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Greater Toronto Area Thread - The other other other other other other other other Pokemon Thread

Just A Frog

Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2009
Desh's Bathroom
you were naked at desh's house?!
i've only been at stos' place =[
Please refer to rule number 3 if you will sir. lol <3

Welcome to the Just A Frog training school.

Rule#1: Never go to Desh's house because his dog will dry hump cuddle you.
Rule#2: You MUST get with Desh's sister.
Rule#3: At one point or another, be naked in Desh's house. Does not count if you are following rule #2.

Playing smash has nothing to do with being good at the game.


Smash Lord
Apr 14, 2007
Assuming who you're better than is just going to cause more drama. Based on tournament results, I THINK you would be the best out of all of them. I could be wrong though. I'm pretty sure if Peterx stopped forfeiting pools matches, and Afro came to more events - they'd both do about the same if not better.
Racial bias. :laugh:

getting aggravated about lack of progression
you understand my situation quite well.


Loves Pink Poodles
Mar 3, 2006
Not true. Just because Mike says he wants to leave doesn't mean we're falling apart. His actions don't represent how anyone else in this community feels. You guys read too much into things.

true but i just kinda feel bad inside that we're losing someone haha.

Lol at alphas quote. To anyone who asked me "stos why are you so emo right now?" theirs your answer.


lol kk whos down for smash this friday?


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
were getting all touchy feely ^_^, i love you all, raynex cause hes cool, afro chris cause he has an afro, stos cause he plays link and i <3 link, kyle cause he eats cereal without milk and when he chews it sounds like someone stepping on snow (lol deshs house) peter cause he teaches me the sickest falco crap ive ever seen and desh cause i was naked in his house and of course ryan whos pichu is **** lololololol ill edit to add people later
is it really that loud? i guess that makes sense. in my own head it can drown out a tv.
only cereal i eat with milk is nesquik. which is funny, cause it's not even for the chocolate milk, it's just the only one whose taste i like better with the milk.

Assuming who you're better than is just going to cause more drama. Based on tournament results, I THINK you would be the best out of all of them. I could be wrong though. I'm pretty sure if Peterx stopped forfeiting pools matches, and Afro came to more events - they'd both do about the same if not better.

Not true. Just because Mike says he wants to leave doesn't mean we're falling apart. His actions don't represent how anyone else in this community feels. You guys read too much into things.
eh, i don't think i'm causing any drama...smash is actually one of the few things i'm not modest about. i don't know why. it's fun, though =P remember when i first joined the community and kept saying how bad i was? i'm really just going for accuracy in my observations.
and on a side note, i'm not using tournament results for myself (i'm not letting myself doing reasonably well at PY go to my head, if that's what you're thinking). afro has beaten me every time i've played him in tournament. my judgements are more subtle.
i realized this post sounds kind of like stirring things up too =P that's the problem with text not having any intonation.

don't leave, mike =( who will explain every tiniest detail of the game to us? who will start each of those explanations with "alright. so."? who will be the second tallest? it would probably be ryan or afro. you can't let that happen =(


Loves Pink Poodles
Mar 3, 2006
stos y so emo
well as you can see.. i placed 17th in brampton LOL.

yeah haha.

also whos down for Link dittos with colour glitch? or any dittos with colour glitch and asking the viewers whos who?

no offence but for example.. falco dittos same colour.. the question is "whos Peterx?" and we wait for youtube response(s) and get answers like "the falco with bad di" and we all laugh and giggle yeah..lets work on our mentor stuff. lol

oh yeah, anyone wanna see the most embarrassing thread i ever made?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2007
well as you can see.. i placed 17th in brampton LOL.

yeah haha.

also whos down for Link dittos with colour glitch? or any dittos with colour glitch and asking the viewers whos who?

no offence but for example.. falco dittos same colour.. the question is "whos Peterx?" and we wait for youtube response(s) and get answers like "the falco with bad di" and we all laugh and giggle yeah..lets work on our mentor stuff. lol

oh yeah, anyone wanna see the most embarrassing thread i ever made?
OR THE FALCO THAT ****** **** xP i'm awesome...:psycho:


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
T.dot, Canada
Lol take me out. after what happened this weekend I'm done
wait wat happened this weekend?

