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Havoc in the Hammer -- Aug 15, Hamilton ON, Ally / RayneX PRE-REG FAST!


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
We need to have a Brawl hack dedicated simply to Melee's Impossible Ganon, where Ganondorf has all the same horrible approaches, but one-shots everything with Jab.

On that note, I propose that, instead of normal crews if there's time after all the events somehow, we have Impossible Ganon Crews.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
It's ok, everyone knows Ganondorf has unwinnable matchups against 90% of the characters in brawl
No, you have it completely backwards.

Ganondorf has 10:90 or worse matchups on 100% of the characters in Brawl.
Even himself

Get your **** straight, son.

Nevertheless, Iliad is right and Kalm is beast, so

u gonna get *****.


I would like to petition to add The Summit to the stage list. It's really not imbalanced; it's not random at all, and it doesn't have any more intrusive hazards than Pictochat (I don't even think Delfino Plaza). Unless someone has some data that some specific character ***** the stage, I think it could get onto standard CP lists. Of course it would be hard to create the beginning of such a shift at a large event, but I can try.

I am upset the chaingrabs are banned. Will that really become the standard just by popular wish? :(

I am selectively blind to text strikeout. Go me.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
Wait, what? Chaingrabs are going to be banned? In general, or just at this tourney? And what's the voting for MK at now?


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
I would like to petition to add The Summit to the stage list. It's really not imbalanced; it's not random at all, and it doesn't have any more intrusive hazards than Pictochat (I don't even think Delfino Plaza). Unless someone has some data that some specific character ***** the stage, I think it could get onto standard CP lists. Of course it would be hard to create the beginning of such a shift at a large event, but I can try.
LOL Why do you fail so much?


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
K assuming PK-ow isn't joking...

Summit has low grav at random, stage switch at random, a fish that can not only swallow but only needs to flick you with its tail to instant kill you. Enough said.

CGs aren't banned for this tourney on the advice of Lain, IC extraordinaire. If you read the OP that rule has been struck out.

Also regardless of the ontario ban and if the SBR ban actually happens (PLEASE!) MK will still be allowed at this tourney. Far too short notice.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
tin man, MM my samus vs. your anything :)
Who do you think I am?

No, you have it completely backwards.

Ganondorf has 10:90 or worse matchups on 100% of the characters in Brawl.
Even himself

Get your **** straight, son.
Well Craptain Falcon vs Ganondork is a 50:50 matchup WAY TOO EPIC

Also regardless of the ontario ban and if the SBR ban actually happens (PLEASE!) MK will still be allowed at this tourney. Far too short notice.
Don't ban him in singles, but ban double mk in doublez. I doubt u will lose attendance, the finals will be more interesting to watch then 4 MK's goin at it (Niko_k's :laugh:).

Iliad, there is only profit in banning double mk in doublez ;)


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
LOL Why do you fail so much?
If I didn't, you couldn't enjoy yourself as much, could you?

K assuming PK-ow isn't joking...

Summit has low grav at random, stage switch at random, a fish that can not only swallow but only needs to flick you with its tail to instant kill you. Enough said.
... but those things aren't at random. It follows a script.

If there is circle camping, then it has to go. But the fish is merely an "offstage hazard". A hazard that is technically on the ground, but that makes that area threatened like an offstage region. For a certain part of the transformations, the stage has a portion that works like the left side of Distant Planet - simply dangerous to dawdle within - except Summit never has a walkoff.

Staying around the bottom of the stage during that portion is dangerous, so people just have to try not to go there. In my experimentation, limited as it is, I think that's doable, and skill-rewarding, unlike (e.g.) Big Blue.

If people can play on Japes without getting spiked into the water spontaneously, people can play on Summit without getting knocked off the high regions except by being outplayed.

And finally, the fact of the lethality of the fish ought to oblivate the risk of circle camping. That is, it can't be claimed both that the fish is unavoidable **** and that there is circle camping.

These are the thoughts that I have. I've been unable to get complete reasons from the official SBR announcements so I can only go from my own knowledge, see? (To anyone reading this,) Please help me out*, or experiment to find your own proof either way.

And of course, I'm asking because of the OP, so I'll desist if asked by a TO.

*help me find the Truth, by which I mean know the Truth. Not just accept some claim, but have justified belief it is true. A justification I can inspect for myself rather than accept from someone else, no matter how expert they are.

CGs aren't banned for this tourney on the advice of Lain, IC extraordinaire.
I guess I'll strike that out of my other post then.

EDIT: Hey wait a minute, no, D3's infinites are still banned. And Marth's Ness/Lucas infinite. That's what I meant.

Sorry I didn't call them infinites; I guess that's important. I just find it strange those bannings are becoming the standard.

@Tin Man: I was joking :psycho:

HAY GUYZ, Tin Man's Fest is tomorrow. RSVP.

