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GSG - 7/24-7/25 tournament matches http://www.youtube.com/user/gkinfinity


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2006
land of the free
like i said above it's fairly obv that the reason the east is divided but the west is not is population density. people are more scattered in the western states. more land, but fewer people


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2009
Boback, I didn't mean to take anything away from Darrel.

Mainly pointing out that Hax doesn't have a samus problem, and he did choke. That doesn't mean Darrel didn't play great though, just saying.


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2009
LOL this **** is like what Hitler's reputation did to Germany...

Yall people in the Northeast need to pay for your past crimes against the Carolinas and Florida.

P.C. Jona

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2009
like i said above it's fairly obv that the reason the east is divided but the west is not is population density. people are more scattered in the western states. more land, but fewer people
ok but we arent talking about the population of the united states

were talking about smashers

80% of our smashers are in tristate in the "east coast"

theres like 15 or 20 more in the rest up top

california as a state has all its players because its huge


new school didnt do crap to florida and them


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
LOL so much drama!

sorry for late shoutouts, i tried to post them earlier but the forum was messing up

Here's my stance on **** talk. It's all fun and good, but the moment you start taking it seriously you're a tool. Why? You're bringing in emotions into the game, selfish emotions that you don't need to think about, ESPECIALLY if your main focus is getting better. Let your ego go! I'm not about to go claiming that I'm better than hax, just the same that I (definitely) didn't do it after beating jman in pools at pound (god **** it miles). Sure, it was a good win for me, but I'm still getting ***** improvement-wise by players like lucien, pewpewu, s2j....

Anyone who really wants to improve, and most players who DO end up improving really quickly, don't really bother themselves with negative thinking like that.

so ggs hax, i'll play you again sometime ;)

time for my shoutouts

our car: bangin' CD got banged. sherigrimey is #2 sheridan but still cool. johnny drives like a **** maniac. jamie foxx 8 times in a row. back in the day, dj eazy dik from the station that slaps you across your fat azz, wit a fat ****

fly: good **** in teams, i'm kinda disappointed we lost to scorpmaster, but we keep doing better and better at the big tournaments :) i'll try to stop getting nervous/doing random things/suiciding with all the hype haha

norcal: holding it down in a big way.
lucien: crazy good, i love your focus on the game, it's really helped you improve. so good!
ss: **** machine as always
shroomed: my man, we are gonna **** so hard next year
darrell: we really are mirror images of the same person, <3 and phone and now we're even beatin the same players!
GISHNAK: THIS GUY IS SO ****ING GOOD, NOBODY KNOWS. i have a strong feeling you're about to shoot up crazy fast
bob$: thanks so much for housing me and m2k, i hope it wasn't too exasperating! thanks for the matches too, i love your style and i need need need marth practice really bad haha
pewpewu: ***** everything. must feel good to be able to go to more tournaments now. you're on my hit list little boy!
sheridan: thanks for housing and pizza, i owe you like 10-15$ still lol i'll pay you back once school starts again if you don't mind. norcal humor > socal humor, even if i switch between being 45-55% of both regions
brandon/phil: obligatory shoutout for being the homies, even though we didn't hang out at this tournament
miles: comin with the breakfast, thanks man. you gotta stop being an azz though if you wanna get better ;)
anyone who i forgot: nice seeing you. recognizing old faces and people i know from elsewhere was really cool, like PhD molestation ****fest Mike, Michael the crimson shadow, and jin

joey! i wanted you to beat lucien because you're my favorite fox, but oh well. experience among the top levels, i think, is a lot more matchup experience than most people believe.
hugo: you were playing really random against jeff, i almost wanted to tell you to think more, but i also didn't wanna kill your subconscious-mind buzz. it probably works, but you were taking a lot of risks. i don't personally think samus is a good character at throwing out moves like that, but i definitely know to not question your knowledge/rep/experience. every time we hang out is really fun, the drive was cool
johnny: my fave smasher right now, honestly i think you got kind of screwed in bracket and could've made a bigger splash, but oh well. that just means more time to get better for the next tournament before you start turning heads and runnin trains. thanks thanks thanks for driving, tell your sister thanks too.
shergrimey: #2 sheridan is still a good sheridan. fun driving up with you/looking at wild cats in the taco bell parking lot/giving you slight **** for being a little kid still lol
wesTBallZ: super drinking party, with extra amounts of drinking. sick dance moves

la dondis: (laudandus) you are surprisingly good, and you were a really tough first round opponent. ggs, your dash-dance game is really good.
dajuan: good **** again, i agree with lucien attitude. thanks for the advice
***** GISHNAK: GOD **** IT THAT WAS THE CLOSEST SET I'VE EVER HAD, you are insanely good at punishing the moves i was trying to throw out, i had to try so hard to win that ****. plus you made me think about the matchup, which helped me against alex19 later.
choknater: after such a close set with gish i wasn't about to sleep on you! hopefully the advice helped, i know that matchup pretty well from playing fly and even embracethe12 back in the day.
alex: finally i beat you! your style is really tough and good, i had to adapt a whole lot to win, and on top of that i won the first game on some BS haha. super respect for travelling right after destroying your knee. take it easy! you don't wanna mess that **** up again before it has even healed. <3
hax$$$: most of my thoughts are already up above. i'm not about to go start saying ****, because unlike you i've never won a tournament, placed top 15 at a national, beaten jman or pc chris in bracket, been in crews at a national, beaten lambchops, won teams at a regional. . .. ............ YOU GET IT. mad respect for my dude, one of my favorite players too. hopefully i'll play you again sometime :)
pewpewu: man, i got *****!! good games, and good job making it so far

