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Ike Boards General/Q&A Thread


1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
That's because they weren't important enough to be more than wandering thoughts. More about thinking about bair spam and movement choice.

One Piece hasn't been delivering for me that much.Maybe it's just not for me(?).

@Ussi: I usually just don't play.
I play on practice mode on a few stages I always play on, my counterpicks, or what someone would counterpick against me once in a while.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Woo ifinally got my springs out of my controller!!

I love aether dragging, i actually made someone FF dair to his death cause he wanted to dsmash my aether's landing lag lololol, man not knowing the MU gets you away with so much crap


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
One Piece lately has been sort of, well, stagnant.

I guess after the Whitebeard War arc there can't be a whole lot more action for a while.

Best arc was the Arabasta arc, though. Sir Crocodile is like the best villain ever.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I thought the war was dragged out a bit. Personally, I was just getting annoyed by the fact that the rest of the crew got ditched. Now the war is over, and all you see them doing is "So that's what Luffy is doing! OKAY!!!!"

I mean, I'm sure I wasn't the only one wondering wtf Zoro and Mihawk chillin out together?! Correct me if I'm wrong, but Zoro said that the next time he'd see Mihawk, he'd be ready to take him on.

Edit: lolol at Usopp being fat.

2nd Edit: Not even a fan of strategy games, and I'm playin SC2.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I care because I'm currently living in the US. My dad is in the Canadian Air Force, got posted to the US in an exchange posting.

1) Oh, I agree that the health care system needs/needed reworking. However, this is the wrong way to do it. But it is a lot like other systems: government involvement.
Insurance companies lobbying was a huge factor before anyway. It's not like the government and industries weren't involved in a 'you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' relationship with money and regulations. One of the bigger campaigns against the health reform is by insurance company lobbyists.
Hospitals are getting more attention and personnel from the reform.

2) Bush wasn't the best Pres. by any means, but he got a lot of stuff just dropped on his plate. That Enron thing would have started happening before he was the President. And then you have 9/11, with the US people wanting those responsible brought to justice. He was also the lessor of two evils in both elections. I'd hate to see how much money Al Gore would have wasted on "Green" projects, or protecting the environment by flying around in his private jet to discuss the issues.
Bush had stuff on his plate but Iraq wasn't part of it. Iraq was pushed through with Bush taking advantage of 9/11. It was easily the biggest embarrassment in American history: a war based on false information that distracted from current priorities, was grossly misrepresented ("mission accomplished" and we're still fighting for almost a decade), and brought the economy deeper into a depression in wartime.
As for green projects, consider the alternative. Halliburton had no competition for the Iraq contract and was payed $billions despite improperly providing rations for soldiers and over charging for provisions.
This was when gas cost over $4 a gallon. VP Cheney was the CEO.

A side note on green energy: The sun has fueled all life on Earth for 4.5 billion years. Water and air are everywhere people can live and are essential to life. In any given situation people will have easy access to one or more of solar, wind, and hydro electric power. This means green energy cannot be monopolized or treated as a commodity. Gas topped $4 a gallon. The sun is the most direct transfer to usable power, no steam turbines or waste. If we, humans, can depend on liquid drilled out of the ground from ancient bones, we can make use of green energy. I admit green energy wouldn't have helped in Iraq right away but thing how much heat, solar, and wind energy is being wasted in that area.
And I would say that the Iraq war is making some amount of money, or at least helping the economy. It's basically impossible not to make money in a war, as long as it's not on your turf. All of that stuff being sent over needs to be built; everything from bullets, vests, guns, tanks, food for the soldiers, ect. That stuff is being built in the US, for US soldiers. Thus, Americans are making the stuff, and have jobs. They in turn have money to spend, ect. However, war has changed since WW2, and is a lot more hunting then fighting, thus not making as much off of it.
Basically, I see Bush trying to fight 'Desert Storm' (that Bush senior was involved in) but 20 years late. The vaguely definable enemy didn't simply retreat; they adapter and used guerrilla tactics. Transporting an army is extremely taxing, tanks suck gas fast and transporting fuel sets up easy target situations. Our military was too 'thinly spread' over large areas, most of which shouldn't have taken priority. Wars, when won, are supposed to make money and stimulate the economy. That's why this was such an embarrassment. Also, I feel the troops were taken advantage of and not cared for after their leave.

