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Greater Toronto Area Thread - The other other other other other other other other Pokemon Thread


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Why don't you guys figure out how to improve beyond and pass Bernard or something rather than fight amongst yourselves? I mean, the fact of the matter is that we found out we're not as good as we think at RoM and we have a long way to go. Nobody cares about a PR where everyone after the top 5 places dead last in bracket.

We keep talking about how we're going to get amazing and then when we go out, it's like, super choke combined with super fail and a whole lot of other crap. It's pretty amazing.

Let's focus on something new: passing the best player in our region and staying ahead of him. Or, alternatively, how to get better technical consistency / edgeguarding so our "average" players don't finish last in bracket? How about those? I think those would be much better things to work on. PR politics are stupid.


Smash Lord
Apr 14, 2007
100% agreed with what david said.

This is one of the few reasons why I don't think we need a PR, people get too caught up within who's better than who only within the community. Open your eyes, people. As much as competition amongst each other is needed for improvement, don't get too caught up with it. Put more of your focus on doing well outside of your region.

And lastly, WORK ON YOUR GAME. Don't base your improvement solely on how well you do vs. others. Actually take time to look at how you play, what you need to improve on and work at it. I've heard too much "I 2-stocked him a month ago and now I 3 stock him, I'm getting real good." LOL, I mean c'mon. All I'm saying is, recognize your strengths and weaknesses and recognize your opponent's strengths and weaknesses. Here's an example: If you're facing somebody and you find yourself living to high %s...you shouldn't automatically assume you have good DI. Watch what's really going and recognize your opponent's weakness: they suck at edgeguarding/killing.

Bah, **** it, I'm done, LOL. Hopefully you guys understand what I mean.

Last but not least: GTA vs. All


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
100% agreed with what david said.

This is one of the few reasons why I don't think we need a PR, people get too caught up within who's better than who only within the community. Open your eyes, people. As much as competition amongst each other is needed for improvement, don't get too caught up with it. Put more of your focus on doing well outside of your region.

And lastly, WORK ON YOUR GAME. Don't base your improvement solely on how well you do vs. others. Actually take time to look at how you play, what you need to improve on and work at it. I've heard too much "I 2-stocked him a month ago and now I 3 stock him, I'm getting real good." LOL, I mean c'mon. All I'm saying is, recognize your strengths and weaknesses and recognize your opponent's strengths and weaknesses. Here's an example: If you're facing somebody and you find yourself living to high %s...you shouldn't automatically assume you have good DI. Watch what's really going and recognize your opponent's weakness: they suck at edgeguarding/killing.

Bah, **** it, I'm done, LOL. Hopefully you guys understand what I mean.

Last but not least: GTA vs. All
quoted for mother ****ing truth


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
I had no idea winning everything counted as stuff "not paying off".

But oh well.

edit: PRs are dumb.
If you think I want to win tournaments like THIS:

I am gonna beat you all.
(But probably not r.b.d)

Jiggs is too easy.
get out of my ayusssss

such ****ing insolence. bro you have never won against me, and you haven't eclipsed me in skill.
perhaps hte only reason im so bitter right now is because i dont understand where you get your confidence - you dont play me for a long time and all of a sudden it's assumed you're 38434x better.

you did this all day before though too (back when i came to everything), so i cant really say i didnt expect it. there's a video of you saying every region in US sucks (except for east who has two good players- and look! Mango ****ing *****) you underestimated everyone when NNR dominated, and you underestimate even more now. it's pathetic.
Jake you need to stop. Mike isn't even provoking you this time, I think...

Just stop arguing you losers.

Wow, seems like the community has randomly become pumped up...

  • Jake and Nate are back, vying for respect.
  • Who the best is among the Mid Tier GTA players is a heated topic << who the **** cares xfd
  • Quebec's Melee scene being reinvigorated after GTA ***** their ****.
  • Niagara mostly switching to Melee.
  • Ally getting bored of Brawl and going after the Melee scene now.
  • Adnan getting free bjs from Dejana << so ****ing sexist @.@
  • Naked sex parties at Desh's place << wait wut?
****'s gonna go down at OiN! But yeah, no more weed for me. No johns, but Zen won't beat me again.. especially after I 2-0'd him in pools lololol. SO anyone want to smash today? Imadh? David? Bernanda? It's time for me to dust off my old super controller ^_^

Edit: OH YEAH! I got Pokemon Platinum *****esssss. I found out it leaked a week ago, I should have brought it on the trip to Quebec, ah well! Wait... aren't I supposed to hate Pokemon? ****, I failed myself.

