ivy league school that does poorly in your field of interest. Your education should be your first priority. Also food for thought, it's not a bad idea to attend a college in your city (example for me is, University of Texas at Dallas). You can find to your amazement, that they can be good in certain fields as well.

Edit: The college I go to (UT Austin) has the 20th best undergrad Psych program. Since my field of interest is psychology, it was an obvious choice for me.

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
Univertisty of North Texas is the only place I applied because they have one of the top music schools in the nation and it's 25 minutes away from where I had lived my whole life.

The university itself is not hard to get into. The music school is-- accepts less than a third of all applicants. I didn't really need a backup plan in case I didn't make it into the music school because I could still have just gotten a bunch of cores out of the way before my next audition.

(But of course I'm a bad*** and made it in.)


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Greetings Ike mains,
I am trying to improve and learn MUs by playing people with the most experience, the people who main that character.

Do you have a wifi thread or xat chat where I can find matches?
Feel free to leave visitor messages concerning wifi for me.

Currently I have little experience vs Ike and suck. Thankyou for your time.


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
Greetings Ike mains,
I am trying to improve and learn MUs by playing people with the most experience, the people who main that character.

Do you have a wifi thread or xat chat where I can find matches?
Feel free to leave visitor messages concerning wifi for me.

Currently I have little experience vs Ike and suck. Thankyou for your time.
Well, aren't you lucky?

We (well, Nysyarc) host(s) biweeklies every Sunday. There is a topic complete with a xat link.

If you go there during the biweekly you will have no shortage of people to play with, even if you aren't doing Ike dittos.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
I pissed off Niddo and he gave me an annoying lecture on how this country is corrupt and Canada is a true escape from reality.
Nah, it has nothing to do with the countries. It's the left wing nuts being in charge of countries that corrupts things. Obama is left wing. Harper is right wing. The US is sinking farther into debt through stupid ideas like changing the health care system to one that doesn't work and has lots of problems in every country where it's used, Canada is gaining money and finally got out of the left wing nut's created debt last year.

And no, you probably don't want to be stabbed by a this. *stabs bored with a rusty pen knife* See, that hurts a lot, doesn't it? And now you need a shot to make sure you don't get some kind of disease due to the rust! :bee:


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
It's not free though. Neither the Canadian one, or the American system going into effect in 2014 or w/e year it was.

And I knew what it was called, but I couldn't spell it close enough for spellcheck to pick it up. ;_;


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
*stabs bored with a rusty pen knife*
Because Bored is awesome, he is able to prevent such stabbing by reversing time and moving out of the way at the last second. Yes, while not Persian, being in South Asia and having some roots to the Persian Empire grants him the hook up. All is well now, and a simple Slaps substitution was used in his place to take the stabbing.

Anyone check out the DC Online Universe trailer? Looks pretty interesting on how so many people get their "powers". I hope they provide two months free instead of charging 15 a month from the get go.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Sorry about this, I'm in a bad mood.

Nah, it has nothing to do with the countries. It's the left wing nuts being in charge of countries that corrupts things. Obama is left wing. Harper is right wing. The US is sinking farther into debt through stupid ideas like changing the health care system to one that doesn't work and has lots of problems in every country where it's used, Canada is gaining money and finally got out of the left wing nut's created debt last year.
http://www.usgovernmentspending.com...bt As Percent Of GDP&state=US&color=c&local=s

Health reform was first started by Teddy Roosevelt, Republican. Richard Nixon also tried. It’s not just left wing who have pushed a health care reform. Left wing ‘nuts’ didn’t make the deficit sky rocket after 2001 either. Since the reform passed the deficit is predicted to drop.

And cut the partisan BS. America is a free country built on a foundation of different beliefs working together. If you don’t like it, it’s your right to complain freely. Just like it’s my right to say get your facts strait. Do you want to complain blindly or fix the situation?


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
I REALLY don't want to talk about Islam (or any other religion, but Islam is mine) online on a forum about a video game

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
That's sort of my point.

As much as I'd actually love to have such a conversation, you really wouldn't.

Likewise, as much as they'd love to flame each other and for "not knowing politics" and such, I bet a few of us really don't want to get into that crap.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
Sorry about this, I'm in a bad mood.

http://www.usgovernmentspending.com...bt As Percent Of GDP&state=US&color=c&local=s

Health reform was first started by Teddy Roosevelt, Republican. Richard Nixon also tried. It’s not just left wing who have pushed a health care reform. Left wing ‘nuts’ didn’t make the deficit sky rocket after 2001 either. Since the reform passed the deficit is predicted to drop.