g$ is one of the funniest people in the smash community. team undefeated definitely got defeated a few times this tournament LOL! but i say we keep the name just for ****s and giggles, or alter it to reflect the record in money matches, or something else... lol
d1: finally i get to meet this guy, i love your style man. i wish we got to hang out more, i would've loved to see inception with everyone, but maybe that'll have to wait for rom3.
m2k: good **** representing at this tournament. getting chaingrabbed to 220% by your dr. mario and killed with a tornado was not the most fun i've had, but still pretty cool haha. enjoy your stay at dunk's house, i'll try to get over there sometime soon if you're still around.
otto: i almost forgot to mention you because you seem like a socal brother, although technically you do come from WA.

everybody else:
nice seeing you. till the next tournament!!

Bob Money

Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2004
LOL this **** is like what Hitler's reputation did to Germany...

Yall people in the Northeast need to pay for your past crimes against the Carolinas and Florida.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh man, i remember when Chu and neo would go to FL to enter tournys for a payday.


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2006
land of the free
ok but we arent talking about the population of the united states

were talking about smashers

80% of our smashers are in tristate in the "east coast"

theres like 15 or 20 more in the rest up top

california as a state has all its players because its huge


new school didnt do crap to florida and them
the smash population comes from the general population. why do larger high schools tend to have better sports teams?

edit: "california is huge." again, population density (3rd time)-- cali is a big *** state that is heavily populated in some areas and practically deserted in others. idk the #'s but what constitutes the "atlantic north" prob has about as many people as california. wouldn't be surprised if it had more


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
a quick sum of the northeast has comparable population to washington, oregon, arizona, california, and nevada


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
The smash regions shouldn't be decided by arbitrary political or geographical boundaries, they should be determined by which players go to the same tournaments more often and what region the players themselves identify as. It's pretty much just the question of which region do you click for the forums. It would also matter how many regions the country is split up into. Sure if we're only talking about 2 regions, then FL is "East Coast," but if there are more, then they surely aren't.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
idk, being an *** makes you an ***. if you experience negative feelings, or if you let them get to you while you're playing they'll hold you back. i had a few other things to say about it when i wrote those shoutouts but i forgot. since you're an *** it seems like you can be very set in your own views (about what happened in game, your opponent's situation/emotions, or the conditions you're playing under [like bringing up friendlies so much haha]). getting good usually requires changing the way you think, and switching up your attitudes, and admitting that you were wrong.

so doucheitude is good in some respects, but it can also hinder improvement.

thanks macman. much <3 for the people giving me love haha


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
the south is anything under the mason dixon line to louisiana.

when i lived in virginia i called it "the east coast" people of va claimed it was the south, and i got into an overdrawn argument with people at hampton university and norfolk university about what is and isn't the south. it's very concrete.

edit: kouryuu...i don't think i've met you before but you're a fuucking douche bag on the boards LOL.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
Kouryuu just tries a little too hard on the boards to create hype lol that's all

But he's chill in person =) like every other smasher in the whole world


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
well pretty much nova associates with the DC area and thusly the 'EC' (atl north)

whereas sova is closer to the carolinas and plays more frequently with the south


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
replicate i actually can't believe you haven't done that well at a national. i think even if i was playing my best you would've given me a challenge on par with pc chris or jman. top 5 foxes imo and i look forward to giving you a better challenge next time

kouryuu looks like a garden gnome

edit: i'm done arguing about what state belongs to what region. WWJasonD, the pic you posted doesn't even include Florida in any region. I guess it's a part of cuba LOL. but seriously, coast is defined as "next to the sea; seashore" and the only thing that ever changed this in smash was drama like 5+ years ago cause florida sucked. the arguments in regards to NY/PA/NJ's population in regards to Cali is irrelevant; CA's smash scene is bigger than all of us combined. i didn't know the amount of homeless people in New York should be considered relevant to how big the smash scene is


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
again, learning about the cultural regions of the U.S. makes a difference.

florida is a bit of a special case regarding southern culture, but for smashing purposes, (i.e. who they play with), they're south.

edit: Hax you'll probably learn soon enough once you take american history.

P.C. Jona

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2009
again, learning about the cultural regions of the U.S. makes a difference.

florida is a bit of a special case regarding southern culture, but for smashing purposes, (i.e. who they play with), they're south.

edit: Hax you'll probably learn soon enough once you take american history.
"cultural regions"

dont change the fact that the east coast of the united states goes from maine to florida

if florida is "south" then we should be called "north"

also screw american history i never learned crap and i had a B average

screw school in general


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
joe yea the advice helped

uairs helped me beat tang lol

tho i dont think he was taking it too seriously

esp cuz he went link on round 2 saying 'lets have fun,' definitely was great fun though


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
STOP POSTING ON MY ****ing name johnny u faggot >_<

edit - response to macd - i 4 stocked u with marth

isai - good seeing u again. More 64 vids to watch yay

mango - ur going to apex, ur the best at melee no question and will easily win it

zhu - good stuff in teams. Try to remember the stuff i told you vs sheik for next time. Don't quit.

SmilingSpectre - can't wait to see the vids of you and lucien/hugs/mango

Bob/others - thanks for housing me

california - too cocky, but pretty **** otherwise

too lazy to think of every single person besides this
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