1) A combination style health program manages to infringe upon something that should always be considered a top priority: Economic well-being should have virtually no say in the outcome of your physical well-being. Long wait times are simply going to kill people. And they are going to kill the middle-class worker and below. You COULD tax the upper echelon's health care to speed up the process for the others but that sort of puts a roll of duct tape on the problem instead of actually solving it, metaphorically speaking.
Economic well-being and the physical health of people go hand and hand. Health reform is designed to reduce waiting times and expand preventive care. Without reform or change, at least 22,000 Americans will die every year due to lack of health insurance. And the number of people without insurance would keep growing. Prevention is 90% of anything, I always say.

Good political debate <3


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
^this guy
too smart, i come back from a low IQ oliday and find this, my head hurts XD
but really, good read


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
Mind if I pop in? Just going to drop some (hopefully logical) counter-arguments so that you can review and strengthen your original arguments.

1) A combination style health program manages to infringe upon something that should always be considered a top priority: Economic well-being should have virtually no say in the outcome of your physical well-being. Long wait times are simply going to kill people. And they are going to kill the middle-class worker and below. You COULD tax the upper echelon's health care to speed up the process for the others but that sort of puts a roll of duct tape on the problem instead of actually solving it, metaphorically speaking.

2) First off, 9/11 was definitely a witch hunt no matter which way you look at it. And could you please justify your anti-Gore and anti-Kerry arguments? The way I see it, you're pretty much condemning short-term environmental spending, even if it has long term benefits. And I didn't even see justification for Kerry being bad. Also: Having a lot of stuff dropped on your plate is no excuse for inadequacy, especially if we're talking about the most important job in the free world. You know who else had a lot of stuff dropped on his plate? FDR did. A great deal more than Bush, may I add.

3) Please don't act like people dying is a good thing. Thank you.
*kicks computer for not liking the internet for most of yesterday*

1) How would a combination interfere with the health care quality? The government aided hospitals would of course end up with more people, and thus have longer lines. However, because not everyone goes to those hospitals, the lines would be reduced, and thus less people die.

I also don't agree with "extra taxing the rich to help the poor" at all. I'm sorry, but if I worked my butt off in high school, worked even harder in college, took extra college years to get into one of the better paying jobs, and finally got in, I should not be forced to pay a higher percent of taxes to help those who didn't do as much. Yes, there are people who tried to do the same, but just couldn't get as far, and yes there are those who just got lucky money wise in the lottery, or inheritance wise, but there is no way to sort everyone out in the tax brackets. Seeing as there is no way to only add extra tax to those who didn't work for their higher paycheck, and give it to those who are trying their best and aren't just laying around: don't even try. Of course I feel sorry for those who don't do as well, but that's not the right way to help them: by punishing success.

2) I'll be blunt and say I don't remember much of Kerry except for his whole "Do well in school kids, or else you'll end up in Iraq!" comment, and the fact people who worked with him in Vietnam said that he was a coward and that the only enemy he ever shot was a kid. I watched less news during that election, due to living in a house only partly built, ect. However, the fact that Bush beat Kerry by a larger margin than he beat Gore in the electorals(sp?), even with grumblings about him going about screams volumes to me.

Gore quite frankly is a joke. Do you want your president to be the type of guy who goes around talking about "global warming" (which was later proven wrong, and changed to "climate change" BTW), and explain how bad CO2 is...by flying around in his private jet, causing lots of CO2 to fly out of the engines, when he could have taken public flights if he was serious about it? Or the fact that his house was one of the biggest energy wasters in his state? What about the fact that in one of his books about global warming, he initially published it, knowing that a graph in there sideways and was later for forced to fix it? The dude didn't even attempt to not be hypocritical when he was up for election, or in the events afterwards, imagine how bad he would have been as the President. He would have placed insane "green house preventive measures" on factories, which would have shut down a lot of them due to not having the money, slowing down the others, and losing money for the economy through it. Probably would have thrown in a "green tax" on gas like British Columbia has done (which is extremely stupid I would add. People have to use cars, why try to "punish" them for it when there is no other option lots of the time. Buses and Bikes can't go everywhere.) It would have been a nightmare of "green friendly" limitations and ideas all over the place, all for something that got proven false later and thus had to be changed to "climate change".

