You're assuming that's my intent. I never came in here to do all that. My job is to show that my believe in God is rational, warranted, and justified, and you've yet to attack that. All you've done is critique my particular method of expression of that belief; that is, Christianity, but I never intended that to be the battleground, nor do I particularly care to argue over it. It is a tangent.
you still dont seem to understand what "rational, warranted, and justified" mean. if you cant present us with the method you used to arrive at your belief, and you cannot even show us why your belief is more rational than a belief in santa claus (which i hope we all agree is IRrational), then your belief is NOT "rational, warranted, and justified." merely asserting that it is does not make it so.
Science clearly cannot be used. That does not diminish the value of the experience in any way to myself. It simply means it doesn't do you a bit of good. But since the topic in question is my rationality in this situation, that hardly matters.
science absolutely CAN be used, just as it has always been used to explain things that people once attributed to supernatural causes. neurology is a new science, but already it has dispensed with the idea that hallucinogenic drugs enable us to experience the divine.
It's a possibility. It deals with the issue. It does not lead to a logical contradiction.
it does not deal with the issue unless you can demonstrate that demons are real beings. if your defenses of holes in your original unevidenced claims are just as unevidenced themselves, then you are building a fantasy, not a coherent concept of the world.
what you are doing is exactly the same thing as carl sagan points out in his book "the demon-haunted world." excerpt
here. we both agree that there is probably not a dragon in anybody's garage, regardless of the rationalizations that are presented. why do you think those same rationalizations should be given any more weight just because YOU use them?
On the contrary. I have shown time and again where my beliefs are epistemologically consistent. You may summarize and marginalize my beliefs as you wish, and there's not much I can do about it, but here, you are incorrect.
internal consistently is entirely irrelevant. the belief in carl sagan's dragon is internally consistent. the belief in russel's teapot is internally consistent. the belief in hinduism is internally consistent. yet, again, you reject ALL of these beliefs. if internal consistency is all you need to maintain a belief, then you are being irrational by rejecting these other beliefs.
I don't think you have a grasp on this argument at all, to be honest. You keep speaking as though I should match up to some evidential standard. But why? Because you, or others, have set that standard? On what basis have they set that standard? What, exactly, is the issue with disobeying that standard? Certainly not irrationality; I have already shown how my beliefs do not lead to a contradiction, and direct experience certainly is a proper basis for belief.
the reason you should hold your beliefs up to an evidential standard is the same exact reason you should hold up your doctor's beliefs up to an evidential standard when he tries to inject a foreign substance into your arm, which is the same reason you should hold your car mechanic's beliefs up to an evidential standard when he starts taking your car apart, which is the same reason you should hold an airplane engineer's beliefs up to an evidential standard when you want to travel to europe.
that reason is because evidential standards are the ONLY known way to ensure we arent fooling ourselves. i have asked you to present some other way we can know that, but you have utterly failed to give one. you havent even tried to make an attempt!
In fact, I have been nothing but logical. You, on the other hand, fault me for not being scientific, but you cannot place an experience in a beaker. I would recommend a good course in philosophy, more particularly epistemology, if you wish to better understand the nature of belief.
a good course on philosophy sounds like a good idea, but im afraid that you are the one that is sorely in need of one. your approach to epistemology amounts to little more than "i assert X, therefore X." this may be internally consistent, and it may fly in philosophy departments, but no sane person uses this reasoning when deciding whether or not to step off of a ten story building. why do you suppose this is?
I have no reason to believe my experience was not valid (in other words, I recognize the faults and limitations of science). It would be irrational for me to consider it invalid, if I found no reason to.
you have 6 billion reasons to believe your experience was not valid. that is, 6 billion other human beings all claiming to have had experiences just as powerful as yours but mutually exclusive to yours.
would you agree that a schizophrenic, if he could apply rational thought, would have a good reason to believe the voices he hears are not real voices? the fact that everybody else is telling him that there arent any voices is more than enough reason to at least put his belief to the test. you clearly fear testing. you fear it so much that you assert it isnt even possible.
Of course, anyone could invent an experience, and then claim rationality on that point. While we could not argue with them (after all, how could we really know they did not experience that), it would not change the fact that they were ultimately irrational. Yet, we could not argue such a point with them. We are limited in our scope.
and again you show your arrogance. you are perfectly happy to admit
everybody else could falsely experience something, but never you. you are immune to it. you plead with me to not call you arrogant, but that is exactly what you are.
I'm not in the business of providing evidence on theological matters. I'm pretty much against all forms of modern apologetics.
if you have no evidence, then show us how you tell the difference between truth and delusion. ive been asking theists for this method for YEARS, and not a single one of you can ever supply a way to do it. but that never stops you from continuing to assert your absurd claims. its arrogance all the way.