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Q&A How to Wreck *****es with Ganon?- Linguini Q&A Thread


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Let me tell you a little bit about the law of attraction, SB.

The law of attraction is the name given to the belief that "like attracts like" and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results.

So it's kinda like when you have a will about something you will get it exactly like you want it. Redheads all day! Even if it's Katarina, that doesn't mean I can't have one for real.. right Ace? =D

It's the same principle of like if I want to be a warrior then i will bring everything what it means to be a warrior to me so that I can live how I want. Just like if you are scared to be beat up then the likelihood of that happening is a lot greater. It's not proven scientifically but it's a cool concept, I'd say it's kinda true from my experience.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 15, 2012
Trondheim, Norway
When I practice against lvl 9 computers, I get grabbed and jab spammed a lot. Am I doing sitting in my shield too much or does the computer make it seem worse? And regardingthe jabbing, I can never react fast enough to DI out or CC grab. Does the lvl 9 make this seem worse too? I feel like such an idiot for walking into that **** every time. I know, practicing with computers is stupid, but it's decent enough for standard combo practice.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
animated? lol.

What are you asking me about redheads? lol. I think anyone can achieve close to want they want to achieve women-wise with a little patience and effort.
Im just saying what you just said. lol. You can achieve your dreams if you really want to!


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
i was thinking the same thing guini, but i have no idea whether he's in my state or yours these days. he just kinda disappeared a while ago, and we stopped hearing from him in NC.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 15, 2012
Trondheim, Norway
When I practice against lvl 9 computers, I get grabbed and jab spammed a lot. Am I doing sitting in my shield too much or does the computer make it seem worse? And regardingthe jabbing, I can never react fast enough to DI out or CC grab. Does the lvl 9 make this seem worse too? I feel like such an idiot for walking into that **** every time. I know, practicing with computers is stupid, but it's decent enough for standard combo practice.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 15, 2012
Trondheim, Norway
joooo sluta slåss mot lvl9 cpu ahhaha, jävla unfair reaktionstid. inte praktikal i den minsta.
Thanks for the reply, even if it was in completely butchered Swedish, haha. I'll just practice some more tech then. Getting relatively good at wavelanding, which is pretty fun. Still suck at wavelanding the edge hop though.


Smash Rookie
Nov 1, 2012
Hey folks I just made an account on smash boards so if I break any like form rules or something I apologize.

ANYWAYS iv been playing smash bros competitively for about a year now and I used to main marth. But when i moved out for school everyone complained about how good I was so for fun cause i always enjoyed playing gannon I started playing him like a lot. I now main gannon and hes ******* awesome I love him as a character so much. anyways cause im new to him as a character what like teching skills should i practice? like for falco you obviouslly want to practice shine down air but like what can i practice besides wave landing and L canceling? This is while playing by my self.



Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
Anybody have any advice on how to train with someone so much better than you that you can't touch them, and every time they touch you, you die? I can't find much to go with whenever I find myself playing dr peepee...


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2004
Michigan State/Chicago, Il
Anybody have any advice on how to train with someone so much better than you that you can't touch them, and every time they touch you, you die? I can't find much to go with whenever I find myself playing dr peepee...
Don't get frustrated, keep practicing a lot on your own. Mabye start experimenting with better character matchups, sticking to one character, especially one that really struggles against top tiers (such as ganon) can make the game get repetitive and annoying.

I started off playing with Cunning not knowing anything about the game. He used to **** me for free every game and it was frustrating as all hell. I would practice a lot on my own on tech skill and go play other people w/e I got the chance. Its gonna be hard for you to do that now because I was like 17 and had the time to do all that ****. Smash can be hard to fit into the RL.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
Yeah, if he had come even last semester I would've had time. I guess really the thing to do is try to make it so that I'm focusing on aspects of strategy instead of aspects of execution. Because any time I miss a waveland, l cancel, spacing or leave an opening of any sort, wether I realize it or not, I die. I have found that after playing him, playing others is easier to a degree, which I guess is showing improvement, but its so invisible against PP that it tends to be disheartening.

Thanks for the response trail. Ill work towards putting it in motion


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
try working on evasion a couple games. just waveland platforms the whole time and see how he responds each time. mix it up and see where you could have thrown an attack


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
He's falco usually. By the third waveland I'm hit by a laser and dead. The top platforms are useful though, but building a wall that actually keeps him from wanting to approach and hitting me is something I haven't quite been able to do.

I can stay alive focusing on only bair vs his marth sometimes, but auto canceled nairs are weird to deal with. Between those and dtilt, and run in grabs, I have yet to recognize my safe zones very well.


Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2005
if i were you i wouldn't work on evasion, i would work on attacking. pp goes crazy aggro on players worse than him because he knows they will misspace their attacks and get baited by him too easily.

if you don't have a good enough offense PP can just throw out moves and anticipate when you run away. Stand your ground and fight like a man.

Predict his movement and hit him. Learn how he escapes followups. Don't let him have stage to work with


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Man if I could play him for that long.. The battles would become intense very quickly. Vs better players I always try to see what kind of mistakes I did that got me punished AS SOON as I got hit no matter the mistake. I try to evaluate what got me in the **** in the first place or how he baited me in a crappy position. Then I try not to do it again unless I'm able to trap him first... in the beginning it may take several thousands of times before you stop doing dumb things.