(I can't go. Sorry, but tyvm.)


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
You should post that in Ampharos' Stage Legality thread.

Circle Camping isn't a HUGE issue. I'd say the biggest threat there is Wario. Test at the tournament for it?


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
EDIT: Hey wait a minute, no, D3's infinites are still banned. And Marth's Ness/Lucas infinite. That's what I meant.

Sorry I didn't call them infinites; I guess that's important. I just find it strange those bannings are becoming the standard.
Absolutely not would those be allowed in. It ruins matches. There's no skill involved in either of those, and they make the matchup virtually unwinnable against other people.

Now I hope you understand what those are.

Marth can grab and pummel, release then grab, Ness/Lucas to a nearly infinite amount of damage but more importantly to as much damage as required before he simply walks and up+bs for the kill.

I'm not sure which characters D3 can, but he can grab d-throw certain opponents and not even have to run to grab them again and can rinse and repeat. He also can merely walk to do this to certain characters.

Both are lame as ****. And are about as exploit-y as metaknights infinite cape.


I don't know why I even have to argue for it dude. I am -not- putting that stage in my stage list. I would take MK back up before I did that.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
LOL Now there are nerds, and then there is Pk-ow. Who would pretty much rather argue the game then get good at it.
Edit: I'm the only one bashing.... lol.

On the positive side it should be really fun to have a good turnout at this tournament =D


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Hey now, no bashing on PK. He earnestly wants to give suggestions and I appreciate it. All I'm doing is explaining it to him, I'm not trying to **** on him, and I apologize to PK if thats how it came across.

Summit does not follow a timer or script. It's random, like pirate ship. Trust me, I used to play on it regularly for teh lulz. Low grav in any situation is game changing, not hazardous. Which is why PS2 is banned at most tournaments and is banned at mine, the same reason is the predominant reason pirate ship is not allowed. To make things worse, summit has slippery floors. Normally I wouldn't care, but brawl is a less than perfect game and the sliding animation glitches out, making one more vulnerable than if they were to trip. While it can be avoided, it is inevitable, and sometimes matches can simply become waiting on the other person to slide glitch and punish them however you see fit.

brawl should not be RPS. (No offense to you RPS pros.) it should be skill based in it's entirety, no luck should influence it. Since that's not possible, it's the job of us in competitive play to make sure as little luck squeezes through the cracks. Lol.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
I appreciate your support, Mikey. 9_9
EDIT: Oh and thanks! It's nice to be called a nice guy.

No essay; I didn't make the remark to try to turn the infinite bans around. I was just letting my views be known. I'm well aware of how they feel, those who have infinites banned at their tourneys. Most (*wink*) have a settled idea of how they want their tourneys to be, and I only come equipped with the stock Sirlin argument. I'm not prepared to debate between value systems, as this would require.

I'm just a person who makes The Number of people in Ontario who think there's no need to counter Sirlin on that issue, greater than zero. That's what I meant about that.

I will say I'm rly dumb and didn't notice that the Iliad I was talking to is identical with the thread creator. Your sig isn't part of your other posts, see, and I pay too little attention to the OP's author. So it ought to be me who used the wrong tone with you. I haven't been offended by you so far, Iliad.

Last, I wanted to say that, probably bringing up Summit didn't make sense either way; thinking about it, I really would not wish for that stage to be added to a big tourney like this, to start its trial in competition. Mentioning it makes no sense and was impulsive. Sorry.

I will (do some more fiddling and) take the post to Ampharos' thread, Linkshot, ur right.


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
I can't figure out whether that was to offend me using a trash character, or whether it was a actual question.
Lol he's a Bowser main or he was atleast he has an MK avatar now but I have yet to see him use him.

Serious question: Why does sheik **** ganon so bad? I heard something about an Ftilt lock.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2005
Bindura, Zimbabwe
@Stan: Bowser vs DK sounds great

Ray_Kalm, I was just joking around. Honestly, I don't think I've used any of those 3 characters more than like 10 times each :p If you really want we could do a Bowser vs Ganondorf MM or something, I dunno

Ftilt lock is part of the reason Sheik destroys Ganon, but I'm pretty sure the main reason is the fact that if she gets a percent lead, she can just sit under a platform and use the chain and Ganondorf can't do anything.


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
Ontario, Canada
@Stan: Bowser vs DK sounds great

Ray_Kalm, I was just joking around. Honestly, I don't think I've used any of those 3 characters more than like 10 times each :p If you really want we could do a Bowser vs Ganondorf MM or something, I dunno

Ftilt lock is part of the reason Sheik destroys Ganon, but I'm pretty sure the main reason is the fact that if she gets a percent lead, she can just sit under a platform and use the chain and Ganondorf can't do anything.
Yeah that would be fine. I'd actually go up against anyone who isn't Olimar, Ice Climbers or Snake.
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