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Hitstun/shield stun Thread


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2006
If anychar should get higher hit stun from attacks, it should be captainfalcon, so his combos can be pulled off.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
Any recommended standard for competitive play? As is, i've landed some disgusting combos, particularly with Marth and Falcon. Squirtle is a jerk, too.
The setup that will probably be what is used at the new FC tournament will more than likely be No Tripping, 10% Hit stun, S-canceling, Auto L-canceling, MAD (Melee Air Dodge), Infinite Replay, and the Pokemon Trainer codes. I probably should add the triple jump glitch if it fixes recoveries, I wasn't sure what it was and wasn't around when it was made to read what it did, but yeah if it fixes stuff it will be added.

Interim, I would advise against higher gravity. While it does make the game faster it messes up a lot of other variables. All jumps get nerfed, a lot of recoveries get pretty severely nerfed, upward KOs get nerfed, and horizontal KOs get buffed. That's a lot of negative things for the perk of making the game faster. I suggest waiting for a faster fast fall code, and maybe a shorter short hop code. That would speed up the game without messing with so many aspects of the game engine.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
The setup that will probably be what is used at the new FC tournament will more than likely be No Tripping, 10% Hit stun, S-canceling, Auto L-canceling, MAD (Melee Air Dodge), Infinite Replay, and the Pokemon Trainer codes.
I don't understand why 10% is still considered in high regard. When I last tested it, be it when the code first came out, it didn't seem like enough hitstun. Characters would very quickly escape hitstun with sometimes too little time to follow up.

12.5% - 13% seem perfect... 10% is just meh, too little hitstun.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
. But the problem is that even after DIing away, we were unable to counter with an attack or airdodge. This is what allowed the attacker to "combo": the person getting hit only has the option to DI and can't do anything else. It shouldn't be like that.
Thats kinda the point. Thats what a combo is. A string of attacks where the defender can't escape. DI shouldn't save you from everything but it should make it so that comboing is harder. It does allow you escape things like Falcons Dthrow CG. Falcon can't CG you if you DI properly. If you want hitstun to be so little so that they can escape everything before the next attack, then there is no combos and its no different than what you have in regular brawl.
triple jump glitch fix (Sonic still randomly goes into his tumble after doing an up b, even if he does it straight from the ground)
I probably should add the triple jump glitch if it fixes recoveries, I wasn't sure what it was and wasn't around when it was made to read what it did, but yeah if it fixes stuff it will be added.
Dont use the triple jump glitch. There is a reason why I deleted it.

Stupid question but what does the FC in FC tournament stand for?
Mookie's tourney that will have Brawl+ to showcase.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Some characters already **** at 10% hitstun(Zero Suit Samus). I'd hate to see what would happen at 13%.
She is not that bad. It gives her more time with her Uairs, but her Nair and Up B give the same amount of stun no matter the %. Don't forget that other ppl can combo similarly so its not a problem.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
She is not that bad. It gives her more time with her Uairs, but her Nair and Up B give the same amount of stun no matter the %. Don't forget that other ppl can combo similarly so its not a problem.
Usually I just totally **** with her. She has so many options sometimes I feel sorry for my opponents.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
Stupid question but what does the FC in FC tournament stand for?
FC stood for cash. It was originally referred to as Melee FC and Melee was an acronym too. It was incredibly ******** so I don't remember what MELEE stood for.
Mookie's tourney that will have Brawl+ to showcase.
Whoa, lol, no no no. Not my tourney. It's the Kishes tournament. The only involvement asside from attendance twice I've had with FC is designing the t-shirts. I would design them again, but I don't have a place that will print the shirts for cheap without an email from Nintendo saying that I could use their characters on a shirt. Nintendo won't respond to my emails, so that isn't happening.

I could do a type based logo that's pretty ballin, but that's about it. I might cook something up, but it will have to wait till this semester is over.


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2005
@ MookieRah
The only SBR members ive really seen look into Brawl+ is you and the kishes. Does anyone else in the SBR even like the idea of having brawl + tournaments or doing anything with it?

Also, to stay on topic. I think 10% is the best stun i've used. Anything above would be a little much. Some characters combo abilities would just be too overpowered. Fox is looking very good at 10, at 12.5 i believe he is just too **** as with a few others.


Smash Cadet
Oct 21, 2007
The setup that will probably be what is used at the new FC tournament will more than likely be No Tripping, 10% Hit stun, S-canceling, Auto L-canceling, MAD (Melee Air Dodge), Infinite Replay, and the Pokemon Trainer codes. I probably should add the triple jump glitch if it fixes recoveries, I wasn't sure what it was and wasn't around when it was made to read what it did, but yeah if it fixes stuff it will be added.
Has anyone actually gotten Auto L-canceling and S-canceling to work together? I have game-freeze issues when I use them together. I think they have to modified to be compatible with each other.

krlos F.