Most important part is do not associate any emotions with mistakes, this way you can play endlessly. Play the game you love, learn!


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
Usually ill know when I made a mistake when I get hit. The weird thing about playing kevin is that sometimes I won't know how I got in a bad position or when. I feel safe, he obtains some space, and suddenly I'm DIing for my life. Its like I build a short fence thinking its a good wall and he steps right over it before I even know he was close to my fence. I feel like I need to see when my wall is being compromised, but that process is slow going, and at about 2 hrs of 3-4 stocks a week, I don't feel like too much progress is being made.

Playing against him has just made me conscious of the wall I'm supposed to build, which is very important I guess. Kage, have you ever been in a position where u get hit a lot and don't know why? If so, was videos and evaluation after the fact the only way to figure out what was safe and what wasn't? Or is safety not.a concern compared to pressure aand reaction?


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Id have to try to see this later after work, all I can say is that PP is VERY fast and he likes going under platforms to be safe which limits Ganon's options like crazy.. there's barely any angles you can take when he's either shooting lasers or DDing under a side platform... your approach becomes very obvious. Against Falco in that position, you would have to try to bait a jump or a laser in the first place I guess, threaten him with your Ftilt range at least.. if not stand just a little further and then Uair him for jumping.

I would also probably get 3 stocked a lot, im kinda bad at that matchup still. Not sure if that encourages or discourages you lmao. I guess you would have to become well rounded as a top player in order to have a decent chance at least.. that wall is huge for sure. Just imagine it's basically the peak of the mountain.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
Yeah. He gives me good ideas that I think might work against other falcos, but he. Is a lot faster than most falcos as you said. I think accounting for his speed and precision is why I think I'm safe when I'm not. That same speed makes me feel forced to throw out moves earlier to protect against his quicker advances, but when he doesn't actually come at me at those moments, I die. These moments lead to something between frustration and confusuion, and leave me wondering what options I have, if any.

It feels like I just have to straight up out play him, but the way he thinks about the game is so far ahead of my thoughts, its pretty hard to just be better than him, even at selective moments :-\


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Ya well these top of the world players DO NOT miss or very rarely. You cannot whiff any attacks, if you do, well... you'll get killed especially mr.Ganon who gets comboed to hell usually unless you have really good CC or SDI choices I guess, knowing those choices is extremely hard though because you have to be able to do it on reaction while choosing the proper direction while accounting the way they chose to attack you lol. Like if they overshoot you can DI inside but if he decides to stay inside then youll have to DI away.

So with that said again.. you have to be extra precise, you cannot miss your attacks either.. you must at least hit a shield always. You can't trap him with whiffing anything, he knows exactly when you are vulnerable. If you had to whiff then be sure he can't hit you.. you need to look at him and be patient. I dont think I can play exactly my style vs him, I have to switch to another style because he's stronger but then it weakens me since I have to play by his pace and that's what he wants. ****... lol.

Until you are his skill level.. then itll be hell.. lol.


Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2011
Champaign, Il. Chicago in summer.
Didn't watch the whole thing but the primary reason RLD isn't used, if you mess it up you lose your stock. Mind game > Life?
RLD is soooo useful tho. Recently, I've been using it and going back to the edge; not following up with a fair.

I get punished a lot by Ripple especially when wavelanding from the edge, so faking a waveland and baiting a fsmash (from marth) or a knee (falcon), etc. and then resetting your position on the ledge gives you a free opportunity to waveland in and get a free grab/jab. I wouldn't recommend doing it if you aren't getting punished for wavelanding or anything, but it is a REALLY great mixup.

Also, spidey, I tried your RLD to waveland pivot invincible fair thing (yea, crazy) lol it worked like a charm, switched the edge guard opportunity around completely. My buddy was like wtf he didn't even know what I did to him.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
What exactly do you do when you think they're expecting a ledgedash?

Thought this thread could use a kick start. We should talk about situations and options in general more.


Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2011
Champaign, Il. Chicago in summer.
What exactly do you do when you think they're expecting a ledgedash?

Thought this thread could use a kick start. We should talk about situations and options in general more.
Good kick start. What I like to do is:

RLD to see what they do, RLD fair, ledge hop down b/side b, frame perfect ledge dash to jab (this is totally safe unless you hit their shield).

Like I said I totally underestimated the use of an empty RLD until recently. Ripple likes to fsmash with marth when he predicts a ledge dash and if I RLD, this leads into a guaranteed grab (obviously very good against marth).

I don't like to ledge hop (esp vs marth) because being near the edge when they're in the center is super dangerous.

I know this is a long post, but read it through and lemme know if any of this sounds plausible.



Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Movement techniques usually can fill some sort of niche

I think RLD is cool and a good mixup vs offensive ledge pressure games

Or predictive / non-reactive ones

Free aerial is good with Ganon


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
i tend to die, cuz **** PP.

sometimes i jump because it's oddly safe sometimes when people aren't ready for it. runoff bair can punish some commitments to punish the ledgedash. ledgehop ftilt is fun sometimes as well, but often a ledgedash punish has a knack for hitting those as well.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Blacksteve, help me seduce ACE and/or Trevor and I'll train you to ***** Sheiks that aren't me or Jason

* **** also means "win narrowly" and is not a guarantee
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