And don't even start trying to tell me that 9/11 was "just a witch hunt": you will lose that argument. My dad teaches NATO forces how to counteract terrorist propaganda within the middle east. The terrorists/extremists want American destroyed. They call it the Second Devil, the first one being Israel. Do you honestly think they would have stopped after the Trade Towers if we hadn't gone after them? That they would have stopped trying to destroy America just because we didn't react? Oh no, they would have continued right along, flying more airplanes into buildings. Or other types of terrorists attacks. It wouldn't not have stopped. And the moment all NATO forces pull out of the Middle East, they will simply start to regroup and plan similar attacks again. Like the events in the UK.

It is scary how good they are at propaganda. If you have ever believed that "Bush caused the towers to fall, just so he could start a war" (proven false on so many levels it's not even funny) or "The US is just over there for the oil" (even though the US has not taken a single extra drop of oil, and continue to just buy oil from the normal places): congrats, you just either believed something that the extremists started, or helped along! Now look at what percent of Americans believe one of those two things. It's no wonder that they think we're stupid. There is so much else stuff I could go into...it's just insane.

3) Like it or not, war is profitable. I obviously don't like war, but thats how things work: when there is one going on, the US makes money. Why do you think FDRs programs actually worked? They were all failing miserably until WW2.

I think most of my responses to the other post are covered in this, but:

A side note on green energy: The sun has fueled all life on Earth for 4.5 billion years. Water and air are everywhere people can live and are essential to life. In any given situation people will have easy access to one or more of solar, wind, and hydro electric power. This means green energy cannot be monopolized or treated as a commodity. Gas topped $4 a gallon. The sun is the most direct transfer to usable power, no steam turbines or waste. If we, humans, can depend on liquid drilled out of the ground from ancient bones, we can make use of green energy. I admit green energy wouldn't have helped in Iraq right away but thing how much heat, solar, and wind energy is being wasted in that area.
Wind Energy is not usable. You'd have to cover the entire US with windmills to generate enough energy to meet the needs of the country. There is also the fact it's dependent on the weather. Solar power is even more dependent on the weather, and isn't practical. Take a solar powered car for example: you have to cover the entire thing with solar panels, but then the weight of it all causes it's max speed to be maybe 40 miles an hour. I actually think it was 20, but I can't remember. And then there is all of the waste generated by throwing broken panels out. Hydro power is great, but only works where you actually have a place to build a dam, and then you get all of the environmental people going "Save the animals!". Hybrid cars don't work well, (why hello there fact that the greenest car of the year wasn't a Hybrid, but a diesel car), and has huge problems leaving waste when the batteries die. There is also the fact that the metal used in those batteries is fairly hard to find/build. Using corn as energy? Same problem as the wind energy, you'd have to cover the entire US to get enough energy, and if there was one bad year with the crops, the US would be screwed. Green energy is currently not even close to an option. The only other options that currently work are the few places we can have dams, and nuclear energy, which everyone doesn't like due to Cheyrnopal(sp?), and the problem with dealing with the waste. When there is an alternate solution that is actually viable, I'll support it. Until then, there is oil/natural gas and almost only oil/natural gas.


I wants SC2. Is the multiplayer as balanced as SC1s? I had one friend who played the Beta, and he said the Terrans dominated everything, and that the Protoss were worthless online.

