If you don't lose that Sig, Kholdstare, imma drop -you- off the 2nd story, and then follow it up with a WF.
ok not really, but it's just sad how I keep falling for it.
wow this thread got big lol so what's up w/this gay dude, is he one of these folks that HAS to act flaming to try to make a point? Cause that just doesn't bode well to begin with, he had to have known his behavior would have gotten him in trouble eventually.
This really hits home, actually... we started our GSA back in 94 because of a similar episode. Just imagine him coming to us and being like "ohhhhh ! Ohhhhh!!!! *cry cry* it was SO TERRIBLE! *BIG NOSE BLOW* I'm... I'm STILL picking pieces of twig out of my ASSSTH" ... .... and we all like... >.> ... O.O .... o.o ... -_-
GSA! Cause it boils down into there's gotta be a line drawn, I mean, ... you can't ban someone from being gay, obviously, and if it's in their nature to dress in drag, wear lipstick, do the hand thing lol! whatever, it's not right for them to get beat up constantly because of it. I mean our drag queen didn't slap anyone's ***, he just showed up to school and got beat up... we aimed to provide a safe school environment for EVERYONE, regardless of sexual orientation. But, as such, we also had to suggest he limit his flamboyance, because honestly, it's distracting to a viable learning environment. "5 minutes left on this exam" and all you can do is keep seeing "his" shaved legs, mini skirt... painted and polished fingernails... what's this? NO NO NO I'm -not- getting a stiffy over some dude. That's it, he's dead. After school, man. Flagpole." So yeah, what you did was not unexpected, but it tells me your school is in need of some ... guidance in this area. Kids do crazy things, they act out, he slaps your ***, you tell him no, he does it AGAIN, you drop his *** off a balcony, lol extreme perhaps. that you're bragging about it, is... eh, I think you need edification. You should actually confront this. You'll feel better. Go to the guidance counselor and admit you did this, tell him you want to come clean to the victim, and the three of you need to talk about it. This proves you're far more mature than you appear at this stage in the game, AND, it's the right thing to do.