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Halo Game - Ovah

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
GJ Xsword and Regal

GGs to all

I don't want swords to go over evaluations of everyone, there's nothing good he can say about me T_T


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Scum QT: http://www.quicktopic.com/45/H/8ce4cG77aKC (We stopped using it and used msn at the end, so it won't make much sense)

Shout outs:

X1 - managed to slip under everyone's noses. Loads of you thought he was scummy, but no-one ever pressured him! Boi like a ninja!

Sold - Played well imo. Should've listned to SSBF - right for the wrong reasons

Chuckie - Why do you always tunnel me? D: Is it just policy or can you two read me?! I've never been town against you ^_^ Had to kill you

FZ - Playing solid townie game. Had to get rid of you

DH - >_<

Moriarty - >_____<

Mentos - Got roleblocked every night - hurr durr

Spag - You misread me, but nailed everything else

Smar - Never quickvote in LyLo - played like a deck of cards :p

Proper analysis post coming later.

But GG mad enjoyed it. A role claim WOULD have won town the game - Lol.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I second X1 for MVP.

I had Swiss nailed the Night I shot Spag.

Yea. I'm the vig...

I FOR SOME REASON believed his Zen schpeal. And I went into D4 hardheadedly, "knowing" Sold and Swiss were scumteam. That's why I didn't care if Swiss or Sold died toDay...

*slams face in piano*

ggs X1. Swiss... I read you like a book. He-Man... COME ON!


Idk why we didn't shoot N1. We should've, looking back, but we were mainly planning on shooting Mori or nobody, cuz he was useless as hell.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
You 'read me like a book' only AFTER I got Zen mislynched AND PM died that night. Lol.

Swiss/Sold scumteam like became the plan (we initially thought he was vig).

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Also, another two canidates for MVP: Chuckie and Swiss.

Chuckie was effing HORRIFYING to play with. Easily the best townie who was on the ball for most of the game imo. If he could of won the support of people more easily than scum would of been finished.

Swiss did a pretty a good job as the "scum leader," even though he was more forced into that position then just assume it. Even so, he played this game like a chess master, and also thought his moves out way ahead of time. Scum definitely couldn't of won this with out him.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Swiss: great job D3 turning things against me. I should have stuck with my guns. I think Smar would have stayed on my side had I not taken my vote off you. I had such strong scum reads on you, but everytime you went into serious mode you seemed so townie o-o. The second you claimed jailer though, I knew you were scum. Erg at you not falling for my tracker bluff. If I could have just gotten you to claim yesterDay we would have had this. And why you leave me hangin with the shouts D:?

Smarboy: You did AWESOME d1 and d2 and pretty much up until you betrayed me... Seriously what was up with that :mad: you weren't even listening to me. Though I shouldn't blame you. I shouldn't have regone after PM. That was dumb on my part. I wish you would have stuck with Swiss in the end though, but other wise good job.

X1: You are so hard to read! You play weird in every game I play with you so it's hard to know where the heck your head is at which does good for you as scum. Well played. The only thing that could have messed the game up for you is that you didn't have a read on Swiss. You and Swiss always have a read on eachother so your no read on him was a tell. No one else seemed to think anything of it though so you're all good :) I agree you should have mvp.

PM: LOL yeah my bad. I should have realised you were town d3, as Smarboy did. I think if I had let you go, town would have had a better chance. My read on you and DH was competely backwards. SMH. You still were super scummy though >_>.

DH: You need to start having reads and making cases. As town you need to be useful, and as scum you need to act useful.

Chuckie: I think you would have had scum pinned down if you lived another day. Your reads are amazing and I just don't know how you do it o-o

Mentos: why didn't you play the game ~.^??

FFS: Yeah my bad for the harshness. I was trying to keep you from interfering with my tracker bluff because I didn't know if there really was one or not and if you were it.

J: Why did you replace out??

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
I wish it was a Swiss/Sold scumteam that would've been so cool.
Or at least let me be the vig so I can not have to deal with convincing townies I'm right.

I think I should get MvP for pulling town to 2nd place.

I should've appealed for a Swiss lynch D4, I might've been able to do that. And then at least we could have a little tiny chance, other than I would inevitably get lynched D5. Maybe it was for the better.

