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I quit Smash Brothers.

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Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2005
Yo chaddd, don't quit just cause of some internet drama. Just play your game

Chaddd's just trying to get you guys off your ***** to get better, a high level player in the DOA scene used the exact same strategy to try and get people to surpass him


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
chaddd's easily one of the coolest people ever.

I don't see why people attack chaddd to begin with.
Then Mike G and GAWes show how what he's doing is only helpful to the community
and apparently reading is such a chore that people just ignore the intelligent and supportive posts and directly attack chaddd again.

Please people, chaddd is only trying to make Georgia a higher-skilled state in Smash.
He's not assaulting you by calling you a scrub.
I'm (sleepyK) a scrub, and I'm trying to get better.
But i'm still a scrub.
I'm not going to cry about it or make johns, I'm going to keep playing and try to get better.
chaddd is simply providing motivation and slapping us with truths.

I and others have said this numerous times. Read a book, ni99a.

Lol i don't think chaddd is really quitting.

Lol "go wobble yourself off a building"


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2007
Alpharetta, Georgia
I say the only way to truly make people better
is to continue to show them up in tourneys.
Don't quit; that will only slow down the progress.
If not Melee, then Brawl has big potential
if this much support is shown.

GA won't always be slugging behind.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
I don't see why people attack chaddd to begin with.
lol someone must not have been reading this thread

you guys notice how wes and mike g came in and said basically the exact same thing as chaddd, but didn't get any guff for it?

i dont know you guys that well, so I'll let you figure out the reason for that on your own.

and roffle @ quitting
maturity @ its finest?


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
they weren't really using the harsh assaults as chaddd, plus he started the thread so I understand why he gets all the heat

I'm going to continue playing Smash because I love the game. Chad hates it, he's said it many times. It's kind of like a Ken situation, only on a smaller level. I'm not caring what he says, I've been trying to get better ever since I learned what a bat drop was, and I feel like I've done that considerably. I can go even with many of GA's top players, but other than that I don't really know how I compare with other states mainly because I've never been to one other than FCD. I will try passionately to try and get better, some people like chaddd have it easier because they have constant access to good players and they can get around to get to good players if they're not around. I love Smash Bros, I always have. The main reason is because of it's friendly community. The only friendlier community would be Sonic, but that's because I had respectable talent and they were usually nice to me.

I'm just gonna go for what I can, there's no limit to your skill in Smash

Shai Hulud

Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
LOL!!! Oh my, my, my. This thread has been a real gas. Well Chad, at least you don't need to worry about them saying any of this **** to your face. They never do.
Yeah I don't think he would say that **** to Ragnarock in person either.

I've read the whole thread. It's been amusing seeing Chad attack GA players and then seeing the same GA players defend him. It's been amusing seeing Chad rant about how others aren't committed enough to the game, and a few posts later insulting people for taking the game too seriously and having no life.

Being good at a video game doesn't entitle you to be an arrogant *******. Now Chad can call me a scrub if he wants and I don't care. No, I'm not good, but that's not what this is about. This is about randomly insulting people and pretending it's all okay because it's on the internet and it's "just a game." But being a ******* is being a *******, and you, Chad, are a *******, regardless of whomever you've beaten or 4-stocked. So congratulations.


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
Ugh. I want to argue against your points
but i can see we both won't get anywhere.

Let's not become halo, atlantic south, plz.


Smash Legend
May 28, 2007
Orlando, FL (walking distance from the Loop)
Hey, guys, let everything cool down. There should be no hate, only resolution, especially on a thread nipping on one certain area.

People quit smash sometimes cuz smash amkes people quit sometimes.

easy equation.

Madness? THIS IS A thread, nothing more.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Lets have GA vs. FL at PB&J's extremly large upcoming tournament at the begining of November.
Rumor has it lots of smashers are coming, including the likes of Dark Rain, Azen, DAWes, Captain Jack, Laijin, DarknessOfHeart, Neo, The Buzz Saw, Jash, Otru, NinjaRoy, SleepyK, Tom, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Pen!s, Mike, Nana, PikaChad, and so much more.

And to top it all off.
CashMooney and Mike G.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
A certain mod should of close this thread before it got out of hand >.>
This is Alpha on Gerbils account


Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
I like this thread a lot better as a monument of spam.

I doubt Chad quits. This game is like crack. But if he does, he will be missed.



Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
Yeah I don't think he would say that **** to Ragnarock in person either.

I've read the whole thread. It's been amusing seeing Chad attack GA players and then seeing the same GA players defend him. It's been amusing seeing Chad rant about how others aren't committed enough to the game, and a few posts later insulting people for taking the game too seriously and having no life.

Being good at a video game doesn't entitle you to be an arrogant *******. Now Chad can call me a scrub if he wants and I don't care. No, I'm not good, but that's not what this is about. This is about randomly insulting people and pretending it's all okay because it's on the internet and it's "just a game." But being a ******* is being a *******, and you, Chad, are a *******, regardless of whomever you've beaten or 4-stocked. So congratulations.
YOU SIR have the classic ****head viewpoint
that started my classic reputation. You think you've got this **** and me all figured out when you're making accusations at a total stranger. I do nothing but defend what I say and you act like I'm arrogant?

HEY DUDE. ARROGANCE IS COOL. KNOW WHY? IT'S COMPLETELY BASED ON PERSONAL OPINION. I call it confidence, you call it arrogance. I think maybe you have a few insecurities yourself to quickly jump to such a conclusion. If Ken posts that he's good at smash brothers, is he being arrogant, or simply talking to everyone in the community as though they already know? I don't know man, you seem to take personal offense to all kinds of sh*t. Don't act like such a hardass as though I was attacking your honor or some sh*t.

