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Hot Dickings! Jan 30th - 31st! 2010, STL MO. BONUS POT (1/24/10 with LIVESTREAM)

The Milk Monster

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2007
Collinsville, IL.
In PS1's case, I hate the Water stage more then most of them, I've been ****ed over by the windmill more times then I can count.

But in PS2's case, yes, I completely agree air camping on the Air transformation isn't much different then other stages, but it still is a bit harder to get around in that stage, because once I hit the air on that transformation, I feel really helpless no matter who I use, and feel my options being a lot more limited due to the lack of control. This is all my personal opinion, and I completely respect your point of view as well, in no way am I dogging on you or anything. Overall I feel PS1, as a whole, constitutes as being a better stage. They both have their good and bad points, but I think PS1's pro's outweigh it's cons, and I think PS2's are fairly close together, IMHO.

Also, you just reminded me, please if someone is stalling, like an obvious case of stalling and making the game completely unplayable, let us know. Sometimes I hear about it after the match is done, and that's your fault for not bringing it to our attention. You still take the loss.

I don't understand what you mean by utterly unplayable?

What I mean is like, a stage like Spear Pillar, too much **** is going on throughout the course to have a serious competitive match on, making it pretty much unplayable in a tourney setting. Or like New Pork City, it's size makes a match almost impossible, usually ending in timer.

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
You want a short argument. Here's a short argument. There is nothing at all wrong with either stage. I think you're wrong that there's a widespread consensus to have them banned. They've been legal here forever. Banning them hurts the game's balance. The places that ban them have tons of other horrible rules that demonstrate we shouldn't follow them. The tournament will make people happier and be more fair with these two specific stages legal. I stress there will be no problems with these stages legal; there never have been and never will be.

If you want to bother keep reading a second paragraph, this is directly personal. Sorry I missed the older discussion back in December, but it seems silly to be so hostile as I bring it up now when you were completely open to Affinity's maneuvering on it then (the tournament is still several weeks away). I brought this up here on the assumption that talking about it was workable, and yes I did say some things that maybe are annoying but I am trying to flush people out of the woodwork to show that I'm really not just some desperado there are people who legitimately agree with me and that things really will be better this way (the MM thing is all just me trying to call a bluff about MK). If I just wanted to get my way no matter what, I would have insisted we needed to add about 8 stages to the list and gone out and contacted people to cause trouble on my behalf and tried to make this thread horrible and then tried to use adding those two stages as a compromise. The point is that I wouldn't and didn't do something like that, I raised this issue like I did because I thought I could get through in a reasonable way. Saying stuff like how you don't read anything I say because it's too long and angrily saying just not to talk about it is a bit uncharacteristic of you, offends me a bit regardless of whether you agree with what I'm saying about the stage stuff, and I just don't see why. I mean, I have my agenda, but I don't want hard feelings... and I'm sensing hard feelings. I'm not going to abjectly surrender on what I believe, but I don't think it has to be this way.

As per Nicole's point, she brings up Diddy Kong, Ice Climbers, and Falco, but I can counter with Mr. Game & Watch, Marth, Kirby, and scores of random low tiers (like Jigglypuff) who obviously gain a lot by taking MK to Norfair. When you look at the whole cast, MK loses more than he gains; having this cp up their sleeves makes it so much easier for so many characters to give MK trouble. Like with G&W, I firmly belive on Norfair G&W vs MK is a G&W favor matchup. This stage list already does the good thing of having 7 starters so if you add Norfair and PS2 to it G&W vs MK isn't MK favor it's dead even assuming the G&W is really smart with stage procedure (first match can be on a pretty dead even stage like PS1, second and third match are each going to lean toward the cper but not extremely). He's not the only one who can do stuff like that with stages; MK just gets so much harder to deal with when the game is simplified to fewer stages and he doesn't have to worry about nearly as many characters.

EDIT: This post took me a long time to write and stuff happened while I was making it. Just FYI.

The Milk Monster

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2007
Collinsville, IL.
I only read the 1st paragraph, but I can still just answer with this.

I'm not unbanning it unless a wide spread consensus of people here tell me HEY UNBAN THESE TWO STAGES FOR SUCH AND SUCH REASON. I mean like 35 + people tell me they want it on, I'll unban it.

It's two weeks before the tourney I don't want any bull**** right now. If you had a huge problem with it before, or if anyone did, they should've brought it up when we first posted the thread, or to me privately, not two weeks before the tourney when people have started making travel arrangements and stuff.