I actually really did think Swiss was town until D4. He was making the most sense out of everyone :r.
I'm just mad.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
chuckie, (emile, town watcher).
Oh boy o, thought you'd never ask. Though we're not quite as sure of his alignment as you seem to be. Wii would be more sure of his alignment after a few flips, cos wii have been watching closely :p. But if you want to lynch him toDay do tell why!
Are you the scum roleblocker? :awesome:

Zen was absolutely killing it after we died...

But then town fell apart just because he went inactive :(.

Zen I don't know if you ever saw me viewing the thread, but I was here cheering for you the whole time lol.

I mean seriously, we friggin flip watcher and no one even tries to look for bread crumbs....

We outed a town pr on day 1, and NO ONE even thought that "hmm, maybe the watcher targeted him N1 and saw scum roleblocking him?"

It would of been obvious had mentos actually targeted someone who lived... but alas.

And wtf with the spag vig kill. I MEAN SERIOUSLY NO ONE LISTENS TO ME WHEN I DIE LOL. Swiss should not of got off like that.

Gord I'm SURE you thought zen was obvtown early on... :(. wtf :(

I tried so hard to be scummy on Day 2 so we wouldn't get NKilled. Guess we were probably already locked in for the kill? Was trying sooo hard to make zen take the bullet...

@Zen don't feel bad, I saw how stretched for time you were with all those games you were in... and Swiss is relentless as scum so don't feel bad. You're a good player and should be glad with how you played. Seemed you were the only townie with his head screwed on.

@Swiss: yeah we actually had a reason for thinking you were scum this game. so :p. good job though, I seriously thought zen would **** you.

@X1: gj, I think I'm pretty good at reading you now. I think it's because I play scum similarly to how you do.

Can't believe no one even thought to consider how Swiss and X1 play mafia together. Is there actually a game where swiss hasn't got a confident read on X1????

Sorry for raging... but massive props to scummies for getting out of a tight situation. Didn't think you'd do it tbh.

All hydra game was fun, but don't know if I'd ever want to do it again :p


Chuckie so :mad:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
@Swords: Thanks for the game, but watcher is a seriously broken town PR. If mentos had actually targeted someone who didn't die, and scum NK'd the obvtown guy instead of us, we would of had the entire scum team by Day 3 o.O.

Fun times :p

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

Swiss got ta me dude. I honestly thought he was absolute 100% town until the second Swiss made that case and I pressured Zen.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Oh wow, Chuckie, I feel so dumb I missed it :(
Chalk it up to inexperience. This was my second game as town, and in Bioware, while I did fantastically, I died D1 and never had to re-read flips.

Zen, PM was mad scummy D1, but everything we said D2 was true. We admitted straight up to skimming and tried to make good on it but our D1 play just kept biting us the rest of the game. I thought you guys would've let up by D3 but was amazed when Swiss kept right at it and Zen ate a lynch trying to defend us 0_o

It became pretty obvious to me that Swiss was scum from that near the end of the day but town had so little trust in us at that point. I believed in a Swiss/Sold2 scumteam though. I should have been more firm I guess in my belief regarding Swiss being scum so that it'd be read in my flip, I guess, but nobody in this game re-read flips.

Regarding our D1 play, Edrees and I ended up both having monster weeks. Edrees was preparing for vacation and I was dealing with stuff on my lawsuit and brought in a contractor on my house. Each of us assumed the other was playing, and we kept getting prodded 0_o Then we both tried to make a speed re-read on the same day, but were having a hard time telling the players apart.

There were 12 hydras, but people kept posting out of their hydra so we were seeing 36 accounts posting and they started to blur together and we lost track of our reads on people because we weren't associating people's statements with their hydra account. We BOTH noticed the same thing on Zen, so we decided to run with it, and then thought Zen OMGUS'd us. We noticed Smarboy parrotting Zen, so decided to work with the assumption that one of the two was scum and kept at Zen through the rest of the day to get a reaction from one of the two players.

By D2, Zen was out for blood against us. We started to think that Zen was too aggressive to be scum; he'd completely lose town trust once we flipped town with how hard he was trying to lead our lynch. So we decided Zen was town but were left without reads and started contradicting ourselves scrambling to get one.

In all honesty, we jumped on DH because he was the only other person we could get lynched to save town from mislynching us, and he was grey. We didn't have THAT hard a read on him. But he flipped scum and all was good.

