so if you are playing a tourney game you ban according to the standard rammus/panth/eve/sivir? or do you ban according to the expected team? we're not talking about solo queue here. eve/panth strong in solo, weak in arranged
and it all starts with one person playing it well for exmaple manyreason's team in the newegg tournament with sivir. next will be irelia probably. you can alistar is OP wiht reep but thats not true as alistar has weak points in his game
and you guys are focusing on karthus irelia, while there are a lot of poeple that can play anivia janna rammus shen sivir zilean
Tourney Game, you ban according to the other players. We banned Shaco vs. CLG in Wanfest because we knew we had no chance vs. Regi's Shaco. Who cares? What does this have to do with queues and needing more bans? If you wanna see opposing names so that you can base picks accordingly, I dunno, I can at least somewhat agree with that, but adding more bans is not an appropriate solution. I like Pantheon, I wanna be able to play him. Adding more bans to prevent more people from being able to play the characters they want to play is just not desirable. And honestly, if you're at the point of complaining that Irelia is OP, I think you need to start looking at what makes something OVERpowered, rather than just powerful. Just look at your list... they get an OP character? you can just pick 2 when it's your turn. How is that overpowered?
Now that the better players have had some time with the new items. What do you guys recommend for Kennen sets?
It would be nice to have a foundation for AP and AD Kennen. I almost always go AP, but in the case where my team is heavy AP it would be nice to have an idea of an alternate build if I want to simply practice Kennen.
I'd also love it if you guys gave me an idea of a glyph set I should be working towards once I hit 20.
Thanks in advance!
AP build now is:
sorc shoes
Zhonya's or Abyssal Scepter depending on what type of damage you need to prevent, with Zhonya's typically being better
Void Staff if and when you need it.
AD build is trickier now. You used to just do the old standard ranged DPS build of IE + LW, but now.... well, you need a new way to buff your Attack Speed. What I would do is:
zerker greaves
recurve bow
Madred's Bloodrazor
Guardian Angel
but that's just a theorycrafted build, it's completely untested since I haven't played AD Kennen since the LW change. The hardest thing about AD Kennen is that you get really used to using your ult as something you run into the opposing team with as AP Kennen and with AD Kennen it's more of a way to buy breathing room when tanks actually get on your ***. You never wanna run in there the same way AP Kennen does with AD Kennen and that's surprisingly hard.