This is in no way my theory. What you are asking for is Abiogenesis, the field of science that focuses on how life came to be on Earth from what you call "nothing". You can see the wikipedia entry here. I'll go over some of the main highlights.Well, I'd like to hear your plea. Go ahead, I want to hear your theory on this.
The first major point is that the basic building blocks of life, such as amino acids and lipids, may have been present on Earth through certain random occurrences. See the Miller-Urey Experiment. The materials to form these substances were all there. The energy required to make these materials could have been provided from lightning bolts or ultraviolet radiation (the atmosphere was nothing like it is today, there was no ozone layer to protect the surface from intense UV rays).
There are many hypotheses elaborated on in that page on Abiogenesis, all attempting to explain how organic molecules formed. The only fuzzy part is where you go from simple organic molecules to a living cell. So far nobody has been able to replicate the feat, but there are people working on that. It's possible that it was simply an extremely lucky occurrence that the right molecules were in the right place at the right time.
The possibility is there, but the fact that we are living organisms ourselves suggests that something DID happen at that point in time, giving birth to the first single celled organisms.
This is my measly attempt at a small explanation. If you want a full explanation, do some research yourself and read some articles on the subject. I can't possibly tell you everything, especially since I'm not an expert on these matters.