EDIT, HOPEFULLY THIS WON'T BE MISSED: I've been poking around the BBR character discussions, and a comment has me thinking: what options do we have to keep Diddy at the ledge? Apparently, Marth beats Diddy as long as he keeps him there, due to the fact Diddy then can't use his banana game, and gets juggled no matter what he does getting off of the ledge. Obviously, Ike isn't Marth, but we have more range, and more knockback on our aerials without needing to space a tipper all of the time. Anyone willing to look into this? Because if we have an effective way to rack up the damage on a Diddy Kong trying to get back onstage from the ledge, combined with instant-throw/DACIT/other banana stuff, we just might be able to scrap out an advantage against him.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
advantage? No, even MU? maybe. Diddy can still punish everything OoS so GETTING HIM TO THE LEDGE will be the problem

Also, just fair/nair on the ledge is usually what i do, and if they are at kill percents i'll ftilt mix up sometimes. Also sometimes i space to be a pixel away from their <100% get up attack to hit them with fsmash lololol (newbs)


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
I don't think he can punish Jab OoS. And I was thinking if Marth can, in theory, have up to a 55-45 advantage, maybe Ike would be able to get the same in theory, though it would more likely be 50-50 (I already believe it's only 45-55). We don't have to keep Diddy Kong back as long as Marth does, due to having more KOing power.

I needs to look at that frame data again...


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
well, although i sit on the bench for most terror conversations because i dont feel like typing a ton, but i have to interrupt on this one

the 9/11 bombings were the worst terror act of the millenium (although it hasnt got much to contend with) however there are reasonings behind which-although arent the entire reason-couldnt have helped bin ladne make a different decision.
they called america the SECOND devil, didnt they? behind a certain israel. that being because of a large amonut of conflict that they were having with israel, now according to leaked data, it was found that america was funding a pretty large percentage of israel's weaponry and general supplies. as an resident of iraq, wouldnt you be extremely enraged to have a nation trying to destroy your way of life? would you not be jsut as mad as the country which was funding all the carnage?
although nothing can condemn their actions, they probably saw 9/11 as divine punishment on the americans for funding their destructions.

this isnt the only scenario, after england followed america into iraq, a mere 3 days afterwards, the first plans of the 7/7 bombings (albiet much smaller) were being put into place and followed through, another punishment, for from their point of view we were helping the devil, just as america had been.

and a less modern example.
adolf hitler lost a lung to mustard gas during world war 1, gave his all trying to fight for his country and subsequentially lost.
imagine the hatred he must have harboured to have given this much for his country only to find his countrymen and fellow soldiers dying on the street, meanwhile rich (and completely innocent) sucessful jews were warm and cosy in their houses, taking advantage of the profit war brings for some. would it not make you furious that these people were seemingly casting countrymen aside for the own gain.
and now, imagine that you suddenly had absolute power as a dictator, sure you wouldnt do what hitler did, that was psychotic. but you wouldnt want to take revenge from a twisted point of view wouldnt you?

people say that war is caused by religion, or maybe just power, but looking at it, i reckon patriotism is the cause

tl:dr: one hits, they other retaliates, in all cases of conflict

christ the life, if anyone trying to be a new ike main came to post in here they'd probably crap themselves and run at all this political talk


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
I don't think he can punish Jab OoS. And I was thinking if Marth can, in theory, have up to a 55-45 advantage, maybe Ike would be able to get the same in theory, though it would more likely be 50-50 (I already believe it's only 45-55). We don't have to keep Diddy Kong back as long as Marth does, due to having more KOing power.

I needs to look at that frame data again...
Jab has a -12 advantage on block, meaning everyone but slow tethers can shield grab Ike's jab and Diddy can easily Glide toss to punish jab cause it takes like 7 frames.

of course reaction wise Ike can probably get the grab or jab again as Diddy couldn't time it right away

Only character that can't punish jab OoS i would say is Yoshi cause jab will eat spotdodge and Yoshi has a 17 frame shield drop... hell we can jab 2 Yoshi's shield and reset the jab link without getting punished since jab 2 is a -15 frame advantage


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2010
Thunder Bluff, or Franklin NC
Jab has a -12 advantage on block, meaning everyone but slow tethers can shield grab Ike's jab and Diddy can easily Glide toss to punish jab cause it takes like 7 frames.

of course reaction wise Ike can probably get the grab or jab again as Diddy couldn't time it right away

Only character that can't punish jab OoS i would say is Yoshi cause jab will eat spotdodge and Yoshi has a 17 frame shield drop... hell we can jab 2 Yoshi's shield and reset the jab link without getting punished since jab 2 is a -15 frame advantage
That's pretty awesome


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
yeah, but thats yoshi, does anyone even use him?

diddy generally a pain keeping the narna's away from a good diddy takes a bit of practise


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
what i said it only on paper though, in practice, you have to really be disciplined to keep jab canceling on a Yoshi's shield all day without messing up or feeling like a *******.