Saying I'm good is not bragging. Saying you're not is not insulting. It's all perspective in order to maintain motivation. Instead you turn this sh*t into some personal battle like we're ever going to see each other or even remember this after it's done. Chill out a little, dude. I'm not sure why you think you should top me with vulgarity or something, but it doesn't even matter. Know why? Because I quit.

Not because you're lame ***, or anyone else in this thread. I'm tired of destroying everyone in this game and you all need to stop telling me why I'm at fault. Get good. Motivation. What makes all you muthaf*ckas think I'm dead f*cking personally serious with every one of my posts? Get some more activities in your lives rather than trying to follow me post for flame.

Besides, I'm done trying to defend myself to you people. Had any of the lamest **** ever posted to me taken place in real life and not on the boards, someone would be in jail already. Some of you are taking this to a whole other level with your garbage, and I'm sick of trying to convince strangers that know nothing about me what so ever that I'm not trying to fist fight them. You dudes need to put some of these flame wars on ice. Just play some god d*mn smash brothers. Get off my jock.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2007
channeling death lotus
YOU SIR have the classic ****head viewpoint
that started my classic reputation. You think you've got this **** and me all figured out when you're making accusations at a total stranger. I do nothing but defend what I say and you act like I'm arrogant?

HEY DUDE. ARROGANCE IS COOL. KNOW WHY? IT'S COMPLETELY BASED ON PERSONAL OPINION. I call it confidence, you call it arrogance. I think maybe you have a few insecurities yourself to quickly jump to such a conclusion. If Ken posts that he's good at smash brothers, is he being arrogant, or simply talking to everyone in the community as though they already know? I don't know man, you seem to take personal offense to all kinds of sh*t. Don't act like such a hardass as though I was attacking your honor or some sh*t.

Saying I'm good is not bragging. Saying you're not is not insulting. It's all perspective in order to maintain motivation. Instead you turn this sh*t into some personal battle like we're ever going to see each other or even remember this after it's done. Chill out a little, dude. I'm not sure why you think you should top me with vulgarity or something, but it doesn't even matter. Know why? Because I quit.

Not because you're lame ***, or anyone else in this thread. I'm tired of destroying everyone in this game and you all need to stop telling me why I'm at fault. Get good. Motivation. What makes all you muthaf*ckas think I'm dead f*cking personally serious with every one of my posts? Get some more activities in your lives rather than trying to follow me post for flame.

Besides, I'm done trying to defend myself to you people. Had any of the lamest **** ever posted to me taken place in real life and not on the boards, someone would be in jail already. Some of you are taking this to a whole other level with your garbage, and I'm sick of trying to convince strangers that know nothing about me what so ever that I'm not trying to fist fight them. You dudes need to put some of these flame wars on ice. Just play some god d*mn smash brothers. Get off my jock.
man you right i feel you there you got some people who really wanna start something with you over a game forum sad but w/e. wonder what they do if they saw you in person. all i wanna tell you is dont quit we dont wanna lose another one of GA finest. but i think you should also have a little more faith in us GA players there are many skilled here but imma make sure i do my part and step it up a noch or two o ya :)

Byron X

Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2005
Dang, the GA smash scene is crucial! XD

They should make a book about this thread. lol

Shai Hulud

Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
Lol Chad. I think you know why people are always "making accusations at a total stranger [you]." Probably because all you do is stir up **** and then claim you don't care about the consequences. And all the while you're constantly *****ing about people judging you when they don't really know you, you CONSTANTLY judge everyone else based on even less. For instance, telling me I'm insecure when you've probably seen me post about three times.

MAYBE you are nice in person--I don't know. I form my opinion of you based on exposure to you in--guess what--a GAME FORUM. If you were a random forum troll it would be different, but you stir up **** in your own and in surrounding communities, with people you see and play at tournaments. And that is just weak.

By the way you're using the word scrub to denote anyone who isn't at or near your level in Smash, which is a completely arbitrary and meaningless definition. There are plenty of players who, if they chose to be arrogant jack*sses like you, would consider you a scrub, simply because they are better than you.

Are you *really* done trying to defend yourself on these forums you care so little about for this game you quit? Then stop. And quit.

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
ROFL, after you and XIF what does GA have???

FL's majority is > GA's majority sorry to say!!!

EDIT: And of course Mike Geezy <3!!!

they have me, and that's all they need. come and get it, florida!!!

j/k, i love most of the florida players, and had fun when i went there for a tourney. but seriously, i'm good S*** at this game we call Smash


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
everyone needs to just chill the f uck out.
chadddd dont quit smash youre awesome.
stop flamming.
theres no love.
im gonna go get high



Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
I'm glad your quiting b*tch your not that good anyways, and who do you own. I never seen you beat no pro, but anyways b*tch. I don't care if you didn't read what I said, but you know what you and everybody else knows that you read what I said you f*get f*ck. Your quiting because you not good. You never went to FL and win, or CA, NY or any other real good states, but you stupid little piece of garbage sh*t that came form under a rock looks like straight vomet sh*t. Just do all of us a favor and quit smash, you probaly made Ganon fall on the tier list instead of him rising in rank, your no JOE BUSHMAN B*tch. And don't be trying to talk to me like your hood or something b*tch a** f*get a** f*ck boy. But would keep going and talk to you like your just straight sh*t, WHICH YOU ARE. But I have better thing to do with my time right now ****, so quit smash and do everybody favor, that will be the only positive thing you did the this whole time f*get a** b*tch.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Chaddd, don't quit. I have too much fun playing you to warrant it; those matches at AWA were quite intense.

(Shameless plug: I'm Striker of the Day on Mario Strikers: Charged right now. I'm a god.)
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