this is just not true. i was raised catholic, and i genuinely wanted to read the bible and learn about all the stories about jesus, the prophets, the apostles, etc. but the more i read, the less sense things made. i didnt read hoping to discredit it, i read hoping to gain a greater understanding of it. if you HONESTLY read the bible without bringing your biases to the table, you will see that a lot that your pastors/ministers/priests tell you are flat out lies.
~L~ please learn to close your quotes correctly.
I don't believe that Catholocism,a religion that doesn't base itself solely on the Bible,is a true form of Christianity. I'm a Protestant.
I didn't have time to post "exactly right."
yes, the hebrew word used was "chuwg" and it can only mean a flat circle in the context. the verse is isaiah 40:22
matthew 12:38-40 clearly says three days and three nights.
I guess I'll have to do some research.
this thread isnt about evolution, its about god. no matter how old or popular belief is, if theres no evidence, it still hasnt met the burden of proof. darwin proposed his theory of natural selection in 1859, and at that point, it had not yet met the burden of proof. so scientists started testing darwin's claims, and they turned out to be true. evolution has met the burden of proof and still continues to do so today. just within the past few years paleontologists found a perfect transitional fossil between fish and amphibians called tiktaalik.
Did you not read my post after that one? It's now quoted below.
ask a rabbi about this passage. it was written by jews for jews, and they study it intently. it simply cannot be about jesus, or even the messiah. the author of the gospel of matthew was using a greek translation of isaiah (the septuagint) and he misread it. he thought the prophecy was about the messiah, so he made up a story about jesus being born of a virgin.
What evidence do you have of this?
build a small hill of sand (or any powder that doesnt dissolve in water). now take a bunch of water and pour it over the hill. what happens? it flattens and disperses. water will ruin the shape of sand dunes. the way a sand dune becomes petrified is that so much material is built up that the pressure causes the lower layers to turn to rock. the rocks i saw were hundreds of feet high and have multiple layers of dunes going in different directions as the ones they sit on top of, so they cannot have been formed within the past 4500 years, and they cannot have been formed under water. not only that, but the petrified sand dunes sit on top of much older rocks that go even further down. they also sit on a fault line which has caused some of the layers to invert, putting the older rocks ON TOP OF the petrified sand dunes. this kind of stuff simply cant happen overnight.
We are not talking about pouring a glass of water onto a sand castle,we are talking about a global flood,and whether such an enormous,nearly unfathomable amount of water gushing out of the earth and raining upon it(However God did it to make it happen)would cause enough pressure to do this to those sand dunes. Which I believe it did.
And what does height have to do with it? Every mountain was completly covered by the flood. The ark ended up on top of a mountain at the end of it. It also says the world was "changed".