Went in to D3 having actually gotten a grasp of the game, and working under the assumption that Zen = town. Swiss got way too cocky at that point and started handholding dead Spaghebti and trying to make himself look townie. So we decided Zen = town, Swiss = scum, and tried to push that. Zen defended us and then Swiss jumped all over him.

I'll admit Swiss even made me question Zen, and I noted that, but Edrees held that Zen was town. That inconsistency made us look even worse V_V because I stopped sticking to my guns in hard statements just in case Zen flipped scum.

So yeah.

My worst game ever, definitely. Mostly because I entirely skimmed D1. Sorry guys...but at least we ate a mafia NK as a VT, which was the goal. My apologies for being a distraction.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Gonna go read the QT and see how much scum laughed at us. I'm just glad we forced them to NK us in the end ;D


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Sworddancer. said:
Holy **** SRB needs to STOP making his flavor give away so God damn much. That seriously pisses me off on how he makes PM seem like a "victim."
I seriously lol'd at this. I actually saw this, and I told Edrees, "Sweet, we're practically confirmed town from the flavor". Then Swiss was all like LYNCH PM and everyone was like YEAH when the day started and I went V_V

Figured you'd all assume I was scum if I tried to actually point it out, too. "LOOK GUYS, FLAVOR CLEARS ME".

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
lol this game.

Didn't follow it really but hasty lylo is just like cmooonnnnn guys wtf y'all doin.

Anyway *brofist* OS:

Mafia QT said:
Swiss: FZ is inactive as well as hiding. Good PR there, imo.

Sir Bed: ForeverZero was playing very safe toDay, it's probably because he doesn't want to get nk. Hell, maybe they even tunneled Moriaty the way they did to make themselves look scummy for this reason. They pretty much knew because of thier status as "good" players that they weren't the play. So basically, I wouldn't be surprised if they opened up a can of whoop *** going into Day two. They would be our "safe" choice of a kill imo.
Baitin' that NK as VT all day sonnnnnnnn

We did our job lol.

GGs all.

Oh and seriously people, use your hydra accounts. Like it's not that hard. This game had so much potential as a full hydra game but unfortunately was kind of undermined by lots of replacing and just bad adherence to hydra posting. =/


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
I'm generally of the opinion once a vote in placed in lylo, it shouldn't be retracted, ever. All of this 'unvote now!' stuff is just meh. Man up, if you can be badgered to unvote in LYLO then why did you even speedvote in the first place.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
I'd like to request that people who played with me in this game for the first time don't meta me off of it.

As I said, my worst play ever, due to skimming D1 assuming the other player was playing.

I've never been prodded before and am usually extremely active as both scum and town.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
I don't think you were that bad Praxis. Mafia gets hard as soon as you go V/LA or miss stuff.

Read the QT, lol at swiss picking up our crumbs perfectly >.<. Would of been better just outright claiming.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
"Oh ****, Chuckie and Zen could win town this game..."

Solution: KILL THEM

I love being scum. Me VS Zen was so fun - can't believe y'all thought to trust Swissaaii.

Praxis you did well considering your activity - you have to weigh it up.

Yeah FZ, glad we killed off that awesome town PR N1 *wipes sweat off brow*

P.S - Sorry to anyone I annoyed or offended in this game. I should probably type out a disclaimer before each game.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
urgh this was a really fun game... ggs!

Lol looking back we hunted Swiss down like a tramp on chips -- how the hell did you turn it around??!! :mad:

Chuckie will return...
Wii will return...
from vacation


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Moriarty (tom/kevinM)

Great fun to play with - but your actions hindered town. You wasted what you should have thought was a strong town PR. I thought Kevin wanted a town role, so I don't quite get why he threw this away.

Gotenks (BSL/mentosman8)
Mentos you got unlucky D1 and were being played for the rest of the game. You did well to crumb your target, that saved your life and scum would have won much sooner without that. I intended to get you killed - so props.

BSL just vanished D:

XSword (x1-12/sworddancer.)
X1, you're a good player. Bizarre, but good. You didn't play a particularly townie game but managed to dodge every single bullet town threw at you, and that's what matters.