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
All the political **** I told everybody they shouldn't be talking about
Okay. Maybe I'll just leave for a week or two and hope you guys have shut up by the time I get back. Take it to the PMs, seriously. It's annoying as all hell.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
Jab has a -12 advantage on block, meaning everyone but slow tethers can shield grab Ike's jab and Diddy can easily Glide toss to punish jab cause it takes like 7 frames.

of course reaction wise Ike can probably get the grab or jab again as Diddy couldn't time it right away

Only character that can't punish jab OoS i would say is Yoshi cause jab will eat spotdodge and Yoshi has a 17 frame shield drop... hell we can jab 2 Yoshi's shield and reset the jab link without getting punished since jab 2 is a -15 frame advantage
Stupid lack of shield stun on Jab. We have hit stun, why not shield stun? ;_;

And I haven't found anything else we can take from the BBR character discussions to use for ourself yet. I am however positive I'll get to flame idiots/stab them with a rusty pen knife after the next tier list when they discuss Ike. :D If I even think I see someone suggesting Fair > Nair, I'm stabbing them. :bee:


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
fair > nair is a fun combo to pull off on idoits

oh wait that was a greater than sign...

Aerial rankings i would put it at:

Nair/Bair (really hard to decide for an overall use)

Also, anyone know if you can or can't buffer in shield stun?


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
Stupid lack of shield stun on Jab. We have hit stun, why not shield stun? ;_;

And I haven't found anything else we can take from the BBR character discussions to use for ourself yet. I am however positive I'll get to flame idiots/stab them with a rusty pen knife after the next tier list when they discuss Ike. :D If I even think I see someone suggesting Fair > Nair, I'm stabbing them. :bee:
dear lord someone shoot these people
then again, i was told by an apparent ike expert (at an anime convention, obviously) said that the only moves ike has that are worth using a chargable moves and ike has a really amazing recovery.

i jsut laughed as he tried to convince me that ike, jigglypuff and captain falcon were the best characters in the game, and when i suggested meta knight he said meta knight was below average


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
Niddo just super wall of texted me (thanks for using punctuation and paragraph spaces, by the way).

For the first time ever I am saving another user's post so that I may refer to it later.

Don't expect a reply too soon though, alright?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2009
EDIT, HOPEFULLY THIS WON'T BE MISSED: I've been poking around the BBR character discussions, and a comment has me thinking: what options do we have to keep Diddy at the ledge? Apparently, Marth beats Diddy as long as he keeps him there, due to the fact Diddy then can't use his banana game, and gets juggled no matter what he does getting off of the ledge. Obviously, Ike isn't Marth, but we have more range, and more knockback on our aerials without needing to space a tipper all of the time. Anyone willing to look into this? Because if we have an effective way to rack up the damage on a Diddy Kong trying to get back onstage from the ledge, combined with instant-throw/DACIT/other banana stuff, we just might be able to scrap out an advantage against him.
I doubt Ike vs Diddy will ever be Ike's advantage. Ike is heavier and dies later compared to Marth, but can also be gimped easier too. Marth also gimps Diddy better than Ike does. For ledge options, Fair/Nair, as Ussi said (not that different than against any other chars really...just have to be ready for nana tosses). But Ike's aerials come out slower compared to Marth, so I don't think he would be able to trap Diddy as effectively. Ike can't juggle as well either.

Also, people are debating if Marth vs Diddy really is in Marth's advantage. On paper it seems so, but in practice not so much. I think this quote sums most of it up.