Unbanning these two will make a few select people happy because they have somewhere to CP to that everyone else has little stage exp on. I am taking the tourney goer's needs as a whole, not on an individual basis. If It was SOLELY my decision, I'd throw them on, I don't care. But it's not up to me, I am taking the people's opinion in on this one.

Here's what is going on in my mind if we decide to un ban these.

Norfair or PS2 Advocate: "Yeah, they aren't that bad."

Later in the day:
Random: "Man I lost my match because I got CPed to gay Norfair."
B;ah blah blah.

I really don't wanna' hear it.



Smash Hero
May 27, 2006
Wichita, KS
I only read the 1st paragraph, but I can still just answer with this.

I'm not unbanning it unless a wide spread consensus of people here tell me HEY UNBAN THESE TWO STAGES FOR SUCH AND SUCH REASON. I mean like 35 + people tell me they want it on, I'll unban it.

It's two weeks before the tourney I don't want any bull**** right now. If you had a huge problem with it before, or if anyone did, they should've brought it up when we first posted the thread, or to me privately, not two weeks before the tourney when people have started making travel arrangements and stuff.

Unbanning these two will make a few select people happy because they have somewhere to CP to that everyone else has little stage exp on. I am taking the tourney goer's needs as a whole, not on an individual basis. If It was SOLELY my decision, I'd throw them on, I don't care. But it's not up to me, I am taking the people's opinion in on this one.

Here's what is going on in my mind if we decide to un ban these.

Norfair or PS2 Advocate: "Yeah, they aren't that bad."

Later in the day:
Random: "Man I lost my match because I got CPed to gay Norfair."
B;ah blah blah.

I really don't wanna' hear it.



Sleepwalk our lives away.
Aug 8, 2007
St. Charles, Missouri
Milk, you get sexier every day.

Steeler, I admitted to being fairly inexperienced on PS2 when compared to my experience on other stages. I always try to test and experiment with things before I pick a stance on them; for example, I actually had an extensive conversation with some people about Green Greens a while back and even had a small chat with Praxis about it, who is a major advocate of that stage. I tested it extensively for a whole night with Future, with both of us constantly trying various character matchups, and in the end I still didn't agree with him, but I'm always open to trying :)

So, as I said in my last post, admittedly, I have not given PS2 the chance that I have given every other stage in this game.

Nonetheless, I am severely doubtful that I will find any evidence that PS2 is any different than Norfair or Luigi's Mansion and what have you, but I definitely owe it some thorough testing.

For this tournament, PS2 is obviously going to be banned by popular vote and "the norm", but if you want to get some friendlies in with me on that stage I'd be very happy to do that with you. I actually really like the neutral position... it's just that the transformations are sooooo out there compared to PS1.

Hugs and kisses, back to practicing Street Fighter 4 for Aerial Rave next weekend :p

my solution is to play melee
Cool story bro. You wanna get a six pack and a dave mathews cd and play some gamecube?


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
St. Louis, MO
I only read the 1st paragraph, but I can still just answer with this.
Maybe you should have kept reading, so that you could see the part where he said he was offended that you weren't reading his posts. Stop being such a ****. And besides, if a "random" gets CPed to Norfair, then they won a match in the set and they aren't such randoms after all.

Oh, and people were supposed to bring this up earlier? I'm pretty ****ing sure I brought it up as soon as Affinity got you to change it. You shot me down by saying attendance was more important. Now people are saying they won't come if PS2 is not legal, and your argument is that you don't want to deal with it.


The Milk Monster

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2007
Collinsville, IL.
TP, you talking down towards me like I'm 7 or something?

I don't read his posts because I understand what he's talking about from the first paragraph generally, the rest of just explaining stuff in more depth, but it's implied in the first paragraph.

So don't tell me what to do, if this was your tourney, you could call the shots.

And yes, YOU did bring this up. I am pretty sure YOU alone brought this up. This tourney isn't about Twilight Prince, this is about the smash community as a whole. Chill the **** out. If you're so pissed your Ganon doesn't have Norfair to CP to, don't play Ganon and quit whining.

Attendance is more important than individual needs, I'll say it multiple times over. No one has said they aren't coming because PS2 isn't legal, I have absolutely no idea where you got that claim, people have said they'd be happier if PS2 would be legal.

You don't know everything, nor will anything you can say prove to me you know everything about this game and it's competitive aspects.

AA, I meant no harm by anything I've said towards you, your posts are incredibly long though, lol. I didn't mean to come off as a prick, if I did, I'm sorry.