Sword you didn't do much other than coast for a while, but you helped guide X1 in the direction he needed to go. Even though I don't know how much it helped us - I think it speaks volumes about you as a player that you asked me to check your posts for tells and slips. Humble and smart.

Regal Cheese (swiss/sirbedivere)

Swiss - lol y u always scum?

Bed - D: I was looking forward to hydra'ing with you. Come back! <3

tHe-Man (ryker/xonar)
I don't know which half of you was which. But you played terribly. Half of you didn't even look at the role PM if I understood correctly. That random case out of nowhere made loads of people take stances on me - most of them bad.

Cotton licky (Blue Yoshi/Zen)

BY I assume you played well. I'm not sure which posts were yours.

Zen you played well, you were a confident town player and definitely an asset. After Chuckie died I saw you stepping up to the mark to lead town (to what would have been a win) so I was left with no choice to take you down. Great fun. Props.

Peach Monster (edressespieces/praxis)

You've said it all, but you did better than you thought you did.

Fans For sell (Sold2/SSBF)

I mentioned it earlier. Sold played well, and was right to turn on meat the end. You should have been more forceful - you could have got me lynched.

ForeverZero (frozenflame/Overswarm)

Said it all. You both played well. I wanted to keep you alive as I figured I could use you as an ally, but you're tricky players to fool.

Spaghebti (macman/gheb_01)

Hurr durr.

smarboy69 (smargaret/gorditoboy69)

You didn't learn from Community >_< NEVER vote in LyLo like that. It didn't really matter as Sold would have died after I got lynched and flipped scum. GG other than that, you should have stuck with Zen and not trusted me.

Chuckie (vanderzant/kat)

Lol you two. LOVED killing you. GG and props on nailing two scum. You just can't ever seem to convince town to trust you, which is a pity.

Thanks to Xiivi for taking over hosting.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Sorry I wasn't here to finish the game with flavor, i am on vacation and there was no wifi until now. I will be home tomorrow, so i can check everything else then. Thanks to everyone for playing!

X1 and chuckie get mvps.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
*Brofists Chuckie*
*Brofists Swiss*

I'm only gonna do shoutouts for last 5 alive and some special cases. If you feel left out then I'm sorry

Swiss: our scumteaming is too pro, next time you should flip a coin and call me scum/town because of it.

Sold2: You actually played really well at the end I think, by the 5 man LYLO scum pretty much had it in the bag, even if I lynched Swiss I'd have taken gboy to lylo and you'd be dead as fried chicken. Your level headedness was good, I'm kinda suprised you didn't vote for Swiss after Gboy did but I think you played well.

Mentos: You were unlucky with recruitments the whole game, but we had you jailed each Night anyway. Fortunately you weren't around in LYLO to set Gboy's head straight

Gboy: Why quickvote? I just don't get it. Also you should never be so quick to clear someone on flavour, it was also just too easy for me to say "I don't think I should be clear because of it" and steer your actions for the whole of LYLO

Chuckie: oh em gee, played really well, I was fearing you for most of the game

tHe-Man Both of you are blacklisted from any of my future games. Half of you didn't even look at your role PM, you never posted in the QT, after PM'ing you we get a message back a week later saying half of you is playing blind (dunno which half) Then total inactivity almost getting modkilled.. gah very annoying. Didn't even know your role until we asked the mod for it but it turned out you didn't even use your action N1. gah.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
tHe-Man Both of you are blacklisted from any of my future games. Half of you didn't even look at your role PM, you never posted in the QT, after PM'ing you we get a message back a week later saying half of you is playing blind (dunno which half) Then total inactivity almost getting modkilled.. gah very annoying. Didn't even know your role until we asked the mod for it but it turned out you didn't even use your action N1. gah.
Remember when people were like "man, don't let xonar play anymore" and we were like "a hydra would be a good way to get him started again"


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Very sad to see the game ended yesterday, despite having some things to do I planned to make sure to get a post up being likely lylo and all, but I got home from work and game was over.

I played probably my worst game ever. Not because of lack of recruitment as a mason recruiter(although that did make life harder), but because I was pretty much on the defensive from mid-D1 through near the end of the game, and as I said everyone posting as hydras and their player's names made it very hard to try and re-read.

