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Ice Climbers Matchup Discussion REVAMPED - Week 1 Snaaaaaaaakeeeee


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
My two cents on Game and Watch....
He has that dadgum turtle....>___>. GandW can space like another mother with that move, and if he utilizes it right he can remain safe. Also if he separates us, then Nana is screwed, especially if she runs into a Fsmash (which she's bound to do). He kills early and with the ICs lightweight, we'll probably die pretty early if we're not careful.

ICs can easily outcamp him and that's a plus...

I haven't played a good GandW so I'm pretty limited to what I think....
(then again, I probably just pointed out the obvious.... fail corner here I come)

r3d d09

Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Saratoga Springs, Not NY
I'm going to be meep and say pivot grab, if done properly, you can grab out of nearly everything, or grab and take damage, but it not causing you to move from the hit. like, his downsmash. if you pivot grab, you could get hit, but also still grab him.

If i feel like doing some work tonight, i'm going to a smash fest tonight, i could record some short things. but don't count on it.

on the turtle. count the hits as you shield. it helps a lot. 5 hits they might follow with a downsmash, sidestep and grab.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2009
Sacramento, CA
Yeah, I usually get through the turtle with a pivot grab. Though, I'm pretty sure a grounded blizzard beats it, but you need to hit him with it before that turtle touches you. Not much more I can say about getting around it. Maybe someone else knows how to get past it better.
Also something to remember, tech away from his down throw as soon as you hit the ground. You'll be eating an f-smash, or d-smash (or judgment hammer iIrc,) if you don't.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
Yeah, I usually get through the turtle with a pivot grab. Though, I'm pretty sure a grounded blizzard beats it, but you need to hit him with it before that turtle touches you. Not much more I can say about getting around it. Maybe someone else knows how to get past it better.
Also something to remember, tech away from his down throw as soon as you hit the ground. You'll be eating an f-smash, or d-smash (or judgment hammer iIrc,) if you don't.
He can always tech chase with a usmash if you do tech, but good point.


Smash Lord
May 9, 2008
Socal -> FL
Hit and Run. Punish Key as much as you can. Whenever he turtles, try to shield up and retreat/possibly nair OoS. I'll edit this when i get home...


Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2009
Sacramento, CA
Even if you do, it's not even a powerful bucket once it's full. The way I see it, he has his bucket out, I can more than likely grab him before he puts it away.


Smash Lord
Feb 10, 2008
Gotham City
I think that this matchup is even. Uair is really good against key. I just like to weave in out and time grabs when g&w is still lagging from his moves like fair. They will try to spam bair which can be annoying, and don't get into the habit of running into it.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
i'm pretty sure our uair doesn't beat out lucario's dair (have you SEEN the hitbox on that? ridiculous!). but, yeah, we just bearly outreach G&W's dair, which is enough to stop his key aerial approaches if necessary (as in his actual key, not primary. the word key).
Pulled from QandA.


Smash Cadet
Jan 12, 2010
Beaverton, Oregon
yes your up air does goes right through our key, but we know it does we wont just keep doing the key to get back to the stage , and we can slow fall it, oh and after any aerial we do we will be spamming that up-b to get out of grab ranges


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
I find approaching with powershield to roll in this match up makes it easy to get through bair spam. If GaW doesn't mix up their DI they could Di right into your hands.

Also U-Air does have priority over dair, and GaW players forget this all the time, and you can kill them with u-air -> u-air -> up b (which also has priorty over key, and kills him at like 70)

Do not squal hammer onto the map a lot in this matchup, as GaW's up smash ***** you hard, and kills nana at low percentages uncharged.

Do NOT try and shieldgrab any of his smashes (especially dsmash) cuz they have little to no cool down time and they can just dsmash right after before you get the grab.

De-Sycnh blizzards are great to force them to approach from above, where you can either uair and beat him, or pivot grab the key.

Whenever they up-b, ALWAYS follow them with up air, their options are limited up there.

Don't try and camp him, as he can just run up and RAR a turtle. And once he seperates you two in this match-up, the results can be deadly.

His grabs are basically useless cuz they're slow and don't deal damage as they occur, so do anything really.

I'm not entirely sure, but I believe you can ftilt through turtle, and dash attack trades with it, these are options but I'd stick with powershield to roll. (this really works!)


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
I find approaching with powershield to roll in this match up makes it easy to get through bair spam. If GaW doesn't mix up their DI they could Di right into your hands.

Also U-Air does have priority over dair, and GaW players forget this all the time, and you can kill them with u-air -> u-air -> up b (which also has priorty over key, and kills him at like 70)

Do not squal hammer onto the map a lot in this matchup, as GaW's up smash ***** you hard, and kills nana at low percentages uncharged.

Do NOT try and shieldgrab any of his smashes (especially dsmash) cuz they have little to no cool down time and they can just dsmash right after before you get the grab.

De-Sycnh blizzards are great to force them to approach from above, where you can either uair and beat him, or pivot grab the key.

