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Halo Game - Ovah


Sep 30, 2010
If it was my decision alone I'd keep my vote on you the rest of the Day without question.

Swiss said:
Smar you're suggesting that you will vote me at any time you are online.

Swiss said:
This means you believe your presence here will affect the result.
No, but X1's town and he doesn't like the fact that I'm voting at all bla bla bla I've explained this.

Swiss said:
This means you think you can unvote before an alpha strike.
There's not gonna be an alpha strike.

Swiss said:
I can't believe you are town, you would not ever even consider this as a course of action.
Then vote me if you're so convinced I'm anti town.

You'll understand at endgame.


Sep 30, 2010
Swiss said:
You said you couldn't do this yesterDay because PM was still alive.
Yesterday I couldn't do it cuz it was Thanksgiving and we were doing a lot of stuff. Yesterday, not yesterDay.

Swiss said:
Also, why did you suddenly flip on Zen yesterDay? Zen thought this was out of character for you if you were town.
Cuz I believed you.


Sep 30, 2010
It's not a crumb. You'll understand why I'm voting you so sporatically at endgame when I can explain my logic.


Sep 30, 2010
Swiss said:
I was the guy who made the ****ed case, Sold and Mentos already had a few suspicions on Zen - you're the slot that swapped out of nowhere. And then imply I'm scum from the flip.
That's not why I imply you're scum. But I can't explain right now. You know what, I'll make it fair. When I give the case, I'll place the vote.


But I AM putting it back.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
here's how LYLO should go

1.) explain who you think is scum:

2.) listen to what people say

3.) re-evaluate who you think is scum

4.) repeat 2.) & 3.) until nothing changes.

5.) vote the player you find scummy

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
X1-12 said:
explain your logic now. hiding information is bad, seriously you should know this
I know what I'm doing looks super edgy and risky. I knew that once I made the vote. But, once I get mentos to chime in, it'll be 100%, my thoughts, rather than the 99.99% it is right now. Me and Swiss will be forced to crossvote, and you'll be forced to choose the best of the both of us. That's the logic that you won't understand until endgame.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Okay, here's some background info on Swiss-Me. Whether you want to take it into consideration for his scumminess, that's your choice. But here we go:

Swiss always talks to me about how I can't play anything near a decent scum game. How I don't know how to scumhunt as scum. Now, that made absolutely no sense to me, cuz if I was scum, and I'd be scumhunting, I'd be bussing all of my scummates, and be left to do nothing. It was only until Zen flipped town that I knew what Swiss meant: Bulls***ting. The art of bull**** is an incredible one. One that Swiss does quite well at. Swiss' case vs Zen was, indeed, sporatic. He didn't have anything to say about Zen before that. Mostly cuz he couldn't think of the bulls***. The bulls*** sounded legitimate, and he got a wagon formed on Zen, which included myself. Smargz had showed me a lot of points against Zen, and I had believed them (ex. the hand holding thing). My mistake? Hell yea. I had completely dropped any suspicion I had of Swiss at the beginning of D3 and went to a guy I thought was obvtown, cuz Swiss got me in his bulls***.

That's all I got so far, cuz I don't have Microsoft Word on this computer to make a case. But once I get on my cood computer, I'll make it and place my vote.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
So, my case against Zen was bull****. But you didn't realise that. And it's still my fault he was town. K.

Just so we're clear: I made a case on Zen, you changed your entire game stance on Zen after myself, Sold and Mentos decided we didn't like him and helped get him lynched. You then skipped the hammer (which I'll assume Smar was telling the truth about) and point the finger at me toDay as you jumped on my case (which you decided WASN'T bull**** even though you know I apparently AM awesome at bull****ting and thought I was the scummiest player) and thus I'm scum as I'm awesome at bull****ting and so the case was fake.

Again: You say you KNOW you know I'm "awesome at bull****ting" - so WHY when you found me scummy yesterDay and wanted me gone, would you believe ANY case I made? That must have been some seriously epic bull**** from Swissscum.

