Just bought XenoBlade Chronicals. This game is MASSIVE. Im only 2 hours in and just the parts of the world map I have accessed are bigger than any console FULL world map(other than skyrim).
Voices are pretty much Scottish(or is it Irish?) and different forms of England english(not american English). Victory taunts/during battle taunts are annoying IMO, Prob cause of the voices.
Battle system is weird. You are locked into an X amount of battle area and can run freely in that area like a "tales of" game. When you get close to an enemy, your character auto attacks. You have no choice in using that normal attack but you DO have a choice on what artes/spells/techniques you want to use. It Sounds bad but it works if u give it a chance.
Music is already f-ing amazing. Cut scenes/graphics are nice but clearly held back by the wii and if you use and HD tv it's worse.
So far, this game makes me really realize bad Nintedo f-ed up this gen even though they are in first place. This **** should have been put out on the wii over a year ago and not when the system is dead. What makes it worse is another kick *** game call "The Last Story" is coming out in July. Who the hell is gonna spend more money in the wii when the WiiU will be out 4 months later?!?!?!?