And cut the partisan BS. America is a free country built on a foundation of different beliefs working together. If you don’t like it, it’s your right to complain freely. Just like it’s my right to say get your facts strait. Do you want to complain blindly or fix the situation?
1) I'm not American. Just double checking that that point has been made clear.

2) I'm "complaining" because the situation isn't being fixed. It's being broken even further. Have you been in a country with a similar style of health care system to the one being put in? I did not enjoy waiting several hours to get past the ER waiting room when I was having problems breathing, and was throwing up mucus/blood constantly. My Grandmother has to wait a good 8 months for a scan of her hip. And then who knows how much longer afterwards she'll get the actual replacement. With the old/current US system, wait times were much, much shorter. I should also note those wait times will indeed kill people. Sorry, but some people will not survive the extra wait.

There is also the fact doctors are getting screwed over in this. There will be less doctors around, meaning they will need to take on more patients, but they will be getting payed less. I'm sorry, but as a future med-student: there is even less reason for me to entertain the idea of moving back to the US at some point when I'm a doctor. I've talked to several med-students/doctors, several of them are considering leaving the country for their med-school, and for where they practice. Why shouldn't they say, go to Canada where med-school is half the cost, but the pay will be about the same, as well as less patients due to the population being lower? With potential doctors moving out, it means the current ones in the US will have even more work, and thus be even more screwed over, and thus even more potential doctors will practice somewhere else, ect.

And then there is the fact will all of that happening, the quality of health care will drop. Again, from my experiences: the pass/current US system provides better quality of service.

3) That's nice that those other two tried and failed (though during the time of Teddy, the Republican party might have been the left wing party. I can't remember when the two sides basically switched, US history was a boring class). Guess who got it through, and thus will get the blame when things start falling apart?

4) Both sides are responsible for the deficit. Obama had a chance to lower it however, but has only raised it.

5) Fun fact: depending on how you look at things, either Clinton or Carter is responsible for the US market dropping, and thus the world recession. The US market dropped due to major banks going under. The banks went under because they gave out bad loans. These ban loans were things like high risk loans to those investing in the house market in California. Both Carter and Clinton allowed laws to pass that gave banks further rights as to who they gave loans to: it's simply a matter of opinion if you blame Carter for getting the ball rolling, or Clinton for strengthening the rolling of the ball.


1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
Just finished downgrading my wii and getting priiloader and everything. Is USBLoader GX the best to load brawl? I need to at least get some play on training mode before trying to get to Apex.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Yea, and I believe you can still use Ocarina/Gecko with it if you want to load codes. San, just IM me if you need any help.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
4) Both sides are responsible for the deficit. Obama had a chance to lower it however, but has only raised it.

5) Fun fact: depending on how you look at things, either Clinton or Carter is responsible for the US market dropping, and thus the world recession.
Lol, sorry you sounded like an American. Um, ...why do you care?

A big thing I hear about the reform is it will be like other country's systems. That's not true. While the health system is government regulated, it remains a competition driven industry. Basically why Clinton's version failed was it was government run. As with any capitalist practices competition is the main factor in keeping costs down. The regulation is intended to weed out $948 billion of unnecessary spending. Rule-out tests cost a lot, physicians aren’t networked and people often have to wait until an injury or illness is emergency room critical to be treated. The situation was going to collapse on it’s self in a short time anyway. Insurance premiums were increasing faster than wages: Between 1999 and 2008, average annual family premiums more than doubled, rising from $5,791 to $12,680, an increase of 119 percent. Without health reform, average family premiums are projected to increase from $13,100 in 2009 to more than $22,000 by 2019.
And the number of uninsured Americans was raising, 47 million and counting. I can say from family experience, an ambulance ride, no additional treatment, alone is easily $1,400. 3 nights in a hospital, not including treatment of any kind was $5,300. The job market sucks, there’s 47 million people who are going to be paying off bills from one night for the rest of their lives. The system needed reworking. According to the World Health organization:
“The U.S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance, the report finds.”
That’s a failing system.