Smash Journeyman
Nov 28, 2005
Some place on the planet
I like 12.5%, its ok but I feel is very easy to make a combo with that % (including DI correctly), and most character utilt can connect into a combo, so u don't have to be so skilled to make a combo with that % and just doing an Utilt, Utilt and Nair (most of cases) u have a combo with a lot of char, maybe using a little low % (11.5% perhaps?) u can make a combo not easily like 12.5%. ZSS, Diddy, Luigi can **** u with 12.5% no matter if u DI correctly (most of cases, not always).

I'll try 11.5% just to know what it feels. xD


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
and most character utilt can connect into a combo, so u don't have to be so skilled to make a combo with that % and just doing an Utilt, Utilt and Nair (most of cases) u have a combo with a lot of char,
Just saying, it was easy to do these types of easy combos in N64 and wasn't a huge problem. Its just a little scrubby damage combo that won't lead to anything if they are not good enough..just saying..

But please let us know how 11.5% works out

krlos F.

Smash Journeyman
Nov 28, 2005
Some place on the planet
ok kupo ;) and have u noticed it's very important have a code to improve techs? because it's a little hard tech correctly! xD in melee was ok but in Brawl... lol...


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
Has anyone actually gotten Auto L-canceling and S-canceling to work together? I have game-freeze issues when I use them together. I think they have to modified to be compatible with each other.
Really O_o. I don't have any trouble with both on. I'll have to see if the auto l-cancel code is working properly or not, but it appears to be.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Has anyone actually gotten Auto L-canceling and S-canceling to work together? I have game-freeze issues when I use them together. I think they have to modified to be compatible with each other.
What are you doing to cause these freezes to occur? Do you have any other codes on besides these two? We need more specifications than what you're giving to take this as a serious and valid claim of concern.

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
in regards to competitive brawl+ standards, what about gravity and damage? I am currently using 1.1x gravity and 1.16something gravity, as someone suggested in another thread. What values do you all suggest?

krlos F.

Smash Journeyman
Nov 28, 2005
Some place on the planet
Well I was trying with 11.5% with Sheik, Luigi, Diddy and C. Falcon, and looks great!!
U can make a combo but I noticed some combos that is easy to do it with 12.5% now u can't do it easily with a low damage. Ex. with 12.5% with C. Falcon (without DI correctly) u can do at the begining Dthrow, Dashattack, Nair, Fair, easily, but with 11.5% with C. Falcon u can do at the begining Dtrow, Dashattack, Nair more quickly than 12.5% (without DI correctly) or u won't make consecutive hits (try in Training Mode), as well with other characters.
The difference is, the attacker has to be more quick to connect a combo and u can't do consecutive hits so easily and just doing Utilt, Utilt like u do with 12.5%.
I will be training with this %, u can try it too to figure out how this code behaves. Just Try it guys! lol...

11.5% (3F03D70A)


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
in regards to competitive brawl+ standards, what about gravity and damage? I am currently using 1.1x gravity and 1.16something gravity, as someone suggested in another thread. What values do you all suggest?
I don't think there should be talk about standerds until all the codes are out.
ok kupo ;) and have u noticed it's very important have a code to improve techs? because it's a little hard tech correctly! xD in melee was ok but in Brawl... lol...
Yes I have. If you look in the "codes agenda" thread, its there. Anything above the red line I really feel is crucial and is top priority. I think I should include the faster falling also


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
Well, I've been playing with +.125, and I'm thinking that it might be slightly too much. I'm gonna lower it to +.120 and after that +.115 if +.120 still seems like too much. Judging by the level of hitstun I'm seeing on +.125, I'm thinking/hoping it won't be necessary to drop it any lower than +.115, which I think could be a good compromise between the two camps.


Smash Cadet
Oct 21, 2007
What are you doing to cause these freezes to occur? Do you have any other codes on besides these two? We need more specifications than what you're giving to take this as a serious and valid claim of concern.
That's strange, I changed the order of the codes in my file and it seems to work now.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
So, I don't know where else to ask this, since there's not really a Brawl+ friendly board or subforum yet. Because everyone here has been pretty helpful, I'll just post in this topic:

Does anyone know how to hack the stage selection? I've learned how to hack the character select screen, including the order the characters appear in, but I'd really like to learn how to make it so that the stage select screen makes understanding tournament rules easy.

I.E. Neutrals on top row, counterpicks underneath, banned completely removed from list.

Any ideas?

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
the code does exist iirc, but I could not understand the format. Look for something called Custom SSS, I think it's in one of the other hack threads


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Even though I didn't mention it before, I'm also going to have to agree. lol
The code already exists... I'll post it.