Just sayin. You can't explain a matchup on paper and account for a players inability to always react correctly and guess perfectly. Diddy does so much damage from one connecting banana that the number of mix ups you have to win to maintain a lead (as well as basically not let Diddy get back to the ground) is huge when you actually factor in that Diddy can repel your pressure even without bananas.

The scenario you're describing requires marth to OUTPLAY the diddy kong player because it's read specific. He doesn't have "guaranteed" scenarios or particularly strong frametraps that allow him to stay in control like he does vs snake.
Because, in theory, no one should ever get hit by Ike's fair since it comes out slower than reaction time.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX

Okay. Maybe I'll just leave for a week or two and hope you guys have shut up by the time I get back. Take it to the PMs, seriously. It's annoying as all hell.
I don't like it much either, but general discussion is general.

Edit: Where is New York Shark? Haven't heard from that guy in ages.


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
I've rethought my position on this. Out of respect for Brett's wishes as the topic creator (though I would do this even if it wasn't his topic because I like Brett [no homo]) I'm just going to not butt into the political debate from now on. If you really want a reply, Niddo, just let me know and I'll PM you.

Definitely not promising to only use this topic to discuss Ike matters but I'll leave politics out of the equation for now.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
i need a new reaction time apparently
Reaction time + wifi lag = getting hit.

Seriously though, I'm sometimes surprised when I jump off stage and kill an opponent with an f-air. I'm just like "O_o did you not see that coming at all?". However, when I try a D-air, they air dodge it.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
They are more afraid of dair in the end :p

plus people sometimes just never realize how HUGE the hitbox fair has


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
When I walk off Faired someone at a smashfest and then asked him why he didn't dodge he said:

"I didn't think it would hit me."


Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2009
At the distance you would hit with fair, its possible that airdodging would put them in a bad position (if they used their midair jump, I guess), so people usually don't do it.
That being said, I should probably DS earlier if I see that coming -pokes Metroid-. Walk off fair kills really well if they don't expect it.


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
At the distance you would hit with fair, its possible that airdodging would put them in a bad position (if they used their midair jump, I guess), so people usually don't do it.
That being said, I should probably DS earlier if I see that coming -pokes Metroid-. Walk off fair kills really well if they don't expect it.
One would argue that dying also puts the opponent in a bad position.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
One would argue that dying also puts the opponent in a bad position.
Just from my playstyle, FAir is used so often that it's a pretty weak killing move unless I just came back from dying. For characters with a lot of horizontal drift, it's not hard to eat the hit and DI up so that you can recover, whereas if you airdodge you might not be able to make it back.

Also, anyone know if you can or can't buffer in shield stun?
I'm pretty sure that's how most NAiricides happen - you try to drop your shield and jab, but your opponent hits your shield and you die because your now-buffered input registers as a NAir.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Well, that's why I always insist on doing walk off f-airs when they are high on damage + pretty fresh. Other then that, then I might get gimped.

Most of my damage is done through jabs and n-air o_O.

Edit: So I wanted to confirm this. When Ike does a walk off f-air on another Ike, who has little to no damage, DI's up and tries to QD onto the edge before aether, so they get gimped. I've always had success QD'ing onto the edge, but it feels like it shouldn't be happening. I feel like an earlier aether could gimp the QD'in Ike. Thoughts?

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
I haven't really tried that because I'm afraid of Aether gimping me. Instead, I've just waited for him to Aether first. Then I toss my sword up just after. It'll kill him if you're lucky enough to space where it'll hit with the spike at the end (and you remember to re-grab the ledge).


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Depends on how spaced the aether was. If you aether and are on the ledge then QD will snap on first...

Least this happened to me when i tried gimping Pika's skull bash this way with aether :urg:


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
i think walkoff fair is a decent tactic for ike against people with less-than-stellar recoveries, i mean theres no point trying it on mk, cause he'll jsut hit you, however if you get marth offstage you can do it providing youre ready to tech a dolphin slash.
looking into it maybe? the massive range on it will probably catch people out, and this slose to the boundaries, its deadly

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
Noooooo, not Marth unless he has bad reaction time and you're really fooling him.