Spending money is not uncommon when dealing with a depression. World War 2 really helped the American economy (sorry Europe, we got the ‘better end’ of that war, economically). Since Iraq hasn’t had that affect for reasons that aren’t part of this discussion, Healthcare is designed to stimulate the economy by expanding Medicare, Medicaid, and government funded organizations, increase information technology and networking and make the system as efficient as possible. This involves creating jobs by hiring doctors. Insurance companies can’t take advantage of Americans with extra charges, in that sense they’ll loose money. Any cancelation of coverage, firing of personal is solely the decision of the insurance company. And Americans involved will always have options to be insured. People are protected by the patient’s bill of rights:

Fun fact: Clinton had a surplus of $236.24 billion when he left office and Bush took over. Bush created a deficit of $412.73 billion by 2004. A large factor was Wall Street corruption with companies like Enron around 2001. I don’t agree with the bailout strategy but Obama has not raised the deficit. It sucked now it sucks slightly less. Both sides were responsible because they didn’t want to accept reality and would rather fight with each other than deal with it. Ultimately the inaction of the people allowed the depression.
“The world is not dangerous because of those who do harm but because of those who look at it without doing anything”
-Albert Einstein

I am enjoying this debate, I like a good debate, so don’t get me wrong I’m not angry or anything, just passionate. But the Ike social thread might not be the best place...

Sorry Ike mains.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
President Mahmoud of Iran has the best sense of humor I have ever seen from a politician. First "no homosexuals in Iran" and now saying Paul the Octopus is a sign of how the Western world is decaying rofl.

Edit: ALSM, you still owe me 5 bucks from our mm. Just sayin.


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
President Mahmoud is seriously a funny guy.

"We thank God that our enemies are idiots."

How can you not love this dude?


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
Lol, sorry you sounded like an American. Um, ...why do you care?

A big thing I hear about the reform is it will be like other country's systems. That's not true. While the health system is government regulated, it remains a competition driven industry. Basically why Clinton's version failed was it was government run. As with any capitalist practices competition is the main factor in keeping costs down. The regulation is intended to weed out $948 billion of unnecessary spending. Rule-out tests cost a lot, physicians aren’t networked and people often have to wait until an injury or illness is emergency room critical to be treated. The situation was going to collapse on it’s self in a short time anyway. Insurance premiums were increasing faster than wages: Between 1999 and 2008, average annual family premiums more than doubled, rising from $5,791 to $12,680, an increase of 119 percent. Without health reform, average family premiums are projected to increase from $13,100 in 2009 to more than $22,000 by 2019.
And the number of uninsured Americans was raising, 47 million and counting. I can say from family experience, an ambulance ride, no additional treatment, alone is easily $1,400. 3 nights in a hospital, not including treatment of any kind was $5,300. The job market sucks, there’s 47 million people who are going to be paying off bills from one night for the rest of their lives. The system needed reworking. According to the World Health organization:
“The U.S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance, the report finds.”
That’s a failing system.

Spending money is not uncommon when dealing with a depression. World War 2 really helped the American economy (sorry Europe, we got the ‘better end’ of that war, economically). Since Iraq hasn’t had that affect for reasons that aren’t part of this discussion, Healthcare is designed to stimulate the economy by expanding Medicare, Medicaid, and government funded organizations, increase information technology and networking and make the system as efficient as possible. This involves creating jobs by hiring doctors. Insurance companies can’t take advantage of Americans with extra charges, in that sense they’ll loose money. Any cancelation of coverage, firing of personal is solely the decision of the insurance company. And Americans involved will always have options to be insured. People are protected by the patient’s bill of rights:

Fun fact: Clinton had a surplus of $236.24 billion when he left office and Bush took over. Bush created a deficit of $412.73 billion by 2004. A large factor was Wall Street corruption with companies like Enron around 2001. I don’t agree with the bailout strategy but Obama has not raised the deficit. It sucked now it sucks slightly less. Both sides were responsible because they didn’t want to accept reality and would rather fight with each other than deal with it. Ultimately the inaction of the people allowed the depression.
“The world is not dangerous because of those who do harm but because of those who look at it without doing anything”
-Albert Einstein

I am enjoying this debate, I like a good debate, so don’t get me wrong I’m not angry or anything, just passionate. But the Ike social thread might not be the best place...

Sorry Ike mains.
I care because I'm currently living in the US. My dad is in the Canadian Air Force, got posted to the US in an exchange posting.

1) Oh, I agree that the health care system needs/needed reworking. However, this is the wrong way to do it. But it is a lot like other systems: government involvement. If they are involved, thing will go south. Obviously, they aren't spending a whole lot of money so they can just watch what is happening: they are getting involved to some extent. A much better system would be to have a combination style healthcare. On the one hand, you have hospitals that act exactly like they are now: with people paying a lot, to get good health care. On the other, you have hospitals with lots of government involvement, which costs less, but has longer wait times, ect. The people who can afford a higher level of health care get theirs, the people who can't afford it get theres.