Random note to Jake: No disrespect, but I don't think you'll beat Mike. He beat Wife... lol. Good luck though! ;D

good points Josh. Glad to see Melee is making a comeback.

Quoed for the mutha ****in COURTaLAO


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I'm not provoking Jake. I don't wanna read any of this crap. Just let him MM me or face in tournament.
I just put him at the end of the PR so he WOULDN'T get upset and make drama because he got 7th in Brampton. >_>


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
If you think I want to win tournaments like THIS:

then you're sadly mistaken. I don't want to get easy bracket and have to face people as good as Ryan, just to have him kill himself randomly during the set. Then tell people how it he wanted to go home because top 3 turned out to be all GTA and the GFs and WFs didn't matter. Hearing that **** pisses me off. What did I work for then? How did I use my skill to achieve a win if they were simply handed to me (or were against bad opponents)? Its bull**** to say that I'm the best, not beat anyone relevant in quebec (besides david and ryan who I ALWAYS play), then take 1st. How then will the win mean anything if there are so many excuses and reasons behind why I won (Ryan didn't care, David wasn't playing at his best, etc etc etc)? None of my wins are legit in that sense. Thats why it makes me so **** mad. ESPECIALLY, about Quebec and what happened in the bracket.

I've explained to you why such a thinking mindset is silly. You beat me, you weren't playing your best either, you wrecked me at the tournament before Starfurry 3, and what ever happened to good old-fashioned "No Johns"? I lost. You won. Done. Fin. Clearly I wanted to win and gave it all I could at the time. You did the same. You trounced me. That's the end of it. It's now on me to step it up, honey.

And I plan to do so.


edit: If you're thinking / referring to me being pissed off after the tournament match somewhere in the monster post, I was disappointed with myself. That's it. I thought I had it and I failed. Nothing complicated about it, nothing special about it. I figured if I won match 2 I'd be able to carry the momentum to match 3 and pull out a BS win somehow but then you beat me match 2 and the set ended and I had lost.

I do think Sheik loses to Fox but it's not enough to warrant getting another character. It's not like I'd do better with another character either, so complaining about it is futile. I need to get better. That's it. If Wobbles can stomach Peaches like Vidjo and Cort then I can certainly learn to tolerate Fox.

edit 2: Your head to head record with me is POSITIVE. NOT NEGATIVE. You beat me the majority of the time. You and Ryan's teams record against me and whoever is also POSITIVE. NOT NEGATIVE. You do better overall in the states. You're a better overall player. I'm not making a matchup john in the above FYI, there's a shitload of evidence that points to you being better than me beyond just the head to head, which you win most of the time.

Deleted member

I'm not provoking Jake. I don't wanna read any of this crap. Just let him MM me or face in tournament.
I just put him at the end of the PR so he WOULDN'T get upset and make drama because he got 7th in Brampton. >_>
i never thought that me getting a decent place at brampton would necessitate me being on a pr.. to be on a pr you need to come out consistently. the only thing that bugged me was you underestimating everything. i dont care in the slightest about a potential pr, i know who i'm better than.

edit: i would also like to apologize to people who don't really know this side of me - i'm not usually this inflammatory.


Smash Rookie
Mar 20, 2009
Toronto, Canada
Happy birthday peterx.... don't know if it's belated or not, cause of all of these freakin' posts you guys make.

Your like machines.... but if you were smashing you would be flawless.... except for the commentary and disses.

Which is so much more fun then being awesome at playing it.


Smash Rookie
Mar 20, 2009
Toronto, Canada
You can go to desh's house and get someone there to do that for you....

one of the naked people...

since it's a rule at his house. Said by Trevor.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2006




Smash Rookie
Mar 20, 2009
Toronto, Canada
har har. That wasn't bad.

I didn't come up with my name on the premisies of it being japanese.

Originally it was going to be Darcisa, which I came up with, but it's annoying to pronounce.

So I thus I removed the 's', only to then find out/remember that the name is the name of character in Wolf's Rain. =_=

It's not too bad of a series though. I watched most of the anime.