Afro shut the **** up. lol

The people that decide who gets inducted into the TTs should be the players that represent the crew at tournaments and are really active in the tournament scene within/outside of Canada. Who said that a non-Canadian couldn't be a TT? Chris stop making up rules.

example TT panel would be like: Ryan, Mike, David, Me, Captain would be Imadh (TTs was his idea). Then I'd throw in other people to keep it diverse. Grmo, Afro if he doesn't let the power get to his head, and 1 more person.

hai I'm Raynex nice to meet you.

i dunno i swore i was told this was a canadain crew to like counter the blade breakers which is an american crew.......honeslty i just wana make a crew combo video :D

- david is my mentor already (he keeps saying so =P)
- christian is out of practice (he said so)
- honestly, at the moment i'd say i'm a little better than chris and we're both a bit more than that amount better than you. it's so hard to tell with smash, though, especially when people are improving so quickly.
- josh and useful peter are around the same level too

^lol, originally i had written some of that much more bluntly
hmmm no drama but kyle, haven't i beaten u in every tourny match we've played :D the last match me 2 stocking ur jiggs on DK 64

....i like dont go on the boards for like 10 hours and theres like 5 pgs added....wtf....


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
T.dot, Canada
jake i have to play you more :laugh:

believe it or not i still listen to Deltron 3030 LOL.
wats worng with deltron 3030......oh and bernard i found some new stupid trick u can do wit falcon :D i got the idea from that thing u showed me wit falco :D

oh and random question does the term scar jumping only apply to doing it on yoshi's story or island which ever one it is....


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
Afro shut the **** up. lol

The people that decide who gets inducted into the TTs should be the players that represent the crew at tournaments and are really active in the tournament scene within/outside of Canada. Who said that a non-Canadian couldn't be a TT? Chris stop making up rules.

example TT panel would be like: Ryan, Mike, David, Me, Captain would be Imadh (TTs was his idea). Then I'd throw in other people to keep it diverse. Grmo, Afro if he doesn't let the power get to his head, and 1 more person.

man, some people are so lucky I didnt get in this "just for fun" arguement. **** woulda got ugly..


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
hmmm no drama but kyle, haven't i beaten u in every tourny match we've played :D the last match me 2 stocking ur jiggs on DK 64
lol yeah, i mentioned that in another post. i just don't go by tournament results alone in calculating how good everyone is. i use a more complicated system which i haven't fully worked out and which could be completely inaccurate =P meh, we're really close.

it's not supposed to actually MATTER how comparatively good everyone is...just kind of a fun side thing.

edit: i'm pretty sure "scar jumping" can be done on stages that aren't yoshi's story...it's just the best one for it.


Loves Pink Poodles
Mar 3, 2006
<3our melee community<3

we should have like a smashfests soon with everyone present for some **** =D


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

In that order I think. Sylar vs. Josh, I'm not sure what to make of it. I think Josh does a lot better vs. me and Marths in general. I think they're really close. I think if it was Ontario wide Jack would be in 6th.

I haven't faced Imadh in a tournament in... a long time, I think last time was pools at He-Man so I'm not sure who is better. I always end up facing someone random, then Bernard... then losers for a while until I hit Ryan/David.

Dunno who I'd put next on the list. Adnan, Stos, Peterx, maybe Jake?


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
Josh = Kyle
Josh >> Chris
Kyle ? Chris

Personally, I think it's a tie between Josh and Kyle, Jack THEN Chris. Chris isn't exactly active and when he is he places like 9th most of the time. I wouldn't give him that position to be in the 6th spot. Kyle has been showing strong placings lately, Josh has always been good and still showing improvement where as Jack is showing some insane development as Ontario's top breakout player but only coming out to 2 events in the past 3-4 months.

