still loses to roy
**** YOU RIPPLE!!! loooool I do better vs. your marth (55-45 marth), your falcon (65-35 falcon), fox (60-40 fox), falco (60-40 falco), your jiggs (60-40 jiggs), and your sheik (65-35 sheik) than against your roy (90-10 ganon) lol. Either you or I don't know how this game is supposed to work.
and Dero, idk how to really describe it completely, but it started happening recently. I actually recognize my opponent's patterns, and know what they will do next. In terms of baits, I remember running at ripple and he rolled towards me. The next time I was in that situation, I ran at him and dsmashed and he still rolled towards me; this was the stock. Or simply waiting for a double jump (by doing literally nothing). This is REALLY good to do vs. marth.
Also, I just know what will work in what situation better than before. Like when to CC and when not to.
I'm still not very good lol, but getting a lot better. Like at this point I may actually be able to take a couple of games off of the chicago smashers. I just recently started taking the occasional legitimate game off of Ripple. He still wins 90% of the time of course, but I'm getting there. Can't wait to get even better.