Though the other reason for this is because my tag name is Darc.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2006
Darcia isn't a japanese name though. I just put it in Katakana. :D

So, you COULD read your name. lol

I like using Wジェム as my tag when I play smash. It's basically the same as "WJEM" but, in japanese W's can be interpreted as a form of "lol" so it's like I'm "lolJEM."

Also, you could have just rigged your way around it with google translate. lol

you mean thats the sound you make when you sit on his... y'know. lol jks
re-read his quote very carefully... lol


Smash Rookie
Mar 20, 2009
Toronto, Canada
lol but that I would only do if I was extremely bored.

That wouldn't happen cause I have my SSBM to improve on so I can kick some ***.

I will get good at playing Bowser, you'll see.


Smash Rookie
Mar 20, 2009
Toronto, Canada
Darcia isn't a japanese name though. I just put it in Katakana. :D

So, you COULD read your name. lol

I like using Wジェム as my tag when I play smash. It's basically the same as "WJEM" but, in japanese W's can be interpreted as a form of "lol" so it's like I'm "lolJEM."

Also, you could have just rigged your way around it with google translate. lol

re-read his quote very carefully... lol
I know what he meant by his quote, I was just being ********, jeez.

This society of ours... :p


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner


for some reason i wrote *****day becuase i suck at type

but nevermind that

choose smash over sex

you can do both i guess

that's what biweeklies are for

srsly where have you been

god what a noob


Smash Rookie
Mar 20, 2009
Toronto, Canada
Having both at the same time... hmmm....

Yeah cause lets say having sex with C. Falcon and getting kneed is oh so sexy and such a turn on.

lol it would be really fun for guys to get kneed, for girls it would just be a trap.


Bad joke. Seriously I should really filter what I say.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2006
I know what he meant by his quote, I was just being ********, jeez.

This society of ours... :p
It's text. 90% of all meaning is lost through text when it's treated as a medium for casual conversations.

Even now. I could be extremely angry or just lightheartedly informing you.
You don't know because it's text.

(it's the lighthearted one ;) )

It's part of the 7 reasons the 21st century is making us miserable.



Smash Rookie
Mar 20, 2009
Toronto, Canada
It's text. 90% of all meaning is lost through text when it's treated as a medium for casual conversations.

Even now. I could be extremely angry or just lightheartedly informing you.
You don't know because it's text.

(it's the lighthearted one ;) )

It's part of the 7 reasons the 21st century is making us miserable.

I agree with you on that.

It is making things inhuman and hard for communication.

People are getting worse at it in real life cause they use techonoligy too much instead of a being infront of the person.

Just A Frog

Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2009
Desh's Bathroom
kk this community is getting to philosophical someone throw a pie or something...

GRMZO =D, need moar pokemon friendlies..moar.. how the hands doing?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETERX, i got you something for your special day... its a falco ditto on FD.. just the way you like it LOL

anything happening this weekend :S?


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
kk this community is getting to philosophical someone throw a pie or something...

GRMZO =D, need moar pokemon friendlies..moar.. how the hands doing?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETERX, i got you something for your special day... its a falco ditto on FD.. just the way you like it LOL

anything happening this weekend :S?
*too =)

and go ahead, i'm majoring in philosophy.

also, "darc" is definitely already taken. 2nd or 3rd best jigglypuff player.

i'd be good at falco dittos if we agreed to no lasers =P but then it's not a real falco ditto.

Just A Frog

Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2009
Desh's Bathroom
*too =)

and go ahead, i'm majoring in philosophy.

also, "darc" is definitely already taken. 2nd or 3rd best jigglypuff player.

i'd be good at falco dittos if we agreed to no lasers =P but then it's not a real falco ditto.
lol we should have a sexy party play smash this weekend then :p have a philosophy-off (?) to see whos better lol... and a falco ditto without lasers, youll just have to cut off my right thumb or tape off my B button LOL


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
T.dot, Canada
Having both at the same time... hmmm....

Yeah cause lets say having sex with C. Falcon and getting kneed is oh so sexy and such a turn on.

lol it would be really fun for guys to get kneed, for girls it would just be a trap.


Bad joke. Seriously I should really filter what I say.
keep falcon out of ur stupid jokes!!!!!!
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