Sleepwalk our lives away.
Aug 8, 2007
St. Charles, Missouri
TP, you're like a broken record with this ****, my god.

He shot you down because everything you say ends up being the same thing about Ganon or Norfair or anti-MK this and that. Furthermore, "in the beginning" it was you and like one or two other people who wanted the weird stage list, against almost every known person from out of every other state who didn't want them.

Regardless of what you want, he reserves the right to use whatever stage list he deems suitable, as he is the TO. It's still a SBR approved list, so just let it go.

Stages are very subjective overall, but the trend almost everywhere lately has been no Norfair, no Luigi's, no PS2... if he wants to cater to the majority of the talent out of state by having a stage list that appeases them, he definitely made the right decision in terms of attendance. So deal with it and stop acting like Milk is a douche or something, because he's a freaking lovable teddy bear and him and Rauleen are about to host an awesome tournament for us.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
St. Louis, MO
Well then **** you Milk, I'm not coming to this tournament. It's not shaping up to be very good anyway.

Will, your post is well thought-out and smart. <3 you. I actually agree that Norfair should be banned (borderline on PS2), because of your reasoning.

The Milk Monster

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2007
Collinsville, IL.
TP, you're like a broken record with this ****, my god.

He shot you down because everything you say ends up being the same thing about Ganon or Norfair or anti-MK this and that. Furthermore, "in the beginning" it was you and like one or two other people who wanted the weird stage list, against almost every known person from out of every other state who didn't want them.

Regardless of what you want, he reserves the right to use whatever stage list he deems suitable, as he is the TO. It's still a SBR approved list, so just let it go.

Stages are very subjective overall, but the trend almost everywhere lately has been no Norfair, no Luigi's, no PS2... if he wants to cater to the majority of the talent out of state by having a stage list that appeases them, he definitely made the right decision in terms of attendance. So deal with it and stop acting like Milk is a douche or something, because he's a freaking lovable teddy bear and him and Rauleen are about to host an awesome tournament for us.
Thank you.

TP, you are acting completely ridiculous. I'm pretty sure the attendance we've gotten confirmed has said otherwise. You're not going to come because I stated my point on your absurd claims?

lol, k.

See ya.


Smash Lord
Jul 10, 2005
lol at st. louis drama. Define losing cuz of stalling? Sometimes the timer runs out on my games, and I'm trying my hardest to be in the position to fight well.


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
MMM being cool
yeah, i feel you. the transformations are pretty out there and playing there requires some good thought. i'm not an expert on the stage or anything but i think it has some potential...moreso than pictochat anyway. we'll definitely play some matches <3

anyway, it's a shame that things escalated.

also, sh*t has been real for a while now. :lick:


Sleepwalk our lives away.
Aug 8, 2007
St. Charles, Missouri
Well then **** you Milk, I'm not coming to this tournament. It's not shaping up to be very good anyway.

Will, your post is well thought-out and smart. <3 you. I actually agree that Norfair should be banned (borderline on PS2), because of your reasoning.
Well thanks, but you still assaulted Milk for no reason and now you're acting really immature and pouting and "not coming to the tournament"... whatever though, the only person missing out is you. We discussed it, it was decided, now 2 weeks before the tournament you throw a fit? Get over it.

Maybe Milk was a little hard on Ampharos, but what do you expect when he comes in all esoteric and spouting walls of text about an issue that's been decided WAY prior to now.

lol at st. louis drama. Define losing cuz of stalling? Sometimes the timer runs out on my games, and I'm trying my hardest to be in the position to fight well.
Drama? TP threatening to not come causes about as much surprise and uproar as Paris Hilton making ANOTHER sex tape. We all know it's going to happen, and in the end, no one will care, despite it being kind of sad.

As for stalling, it's defined on the first page. It's the standard SBR appropriately vague stalling definition:

# Stalling is banned.
# Stalling: The act of deliberately avoiding any and all conflict so that one may make the game unplayable. Running away from an opponent to reach a better position is not stalling, while doing an infinite grab endlessly against a wall is. Any infinite chain grabs must end quickly after 300% has been reached so as to prevent excessive stalling.

Seriously though, TP you aren't a bad guy, so if you don't come because Milk got frustrated and didn't want to argue with you 2 weeks before the tourney after explaining it nicely like 3 times, then I will strap you down, cover your paenus with peanut butter and start doing my prize-winning moose-call.