X1, you did a really good job. I was suspicious enough of you to not clear you from the combat knife flavor, but honestly you weren't on my radar most of the game. Had I been around before LYLO ended I woulda been out for Swiss, but not sure you would've been my second push.

Gordito/smarboy as a whole: in the future never vote in lylo until everyone has had a chance to weigh in. Also, even when flavor is highly suggestive like this game, don't give people free passes from it. You pretty much disregarded X1 scum over flavor which obviously turned out to be a mistake. As a whole though, back when I was still Gotenks I had suspicion on smarboy as a whole, and by the end there you were probably one of my better town reads, just had the slip up in lylo. I would say that shooting Spag was stupid, since he was obv town, but really it saved the town from a mislynch since I wouldn't have actually been able to recruit, so it balanced out XD

Zen: I had suspicions of you from early on, and I think in part because BSL felt the same way so much when he was still in the game, that never really faded. Really you played a pretty good game, but Swiss made a good push on you.

Swiss: Played a good game. Scummy, and I definitely would've made sure you were lynched in Lylo there, but you got yourself to endgame, and convinced Gord to allow the alpha-strike on Sold there, was definitely a good game for you.

Don't have as much to say on those who didn't live till endgame. FZ died early and would've loved to have gotten that recruit off. Same thing for Spag. Chuckie played very well, and I wish I had seen their crumbs before they pointed them out>_>

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

X1, the thing is that I wanted to clear you, whether it be for the softest or hardest town reads, cuz I thought I had such strong scum reads on Sold and Swiss (Swiss I was right on :D, Sold not so :().

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
mentos said:
Gordito/smarboy as a whole: in the future never vote in lylo until everyone has had a chance to weigh in. Also, even when flavor is highly suggestive like this game, don't give people free passes from it. You pretty much disregarded X1 scum over flavor which obviously turned out to be a mistake. As a whole though, back when I was still Gotenks I had suspicion on smarboy as a whole, and by the end there you were probably one of my better town reads, just had the slip up in lylo. I would say that shooting Spag was stupid, since he was obv town, but really it saved the town from a mislynch since I wouldn't have actually been able to recruit, so it balanced out XD
I didn't mean to disregard X1 for flavour.

I meant to disregard him cuz I was sure of the scum team, and he wasn't in it in my head... I was kinda looking for excuses. Never even had a scummy read for most, if not ALL, the game.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Was smarboy really the Vig? If that's the case then words fail to describe how disappointed I am at your performance - not just because you shot me. Not to be mean but you SERIOUSLY should've kept these shots for yourself unless you were planning to cut out inactive players.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I didn't even play this game and I still get a shout-out. :D

J: Why did you replace out??
Well there were two main reasons.

1.) rPSI got extrememly busy all of a sudden and could not do a mafia game with the new workload.
2.) I would have taken away from the all hydra game flavor ^^" I didn't wanna ruin other people's fun with being the only person by themselves.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I was planning on shooting Mori, but the damn town mislynched em.

I WAS Vig -_-.

This is like my terrible doc protects in Bioware.

PR's friggin hate me.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Praxis pretty much said everything I wanted to say. GG's to you all, nice job especially to X1. Sorry for the inactivity d1, I've learned my lesson not to join four games at once.

In other news I think i can read gordito boy pretty well now, but I won't tell him why ;)


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
tell us tell us!

I'd probs nominate Swiss/X1 for MVPs because Town did lose and though our reads were cool (and I mean really quite cool because we've been on a string of good reads recently o.O), Chuckie didn't live long enough to make the impact we could have made. I need to learn to keep shut when I get a PR. Vanz can kangaroo kick me now as he wanted to act a bit suspicious before we died... so yeah I'd give it to both these two simply because of the way they gelled, for X1's chameleon like abilities and for Swiss' ability to NEVER GET LYNCHED/zombie immortality... :mad:


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
if kevinm and i ever hydra as moriarty again we are going to communicate with picture again just like we did in this game and just like we did in the game before this. our method of communication has no bearing on our alignment, and i know that we are two of the best players on this website and i know that our hydra only adds to and doesnt subtract from that. it makes us hard to read... get over it. if u think im wrong i would love to discuss it with u. i know im not the only one to feel like this because i talked to a few non-player dgamers about it. i do regret my inactivity as the day progressed but i dont regret sticking to the plan.
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