And for what it's worth - I've outright told you the only reason you're bad as scum is that you don't take any stances.

tl;dr - Swiss iz alwayz scum, 'e made mee lyncheded Zen - so lyccnhhhh 'im!

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
The Zen thing isn't the only reason I think you're scum dude. It helps, but it's not the ONLY reason. I'm not saying it was your fault he flipped town. It's Swords' I meesed up in believing your case. But I'm NOT gonna mess up again.

At the beginning of D3 I felt you as scum, and let that go cuz I thought you had a convining argument against Zen. My fault for believing it.

N3 I felt that I was near 100% sure of you and Sold as a team. PM was the only variable. He's dead. So now I feel confirmed.

My sister's being a b****, so I gotta go. I'll try to post up the case the next time I go on.

Oh. When you made the case on Zen. I thought it was town Swiss vs scum Zen. As I've said, twice?, that was my fault for taking the bait.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Yeah yeah, your 'mistake' for getting 'duped by Swiss scum' - happens to the best of us amirite?

Easy to say mate, not so easy to actually show it happened - especially when it didn't. You're the guy who made the 180 on his buddy when the opportunity presented itself. You're the guy who failed to say yesterDay the possibility or implications of me being scum, which is particularly useful for you toDay. You're the guy who's voted in LyLo even after a 'confirmed townie' literally begged him not to. You're the guy who's cleared players off dodgy logic and by a process of elimination decided who the scum are - including voting before one of them has even properly posted. You're the guy who's ignored my clear jailer crumbsfrom D1 (how far ahead do I plan ffs?) and instead has called me a scum roleblocker. You haven't acknowledged I, as a 'scum roleblocker or jailer' used my ability in a pro-town method which saw me take major heat from Chuckie and Zen when they couldn't figure out what I was doing, which could easily have resulted in myself being vigged. You haven't explained why you quickvoting in LyLo is beneficial for town, instead maintaining that you have to be right and you'll explain after the game. You haven't explained why no doc or protecting role (esp. with naive cop and a scum PR flipped) has CC'd me (WTF). You haven't explained why Noble team are all town after flavour confirmed scum as covevant, 'nor why a broken set-up would be brought into play - resulting in an auto win for town (assuming Vig shoots non Noble claims - which is pretty obvious. Town win even faster if scum CC the Noble claims FYI). You've explained NOTHING. You've instead tried to make a quick push for my lynch LyLo.

You, are ridiculous.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
All that turkey must've went to y'alls head. Gordito needs to slooow down, stop and think. Swiss needs to slooow down also. Let's list the possibilities, instead of this blenderized logic y'all are making.

Basically it comes down to 1. Gordito is indy, 2. Swiss is mafia, 3. I am mafia.

1. I agree that Gordito is entirely out of line right now, I don't know what he's trying to accomplish. But you have to remember, there were 2 kills one night, and Gordito is claiming the shooter (vig in this case). I'm inclined to think that Mafia doesn't have a vig/hitman in a 9 v 3, so we can agree he's not mafia. If he's an indy, the numbers would have to be 9 v 2 v 1 (unless Swords made the mistake of going 8 v 3 v 1), which is a possibility.

I'm tired of this "SK always has to shoot" logic; it's not always true. Since there's a watcher in this game, and a uh mafia something like watcher, I would actually think it'd be more likely for the vig to have the choice. And omg being easy to fakeclaim vig? Actually having to scumhunt the indy? That's absurd!

Saying Gordito = indy, means there's only 1 mafia left. That's the only way he ends out being scum. It's possible but unlikely, and up till recently I've thought he was town. Though, this would fit Swiss's "one of the noble team is scum" flavoring. Assuming I'm town, this is also the ONLY way Swiss's "1 Noble = scum" works. Underlined for importance.