2) Bush wasn't the best Pres. by any means, but he got a lot of stuff just dropped on his plate. That Enron thing would have started happening before he was the President. And then you have 9/11, with the US people wanting those responsible brought to justice. He was also the lessor of two evils in both elections. I'd hate to see how much money Al Gore would have wasted on "Green" projects, or protecting the environment by flying around in his private jet to discuss the issues. Obama has had some things just dropped on his plate as well, but he's not handling them that well either. Bailouts work in theory, but you can never tell what people are going to do with the money. I also don't believe the health care sector is the right place to look for making money.

And I would say that the Iraq war is making some amount of money, or at least helping the economy. It's basically impossible not to make money in a war, as long as it's not on your turf. All of that stuff being sent over needs to be built; everything from bullets, vests, guns, tanks, food for the soldiers, ect. That stuff is being built in the US, for US soldiers. Thus, Americans are making the stuff, and have jobs. They in turn have money to spend, ect. However, war has changed since WW2, and is a lot more hunting then fighting, thus not making as much off of it.

Yays political debates!


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
I care because I'm currently living in the US. My dad is in the Canadian Air Force, got posted to the US in an exchange posting.

1) Oh, I agree that the health care system needs/needed reworking. However, this is the wrong way to do it. But it is a lot like other systems: government involvement. If they are involved, thing will go south. Obviously, they aren't spending a whole lot of money so they can just watch what is happening: they are getting involved to some extent. A much better system would be to have a combination style healthcare. On the one hand, you have hospitals that act exactly like they are now: with people paying a lot, to get good health care. On the other, you have hospitals with lots of government involvement, which costs less, but has longer wait times, ect. The people who can afford a higher level of health care get theirs, the people who can't afford it get theres.

2) Bush wasn't the best Pres. by any means, but he got a lot of stuff just dropped on his plate. That Enron thing would have started happening before he was the President. And then you have 9/11, with the US people wanting those responsible brought to justice. He was also the lessor of two evils in both elections. I'd hate to see how much money Al Gore would have wasted on "Green" projects, or protecting the environment by flying around in his private jet to discuss the issues. Obama has had some things just dropped on his plate as well, but he's not handling them that well either. Bailouts work in theory, but you can never tell what people are going to do with the money. I also don't believe the health care sector is the right place to look for making money.

And I would say that the Iraq war is making some amount of money, or at least helping the economy. It's basically impossible not to make money in a war, as long as it's not on your turf. All of that stuff being sent over needs to be built; everything from bullets, vests, guns, tanks, food for the soldiers, ect. That stuff is being built in the US, for US soldiers. Thus, Americans are making the stuff, and have jobs. They in turn have money to spend, ect. However, war has changed since WW2, and is a lot more hunting then fighting, thus not making as much off of it.

Yays political debates!
Mind if I pop in? Just going to drop some (hopefully logical) counter-arguments so that you can review and strengthen your original arguments.

1) A combination style health program manages to infringe upon something that should always be considered a top priority: Economic well-being should have virtually no say in the outcome of your physical well-being. Long wait times are simply going to kill people. And they are going to kill the middle-class worker and below. You COULD tax the upper echelon's health care to speed up the process for the others but that sort of puts a roll of duct tape on the problem instead of actually solving it, metaphorically speaking.

2) First off, 9/11 was definitely a witch hunt no matter which way you look at it. And could you please justify your anti-Gore and anti-Kerry arguments? The way I see it, you're pretty much condemning short-term environmental spending, even if it has long term benefits. And I didn't even see justification for Kerry being bad. Also: Having a lot of stuff dropped on your plate is no excuse for inadequacy, especially if we're talking about the most important job in the free world. You know who else had a lot of stuff dropped on his plate? FDR did. A great deal more than Bush, may I add.

3) Please don't act like people dying is a good thing. Thank you.

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
Have you guys ever had a feeling that you'd get a 50 on a big test... and then you get the grade back and it's an A?

It's crazy. How I got a 97 on my midterm is beyond me.

If I were to take a test on explaining how I got a 97 on that test, I would fail.


1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
Couldn't tell if that was a little kid or what.

I hyped my wii up on drugs, downloaders, and a USB external HDD so now I have brawl working fine w/ codes. Only problems(?) are decreased load times and zelda switching is faster, which I knew would happen anyways. I'm going to have to check other characters/stages to see if everything works fine.

I'll probably just become more of a pirate because I know I can't stop myself from downloading that stuff lol.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Isn't this stuff not allowed to be discuss on here anyways? That's why I always use other terms such as "other means" or "obtained" LOL.


1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
Ah w/e. The mods aren't dumb so they would know what you're talking about anyways. Most forums I've been to only banned links.

Assumed brawl forums would be more lenient because of all of its own hacks.

I've been thinking of a number of different things while I was playing today though.
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