Norfair is dumb. Milk is cute. Come to this tournament or you're a fawk'tard. End.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
East Peoria, IL
brawl drama? :( it would be nice if you could just play brawl and not have to worry about camping? there isn't this problem in melee >.>

The Milk Monster

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2007
Collinsville, IL.
Wow, complete wrong time to take Brawl stabs.

Today aside I would've just laughed it off and tacked it onto the list of times Brawl gets ripped on.

But right now, I'm mostly gonna' do the same, and say what Lixi said.

"It's not the game, it's the player. You can camp in Melee."


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2006
brawl drama? :( it would be nice if you could just play brawl and not have to worry about camping? there isn't this problem in melee >.>
Okay you gotta stop saying this kind of stuff because it becomes insulting. You can't convince people to play Melee any more than they can convince you to play Brawl.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
St. Louis, MO
Well, Will verbally ***** me (and maybe threatened to physically **** me, but I can't tell) so I'd like to apologize to Milk for overreacting and being stupid. While I was reading his post, my dad came into my room and told me that instead of spending tomorrow having fun, I would spend the whole day with him doing something boring. So I was in a REALLY bad mood while reading his post. Also, I have something else I can do on the 30th, so I felt I wasn't losing much by posting what I did. Now that I'm calmer, I realize this is way more important to me than the other thing. So again, I'm sorry Milk. My bad.

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
Mr. Doom volunteers to play on those stages. You can counterpick Mr. Doom to those two stages for all he cares.

The Milk Monster

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2007
Collinsville, IL.
Well, Will verbally ***** me (and maybe threatened to physically **** me, but I can't tell) so I'd like to apologize to Milk for overreacting and being stupid. While I was reading his post, my dad came into my room and told me that instead of spending tomorrow having fun, I would spend the whole day with him doing something boring. So I was in a REALLY bad mood while reading his post. Also, I have something else I can do on the 30th, so I felt I wasn't losing much by posting what I did. Now that I'm calmer, I realize this is way more important to me than the other thing. So again, I'm sorry Milk. My bad.
It's whatev. I know how it goes.
I personally PMed AA and apologized for any misconceptions I could've gave him from my post.
It's all good, no hard feelings.
We still down for a MM?


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
St. Louis, MO
It's whatev. I know how it goes.
I personally PMed AA and apologized for any misconceptions I could've gave him from my post.
It's all good, no hard feelings.
We still down for a MM?

Also, I think you should unban Flatzone 2.



Sleepwalk our lives away.
Aug 8, 2007
St. Charles, Missouri
Well, Will verbally ***** me (and maybe threatened to physically **** me, but I can't tell) so I'd like to apologize to Milk for overreacting and being stupid. While I was reading his post, my dad came into my room and told me that instead of spending tomorrow having fun, I would spend the whole day with him doing something boring. So I was in a REALLY bad mood while reading his post. Also, I have something else I can do on the 30th, so I felt I wasn't losing much by posting what I did. Now that I'm calmer, I realize this is way more important to me than the other thing. So again, I'm sorry Milk. My bad.
Just to remove any ambiguity from my statements, I was talking about the physical kind of ****, of the bestiality sub-variety. ;)


Also, I think you should unban Flatzone 2.

lmfao, good stuff


The "Sonic" of Diddy Kong
May 3, 2006
on another note:

is there going to be recording equipment there??

and, anyone wanna MM??

right now i only have:

MJG - $5

accepting MM's $1-5 dollars.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2009
St. Louis, Missouri
Mr. Doom volunteers to play on those stages. You can counterpick Mr. Doom to those two stages for all he cares.
SuperEarthboundLavaFun vs SuperCounterPSIkeFun gogogo! Oh, btw. I'm not using Pit in our MM anymore. I kinda stopped using him sometime before my wii died, so I'll either be using Ness or Lucas :3


"Their anguish was my nourishment."
Jun 28, 2008
Chicago, IL
I'm most likely going and bringing some more of IL's top brawlers. So get ready for a hot ******* :p


Smash Lord
Jul 10, 2005
The drama just wasn't the stages/tp/ampharos/milk thing. We got the oh noes, who are we going to boot off our crew for crew battle, stopping world hunger, and probably a lot more. This whole thread has been full of drama, but the tournament should be fun. St. Louis tourneys are overall pretty drama free.


"Their anguish was my nourishment."
Jun 28, 2008
Chicago, IL
Yaaaaay DLA is coming.

DLA, $10 Ganon ditto MM? Or just 30 friendlies? Or TEAM??????
I'm unemployed so I can't go tossing that much money around right now XD So the friendlies seem like the better option.

And I probably won't be doing teams for the same reason :p
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