I have yet to see reasoning as to why Sold or myself is scum.
I'll answer this (lol). It's process of elimination. Unless my above Gordito = indy situation is true, it has
to be one of us as scum. The "one of the nobles = scum" logic only works if I'm scum or Gordito is indy. Mentos is extremely unlikely to be scum (can we agree on this?). Of course, the other option is that you're scum and you're lying about this flavor.

Outside of that, you(Swiss) and I are the two players with the least confirmed town behind them. Except I think X1's confirmed town via combat knife is silly so I want to throw him into our group anyways.

3. Last option is that I'm scum. I'd be the untrustable noble in Swiss's flavor, and then Gordito could be Indy, Swiss could be my scummate, or X1 could be my scummate. Obviously I won't be following this option.

So basically for me, I'm either looking at Gordito and Swiss/X1, or I'm looking at Swiss and X1. Swiss and X1 as possible mafians, Gordito as Indy.

This is all assuming we can think of Mentos as cleared based on the unlikelyhood of him making a bluff this entire time and getting really lucky on Spagheb's death.

I wish I could be confirmed right now, so that we could lynch Swiss, shoot X1, and then if there was a next day, lynch Gordito. But that would mean everyone would have to trust me, and I guess it doesn't work that way.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Can't get a full post up at the moment, gotta get to sleep here soon and it's been a very hectic couple days. Should be able to get something solid up tomorrow night, Sunday evening at latest depending on work tomorrow.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Gboy explain/answer these, all of them

1.) how you shooting spag clears mentos
2.) how you are clear
3.) why you didn't shoot N1
4.) Why you didn't shoot me to test out swiss's jailer crumbs
5.) Is the word 'marine' used anywhere in your name or elsewhere in role PM
6.) how only shooting once makes you vig not SK, when end of D3 swiss dropped the biggest ever crumb about me being safe.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Set-ups didn't need to be reviewed by a list moderator when this game went up. This game definitely came before #32 on the queue, so the rule didn't apply to it. It's possible Swords made it 8 v 3 v 1.

If it is 8 v 3 v 1, we're in a really tough spot no matter how you think about it. We would have to lynch mafia, and at least one of nkills would have to hit the indy/mafia, or jailer negating 1 of them, and then we would be either in a town lose, prisoner's dilemma(we don't want this), or a 2 v 1 lylo depending on how lucky we got at night.

3 mafia and 1 indy would imply that Gordito is Swiss's untrustable noble, and that would very likely mean that Swiss himself and X1 are the remaining scum, since I would be, presumably, a trustable noble.

It's a possibility, but until we have anything suggesting that it's true, we shouldn't be thinking it. I'm still looking at 9 v 3/2v1.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Checking in really quickly. Won't be on for a while.

But Sold's idea in his 1421 (I can't believe I'm saying this) does make some sense.

Does anyone oppose to doing the following:

- Lynch either X1, mentos, or SOLD.

- Allow Swiss to jail me toNight- clearing him. I won't be able to NK, and I won't be able to die. I'll send in a kill against Swiss so that if scum targets him, I don't put the town in danger of losing if he is *giggles*, in fact *giggles*, a jailer.

- Allow mentos to mason me, since I won't have any possibility of dieing toNight.

This seems like a 100% fullproof plan, because people WILL be cleared. I'm confident that Swiss and Sold are scum, and I'm willing to do this to give myself no doubt. I've been masoned only once during my time of playing mafia. And the notice came up during the Night that I was masoned. So if (@mod are we allowed to post mason logs?) I can get a true idea as to who mentos feels as scum and why, I'll take that into account.

Is anyone opposed to this plan?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
think before you post - so much of that is wrong/doesn't make sense/doesn't work

@Swiss: Can you jail yourself?

@Gboy: respond to my #1418


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Let me get this straight.

You are going to shoot me. If I'm not lying I survive (o hai townie).
Mentos (agreed townie, ish) masons Gord. If he survives you're both confirmed (o hai townies).
Sold and X1 are the scum (or a scum and an indie).