Ness + Lucas, maybe Snake... those are better examples, depending on the situation.

Key word = situation. Don't get in a habit of walk-off attacks.


1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
Full hop fair is better against snake and marth. Even if you hit snake with walk off fair, that allows snake to upB recover fairly easily and get back.

Marth you can even dash attack from onstage. Marth should just try to snap to the ledge and end it there.

If your opponent is like at 110-120 and pretty light and you have lots of confidence in it working, try it out once. It's more of a risk the lower your percent.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
In NY, losing The Game (constantly)
Noooooo, not Marth unless he has bad Don't get in a habit of walk-off attacks.
Guess I have another bad habit to get rid of besides spot dodging/rolling. I have accomplished Fsmashing less, but I still need to Fsmash less and Usmash more. This would be so much easier if I could play offline with friends or my brother all the time.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
Niddo just super wall of texted me (thanks for using punctuation and paragraph spaces, by the way).

For the first time ever I am saving another user's post so that I may refer to it later.

Don't expect a reply too soon though, alright?
lol, that's fine. I like the occasional political debate, up until the point where points start being repeated. And then it gets boring/just changes to a flame war. Go ahead and PM to me once it's done, though I'm going on vacation on Saturday, and obviously won't have time to write up another long post like that until I get back, and I find time during college.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
1) How would a combination interfere with the health care quality? The government aided hospitals would of course end up with more people, and thus have longer lines. However, because not everyone goes to those hospitals, the lines would be reduced, and thus less people die.
More people would come but there would be more help and the condition of injuries/diseases wold be better. It's far more efficient in every way to treat something before it becomes a problem than to crowd people in emergency room waiting rooms.

I also don't agree with "extra taxing the rich to help the poor" at all. I'm sorry, but if I worked my butt off in high school, worked even harder in college, took extra college years to get into one of the better paying jobs, and finally got in, I should not be forced to pay a higher percent of taxes to help those who didn't do as much. Yes, there are people who tried to do the same, but just couldn't get as far, and yes there are those who just got lucky money wise in the lottery, or inheritance wise, but there is no way to sort everyone out in the tax brackets. Seeing as there is no way to only add extra tax to those who didn't work for their higher paycheck, and give it to those who are trying their best and aren't just laying around: don't even try. Of course I feel sorry for those who don't do as well, but that's not the right way to help them: by punishing success.
Punishing success is giving the rich unfair breaks when people who work at least as hard get the raw deal. It's not a lager part of the reform, only the upper 5% of people will even be affected. The average CEO is payed the same amount for 1 hour of work as the average worker is payed annually. They're not that much more important, in fact transit/garbage strikes have brought cities to their knees to make the point don't take the workers as inferiors or for granted. And frankly, money 'gravitates to it's self', more money means better chances of getting even more, hard work is a minor factor.

2) I'll be blunt and say I don't remember much of Kerry except for his whole "Do well in school kids, or else you'll end up in Iraq!" comment, and the fact people who worked with him in Vietnam said that he was a coward and that the only enemy he ever shot was a kid.
I never hear that and Bush went AWOL without even being in a war.

Gore quite frankly is a joke. Do you want your president to be the type of guy who goes around talking about "global warming" (which was later proven wrong, and changed to "climate change" BTW), and explain how bad CO2 is...by flying around in his private jet, causing lots of CO2 to fly out of the engines, when he could have taken public flights if he was serious about it? Or the fact that his house was one of the biggest energy wasters in his state? What about the fact that in one of his books about global warming, he initially published it, knowing that a graph in there sideways and was later for forced to fix it? The dude didn't even attempt to not be hypocritical when he was up for election, or in the events afterwards, imagine how bad he would have been as the President.
Global warming is the study of how green house gasses emitted affect the environment. There are climate changes but that doesn't address what happens to those gasses; they don't vanish into space and they have an affect. A few days ago it was 109 degrees Fahrenheit outside. 15 years ago 90 was considered hot. Climate changes are true but not the only factor.

