Why are you attacking my personal level of respect for others' faith? I'm not prohibiting nor enforcing anyone to do anything with their faith. I do not believe in God, nor do I care if others do. I can make whatever personal claim I want with how much I respect faith, because it is my respect, not the general public's.this seems like a rather arbitrary constraint. you cant claim to respect faith while at the same time saying that only certain conclusions that faith leads to are "allowable."
That's completely false. Of course I can respect something to a certain degree, especially if you take it to a radical result. I can respect talented smash players. Does that mean I want to be like them? M2K spends his entire life currently on it. I can respect polite people. Does that mean I want to meet or respect someone that doesn't have a spine? I can respect fire, for the power it holds. Does that mean I want everyone to commit arson?if you respect faith, you have given up the justification to morally judge people that use it, no matter what the results are.
My fire analogy completely counters your "you have to respect all usages" argument. There is a vast difference between admiring a quality, and commending a radical extenuation of the quality. Hell, I can admire someone for being a fast runner. Does that mean I want them to run quickly from the police? Saying "it's all the same" is complete blasphemy. It is all fire. That doesn't mean I admire every single aspect of fire.
And, I'm not morally judging anyone. All I said was it was slightly admirable to ignore facts and still place faith in a higher being. This is my opinion, and I can have leveling degrees of it. So can you.