Assuming Mentos actually CAN recruit you. Scum will NK mentos, then. Stop the mason.

Gord, you can shoot me toNight so I can clear myself on the provision we lynch scum (assume 3v2 - I think there are two anti-towns left, I really want to believe one of them is indie). If we lynch a townie toDay don't shoot me as our only hope would be that I can Jail the scum that performs the NK AND you can shoot the other. (If we lynch a townie a vig by himself can't stop us losing - so you'll have to assume I'm telling the truth).

I can't believe you'd suggest this as an anti-town.. <---Let me think on that.

I'm not agreeing to your plan yet, let me work through the scenarios. (Plus I'm mad busy atm).

^ Sorry if I made little sense or got things wrong - rushed post.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
X1-12 said:
Gboy explain/answer these, all of them

1.) how you shooting spag clears mentos
Cuz I 100% believe his crumbs, and it's not like he can be scum and have NK'd spag. It's not like he crumbed his NK that time.

X1-12 said:
2.) how you are clear
I'm not. But I AM a killing role, and whether you believe the set-up to be 8v3v1, that's up to you.

Hmm. I guess I can't be cleared at all to anyone cuz of the possibility of indie... Geez there are too many possibilities. But I'm not indie. There IS no indie. Just doesn't seem to add up.

X1-12 said:
3.) why you didn't shoot N1
We would've shot Moriarty, which is why we were so against his lynch. But we couldn't think of anyone else to vigkill. Simply. Clearing us as a vig didn't even cross our minds.

X1-12 said:
4.) Why you didn't shoot me to test out swiss's jailer crumbs
Didn't even notice them.

X1-12 said:
5.) Is the word 'marine' used anywhere in your name or elsewhere in role PM
Hold up lemme log into my hydra account to see.

X1-12 said:
6.) how only shooting once makes you vig not SK, when end of D3 swiss dropped the biggest ever crumb about me being safe.
I didn't notice the crumb, so idk how to answer the question. Mind helping me out if it's necessary?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Checking in really quickly. Won't be on for a while.

But Sold's idea in his 1421 (I can't believe I'm saying this) does make some sense.

Does anyone oppose to doing the following:

- Lynch either X1, mentos, or SOLD.

- Allow Swiss to jail me toNight- clearing him. I won't be able to NK, and I won't be able to die. I'll send in a kill against Swiss so that if scum targets him, I don't put the town in danger of losing if he is *giggles*, in fact *giggles*, a jailer.

- Allow mentos to mason me, since I won't have any possibility of dieing toNight.

This seems like a 100% fullproof plan, because people WILL be cleared. I'm confident that Swiss and Sold are scum, and I'm willing to do this to give myself no doubt. I've been masoned only once during my time of playing mafia. And the notice came up during the Night that I was masoned. So if (@mod are we allowed to post mason logs?) I can get a true idea as to who mentos feels as scum and why, I'll take that into account.

Is anyone opposed to this plan?
kill mentos and have him mason you?

completely ignores the possibility of you being anti-town

stopped reading halfway through tbh


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
We would've shot Moriarty, which is why we were so against his lynch. But we couldn't think of anyone else to vigkill. Simply. Clearing us as a vig didn't even cross our minds.

I didn't notice the crumb, so idk how to answer the question. Mind helping me out if it's necessary?
First para.

WHAT WHAT WHAT. you cannot be serious. I can't even remember who you were pushing instead of mori, but why did you not vig them? HeMan perhaps?

Who do you think should be vigged? You have to be certain they'll flip anti-town.

Vig don't shoot X1 or Mentos. Other than that take free reign of your decisions.
@ Vig - If PM is being recruited toNight to verify his alignment.

Don't shoot PM or Mentos. Obv.

And don't shoot X1, that wont work.
Hurr Durr.

I could actually see a Gboy/Swiss team here, Swiss telling gboy to play the ****ing idiot card for the whole of LYLO
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