Custom SSS [spunit262]
066B1E64 00000048
7F43D378 7F24CB78
480070E5 80180040
2C000002 41820010
2C030029 41820078
4800005C 4B9FD78D
2C030033 41810068
2C030028 41810048
2C030024 41810058
4800003C 60000000
046B1F04 4800002C
046B8F5C 7C802378
046B8F64 7C6300AE
040AF618 5460083C
040AF6AC 5463083C
040AF6C0 88030001
48000000 806B9298
006B929C 000000WW
16000000 000000WW
48000000 806B92A0
006B92A4 000000NN
16000000 000000NN
06407AAC 000000YY
E0000000 80008000

[u]Recommended defaults[/u]

00010203 04050709
080A0B0C 0D0E0F10
11141516 1A191217
0618131D 1E1B1C00
1F202122 25242326
27282A2B 2C2D2E2F
30290000 00000000

01010202 03030404
05050606 07070808
0909330A 0B0B0C0C
0D0D0E0E 130F1410
15111612 17131814
19151C16 1D171E18
1F19201A 211B221C
231D241E 251F2932
2A332B34 2C352D36
2F373038 3139323A
2E3B0064 260A2832
34053504 36113702
38070000 00000000

The values are indexes into ZZZZZZZZ, that only maters if you use a value for ZZZZZZZZ other than the one I provided.
The list belowe has the values to use for the provided ZZZZZZZZ.

[u]Stage Values[/u]

default indexes		level id, icon id
-- Blank		-- 00
00 BattleField		01 01
01 Final Destination	02 02
02 Delfino Plaza	03 03
03 Luigi's Mansion	04 04
04 Mushroomy Kingdom	05 05
05 Mario Circuit	06 06
06 75 m			07 07
07 Rumble Falls		08 08
08 Pirate Ship		09 09
09 Oldin (Bridge of Eldin)	33 0A
0A Norfair		0B 0B
0B Frigate Orpheon	0C 0C
0C Yoshi's Island	0D 0D
0D Halberd		0E 0E
0E Lylat Cruise		13 0F
0F Pokémon Stadium 2	14 10
10 Spear Pillar		15 11
11 Port Town Aero Dive	16 12
12 Summit		17 13
13 Flat Zone 2		18 14
14 Castle Siege		19 15
15 WarioWare, Inc.	1C 16
16 Distant Planet	1D 17
17 Skyworld		1E 18
18 Mario Bros.		1F 19
19 New Pork City	20 1A
1A Smashville		21 1B
1B Shadow Moses Island	22 1C
1C Green Hill Zone	23 1D
1D PictoChat		24 1E
1E Hanenbow		25 1F
1F Temple		29 32
20 Yoshi's Island (Melee)	2A 33
21 Jungle Japes		2B 34
22 Onett		2C 35
23 Green Greens		2D 36
24 Rainbow Cruise	2F 37
25 Corneria		30 38
26 Big Blue		31 39
27 Brinstar		32 3A
28 Pokémon Stadium	2E 3B
29 Menu			-- 64
2A ConfigTest		26 -- Bridge of Eldin
2B Result		28 -- Temple
2C Homerun		34 -- Mushroomy Kingdom
2D Edit			35 -- Luigi's Mansion
2E Heal			36 -- Spear Pillar
2F OnlineTraining	37 -- Final Destination
30 TargetBreak		38 -- 75 m

WW & NN = Number of bytes in VVVVVVVV & NNNNNNNN respectively.
For the most part you won't need to touch this. There are only 2 reason you would want to. To change what stages are in rotation for random, the first 28 (40 decimal) slots. And to change the icon a stage uses. Each slot is 2 bytes (1 byte = 2 hex digits), the first byte is what level is loaded when selected, the second is what icon is displayed. Slot 29 (41 decimal) must be the Menu (used for my music).
YY is the number of byte in ZZZZZZZZ (slots*2)
I'm not even 100% positive on how it works as I've never used it. BUT, you only need VVV, MMM, WW and NN values to use it.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
... Too bad that's the ONLY code you'll fit into Ocarina >___>
What 'choo mean? You don't need the ZZZZZ portion as that deals with stage rotation, you only need VVV and MMM portions of the code. Although, it is pretty long for such a needless thing for a tourney (even though it would make things easier).


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Space I think is something that will be hard to come by, especially given the current code agenda list.

How many lines of code is the limit?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2008
The setup that will probably be what is used at the new FC tournament will more than likely be No Tripping, 10% Hit stun, S-canceling, Auto L-canceling, MAD (Melee Air Dodge), Infinite Replay, and the Pokemon Trainer codes.
Witch Pokemon Trainer code?

What 'choo mean? You don't need the ZZZZZ portion as that deals with stage rotation, you only need VVV and MMM portions of the code. Although, it is pretty long for such a needless thing for a tourney (even though it would make things easier).
I could make it shorter by disabling accesses to the special stages, but that means no Online Training.

250 i think
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