And don't even start trying to tell me that 9/11 was "just a witch hunt": you will lose that argument. My dad teaches NATO forces how to counteract terrorist propaganda within the middle east. The terrorists/extremists want American destroyed. They call it the Second Devil, the first one being Israel. Do you honestly think they would have stopped after the Trade Towers if we hadn't gone after them? That they would have stopped trying to destroy America just because we didn't react? Oh no, they would have continued right along, flying more airplanes into buildings. Or other types of terrorists attacks. It wouldn't not have stopped. And the moment all NATO forces pull out of the Middle East, they will simply start to regroup and plan similar attacks again. Like the events in the UK.
Witch hunt is jumping to conclusions but the twin towers did not collapse from the plane, as reported. This is scientifically proven and on video.
sides 112, 114, 124.
It is scientifically impossible for an impact of a plane to cause the 15 stories above that point to symmetrically collapse crushing the 80,000 tons of steel structure below to fall without reduction of speed from material resistance and blast the building material outward with force enough to reduce concrete and steel to dust and and shoot it over 1,200 ft. Fire or plane fuel exploding can't make that happen either. ^Watch the video. If there's any doubt in what I'm saying please watch the full presentation and make your own decision about what happened.

It is scary how good they are at propaganda. If you have ever believed that "Bush caused the towers to fall, just so he could start a war" (proven false on so many levels it's not even funny) or "The US is just over there for the oil" (even though the US has not taken a single extra drop of oil, and continue to just buy oil from the normal places): congrats, you just either believed something that the extremists started, or helped along! Now look at what percent of Americans believe one of those two things. It's no wonder that they think we're stupid. There is so much else stuff I could go into...it's just insane.

3) Like it or not, war is profitable. I obviously don't like war, but thats how things work: when there is one going on, the US makes money. Why do you think FDRs programs actually worked? They were all failing miserably until WW2.
The Iraq war isn’t. I hate war but it generally is profitable. Iraq needed to be seriously re-planned some time ago because it’s costing more than it generates.
These are Halliburton's contracts regarding Iraq:
Halliburton's $21 billion in revenues is derived from the following sources:
• U.S. Army's LOGCAP contract, 40 percent
• United Kingdom's Ministry of Defense, 15 percent
• U.S. Army's "Restore Iraqi Oil" (RIO) infrastructure contract, 12 percent
• Balkans contract, 9 percent
• United States Central Command (CENTCOM), 7 percent
• U.S. Army's "Project Contracting Office" (PCO) oil infrastructure contract, 6 percent
• "Other," 5 percent
• Los Alamos National Laboratory, 4 percent
• U.S. Navy's CONCAP contract, 2 percent

18% had ‘oil’ in the name.
Wind Energy is not usable. You'd have to cover the entire US with windmills to generate enough energy to meet the needs of the country. There is also the fact it's dependent on the weather. Solar power is even more dependent on the weather, and isn't practical. Take a solar powered car for example: you have to cover the entire thing with solar panels, but then the weight of it all causes it's max speed to be maybe 40 miles an hour. I actually think it was 20, but I can't remember. And then there is all of the waste generated by throwing broken panels out. Hydro power is great, but only works where you actually have a place to build a dam, and then you get all of the environmental people going "Save the animals!".
Wind energy is currently being used. The only difference between green wind/hydro power and non renewable energy conversion is how the turbine is moved. Wind/water use natural currents to turn a turbine and generate electricity. Wind/water current are very powerful in many places. Nuclear, coal, etc, first need to be mined and collected, then transported, then used to heat water into steam to turn a turbine. Nuclear produces radioactive waste that has a half-life of billions of years, coal and oil emit greenhouse gasses. And there’s the factor of spills like BP’s by the Gulf Coast, and meltdowns to consider. Solar can be focused via mirrors to less panels for better efficiency and doesn’t have to be stored in batteries. Solar panels are more durable and efficient than you’re giving credit for too. Gas run cars have batteries too. Same basic battery.
Green energy is immensely more efficient that non-renewable energy in availability, effectiveness, environmental friendliness, and cost. The reason it's not popular is oil companies would loose money.

Great debate.^_^

Marth has a ridiculously broken Fair he can pin almost everyone to the edge.
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