Whenever they up-b, ALWAYS follow them with up air, their options are limited up there.

Don't try and camp him, as he can just run up and RAR a turtle. And once he seperates you two in this match-up, the results can be deadly.

His grabs are basically useless cuz they're slow and don't deal damage as they occur, so do anything really.

I'm not entirely sure, but I believe you can ftilt through turtle, and dash attack trades with it, these are options but I'd stick with powershield to roll. (this really works!)
these are all really good points. i'll use them the next time i have to face a G&W.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 21, 2007
Burlington, Ontario
Great points about gnw. Only thing I have to add is I think you have to hit the side of the key when gnw dairs cause the key itself can go through our up-air. Please correct me if Im mistaken cause on wifi gnw usually go through my up airs cause i cant space properly :p.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
Great points about gnw. Only thing I have to add is I think you have to hit the side of the key when gnw dairs cause the key itself can go through our up-air. Please correct me if Im mistaken cause on wifi gnw usually go through my up airs cause i cant space properly :p.
If the up-air is already out before they connect, it will out prioritize the key.
If they're put out at the same time, I guess they trade if you connect with the middle (this never really happened to me though, so I wouldn't worry about it).

I'm thinking that probably happens more often on wifi, cuz of teh lag.

Also don't try and dair in this match-up, gaw's fish bowl ***** it, and if they up-air it leaves you vulnerable.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Oh ok, you know we have no gnw in our scene so it's hard for me to know outside wifi xD.
Yeah that's true... after Cyan left it's all like... no good Game and Watches...

But back to the matchup, we could also Fsmash through the turtle, also what? Dash attack trading with GnW's turtle? I'm testing it out right now and it ain't working, Fsmash goes through the turtle but not dash attack... Even when the turtle is on the ground the hitbox is still there... causing them to get hit.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
Yeah that's true... after Cyan left it's all like... no good Game and Watches...

But back to the matchup, we could also Fsmash through the turtle, also what? Dash attack trading with GnW's turtle? I'm testing it out right now and it ain't working, Fsmash goes through the turtle but not dash attack... Even when the turtle is on the ground the hitbox is still there... causing them to get hit.
early turtle,

wait for em to land then run in with dash attack. should work, its not really reliable lol, but a mix up non the less.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
So hit them early when they hold out their turtle? The turtle just goes through us; dash attacking them when they end their Bair is pretty risky but yeah it does work if the timing is right...

I would just wait for their Bair and blizzard them in the face, or just run in and grab if they were ending their turtle if I space myself close to them, Fsmash also outranges his turtle when he lands so there's a free hit right there, Ftilt works too.. I'm not sure about if Dtilt can outrange the Bair as it lands but it seems somewhat plausible.

But yeah... not much we can do about the Bair but space properly. (And powersheild)


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
Blizzard camp. Hard. When you're done blizzard camping, blizzard camp some more. Uair his key, then Blizzard camp more. GW will slip up eventually. Or you can learn to powershield hits 1-3 of the turtle and grab it. Either way. Matchup's in our favor, slightly.

EDIT: If GW is dumb enough to pull his bucket, run past and pivot grab him for it.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
The only thing I'm worried about is Game and Watch bucketing out Blizzard so he basically gets a full bucket for like... 1-some random number%.. which basically blows =.=


Smash Apprentice
Sep 21, 2007
Burlington, Ontario
I don't think u want to blizzard camp, when he can bucket our blizzard and then use it against us. I'm pretty sure it goes through the blizzard or at least trades with it. xD

It defiantly helps when used correctly! Jus mix it up!


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Since Blizzard only interacts with hurtboxes... it's possible for a Game and Watch to turtle through our blizzard... so really we shouldn't be shouldn't be spamming blizzard like crazy, but rather using it wisely... more ice blocks would be better desycned than blizzard from far away, just blizzard when he's close that Game and Watch won't likely hit us out of our blizzards.

And his smashes are gay as well... >.>


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2009

Once I finish my government homework I will be posting my write-ups on DK and GaW and changing characters(they are done in written form LOL).

You may now make quick closing remarks OR talk about what character to do next


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
I say we discuss on the matchup of ICs vs Ganondorf. This matchup is where I have huge problems with.

If not, I would like to discuss about the little rodent as we know as Pikachu.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2008
Kumasi, Ghana
Game and Watch's bucket isn't that strong if he's catching Blizzards. It also puts him at risk for getting grabbed. I'm pretty sure Game and Watch doesn't want to be a stock behind, just so he gains a move that won't kill until above 100+. Also he loses his ability to bucket break.

Also Game and Watch has trouble landing smashes if he's the one approaching. Force him to approach so you can read him better.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2009
alright i downed a LOT of scotch but i manged to write something for DK, please tell me if its alright, i will work on GaW as soon as i can kthx lol

edit: also i know the format is funky, i like stuff thats to the point. lemme know if you likey
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