It's close. Then it's Sylar, me and Stos.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
T.dot, Canada
lol yeah, i mentioned that in another post. i just don't go by tournament results alone in calculating how good everyone is. i use a more complicated system which i haven't fully worked out and which could be completely inaccurate =P meh, we're really close.

it's not supposed to actually MATTER how comparatively good everyone is...just kind of a fun side thing.

edit: i'm pretty sure "scar jumping" can be done on stages that aren't yoshi's story...it's just the best one for it.
noooo i dont mean can it be done,,,,,,i've already taken care of finding ways to do it on other stages,,,,,but i'm just saying if its done on different stages will it still be called scar jumping cuz......he techinally didnt do it on different stages and his way doesn't even work different stages, where as mine does :D

his way being drop off the ledge and wall jump


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
My evaluation of Chris comes based on how well I think he'd do vs. Me or Imadh when he plays serious. His tournament game is a far cry ahead of his friendlies game xD I've ruled out anyone from that list below #5 being able to beat the top 3.


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
lol with all his talk about inventive and useless tech, I'd believe that he's got some potential in him to do well, but iunno lol. Watching him getting ***** in Falcon dittos by Imadh was pretty hilarious omg <3.

Needs moar tournament activity.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
T.dot, Canada
u guys post like i cant read wat ur saying.......

WAIT WTF......i ***** imadh in falcon dittos.........imadh u gotta admit it at joshes( cuz i didnt do any falcon dittos at the last tourny) i was taking most of the matches

and plus the 9th i placed at star furry was like a way harder placing to get compared to the one we just had....u cant really compare the 2,


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2007
I think these arguments are why the PR was discontinued... BUT thats besides the point... ITS MY BIRthdAAY :D

But yeah next fest, i'll try winning instead of doing dumb things


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
the placings thing only works when no one is too interested in their own status =P (not in response to anyone) anyway, after a page of it i can see why normally we avoid discussions like this. gets old really quickly.


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
I love PR discussions. I just wish people could contain themselves a bit and suck it up when people place them into numbers.

That being said I have been taking a new look into presenting talent. Actually, Josh has LOL and I've been thinking about it.

Deleted member


In that order I think. Sylar vs. Josh, I'm not sure what to make of it. I think Josh does a lot better vs. me and Marths in general. I think they're really close. I think if it was Ontario wide Jack would be in 6th.

I haven't faced Imadh in a tournament in... a long time, I think last time was pools at He-Man so I'm not sure who is better. I always end up facing someone random, then Bernard... then losers for a while until I hit Ryan/David.

Dunno who I'd put next on the list. Adnan, Stos, Peterx, maybe Jake?

lmao gotta love the obligatory mike hate. bro i would destroy you (just like I have in every set i've ever played against you since... ever)

edit: DRAMA


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
lol. That's because they're forgetting to add tournament weight into the formula of making that decision. PGL was on that COT weekend wasn't it? PY is lulz but some of those upsets should be taken into account. As for those 2 tournaments, I've never heard of them lol.

Wow! Theres like 4 people from Sauga in that PR list! Holy **** lol.

lmao gotta love the obligatory mike hate. bro i would destroy you (just like I have in every set i've ever played against you since... ever)

edit: DRAMA
If this was supposed to push his buttons then lol, but if this was serious then lawlno. Mike would mop the floor with you now. He ***** me hard now, he gives Vwins a HARD time, and he's beat Wife, the infamous Marth slayer @ Mass Madness.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Hmmm? no hate.
My last memories of your peach were at LBT where you were going even-ish with Stos. You got 2-0'd by Adnan so I figure it's fair to put him above you. I feel Peterx is also around the level so I put him there too.

I have an idea of how those few + the ones I put in an order do vs. Peach by playing them randomly with my own. You might beat Afro Chris, I think he's trash vs. Peach xD <3 Afro.

Deleted member

im completely serious, next time i see him we will play

uhh, getting 2-0'd by adnan doesn't mean much (not to downplay adnan's incredible growth as a peach main)

did you know GK beat me in a peach ditto 2-0 ON POKE FLOATS? way back when, back in my prime - no one said ****. i'm just not very good at peach dittos
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