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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
Is 1saleaday.com safe? it's asking for credit card info as i am making an account. I am interested in that headset. This is the 1st time ever that it is asking for credit card info as i am making an account, and before i actually order anything.


Apr 10, 2008
Is 1saleaday.com safe? it's asking for credit card info as i am making an account. I am interested in that headset. This is the 1st time ever that it is asking for credit card info as i am making an account, and before i actually order anything.
I have this same question. x.x


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Headsets are so inconvenient and expensive, I don't know why people buy "gaming" headsets unless they're some professional FPS player


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Because they also enjoy sound quality and feedback, not to mention people don't want to hear your voice sounding as if it came out a garbage disposal.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2009
The quality if the last few pages have been sub par.

What do you guys think of WW top? His toughest match-ups?
Same question for irelia.



Smash Hero
May 16, 2009
Lake Worth Florida
It feels pretty good when you're 1 of 3 people carrying. Master Raven, Dfear and I were playing with our 2 friends that don't know much about league at all and they had no idea what to do. Vladimir Maokai and Fiora were us three that carried hard.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Because they also enjoy sound quality and feedback, not to mention people don't want to hear your voice sounding as if it came out a garbage disposal.
Audio quality comes from headphones, not headsets.


Smash Cadet
Nov 11, 2008
Oceanside, NY
Hey guys, long time lurker, first time poster. Background: I'm ~1300 ELO, no real delusions of grandeur. I'm not a supertryhard nor seeking to become a tournament player, but I'd like to know more about the game, and I'm sure you guys can teach me stuffs.

Plethora of awesome solo top people: What do you do when you play a "kill lane" and mess up? I find these champs don't typically have the sustain to passively farm, and it's usually hard for me to get kills after falling behind off mistakes. Also, how early can lanes be basically lost? Any tips to turn "lost" lanes into "okay" lanes?

Leacero: Why does your AP TF make my eyes bleed? :-p JK YOU DA BESS. Also why do your friends suck at this game despite OP mentor?

jpak/DanGR: Support is my favorite role, but what kinds of changes can you make to your gameplay when playing with an AD who is far worse than you overall? An AD far better?

Lovage/anyone else who plays AD: My mechanics on AD are not that strong, but I have a good feel for some of them from playing bot lane so much. But my Ashe feels like...orders of magnitude worse than all my other AD champs. Any basic Ashe tips?

Thanks guys!


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
only way to turn a lost lane into an okay lane is through the help of your jungler

this is considering if your lane opponent is smart, as in doesn't stick around at half hp after he kills you early allowing you an easy kill on him when you get back to lane, etc

but usually, lanes don't really turn around in top without the help of your top lane


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
That's the inherent risk of playing an early game only/kill lane top. If you fail to capitalize when you are strongest, you will slowly but surely dwindle in usefulness to your team.

If you fall behind top there really is no recourse outside of outplaying your enemy, getting jungle help, or just trying to force your team into a group sooner and preying on the enemy while the enemy top laner is content to stay up there.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2001
Queens/Stony Brook, NY
Hey guys, long time lurker, first time poster. Background: I'm ~1300 ELO, no real delusions of grandeur. I'm not a supertryhard nor seeking to become a tournament player, but I'd like to know more about the game, and I'm sure you guys can teach me stuffs.

Plethora of awesome solo top people: What do you do when you play a "kill lane" and mess up? I find these champs don't typically have the sustain to passively farm, and it's usually hard for me to get kills after falling behind off mistakes. Also, how early can lanes be basically lost? Any tips to turn "lost" lanes into "okay" lanes?

Leacero: Why does your AP TF make my eyes bleed? :-p JK YOU DA BESS. Also why do your friends suck at this game despite OP mentor?

jpak/DanGR: Support is my favorite role, but what kinds of changes can you make to your gameplay when playing with an AD who is far worse than you overall? An AD far better?

Lovage/anyone else who plays AD: My mechanics on AD are not that strong, but I have a good feel for some of them from playing bot lane so much. But my Ashe feels like...orders of magnitude worse than all my other AD champs. Any basic Ashe tips?

Thanks guys!

my ap tf worst tf in universe


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
How much emphasis would you put on champion selection at big tournaments like Hannover? For example Corki was the most picked AD in Group A- does this mean he is generally the best AD on that patch? Or that he fits into the most teamcomps or something?


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
I would say that it depends moreso on how soon he was picked in the selection and who was playing him.

Some players just really like certain ADs over other. If a certain character is seeing picks in every game regardless of players, it's likely that they are on the stronger end of the AD scale, etc.

The lower down in the pick queue the more likely something is a counterpick or just very safe (if not last pick or whatever), while the closer to the beginning of the picking it probably means the champ is just very safe or fits into many comps.


Smash Hero
Apr 15, 2007
Lovage/anyone else who plays AD: My mechanics on AD are not that strong, but I have a good feel for some of them from playing bot lane so much. But my Ashe feels like...orders of magnitude worse than all my other AD champs. Any basic Ashe tips?
ashe isn't the best pick pick to rise out of 1300 level, i'd recommend sivir/kog/graves if your goal is elo. ashe is worse in solo que because your team will likely suck and be unable to follow your arrows correctly and won't know how to protect you in team fights.

in lane she's pretty basic/BORING. don't waste mana on pointless volleys, harass with 1-2 frost shots into volley, don't push lane if you don't have wards. don't miss cs for no reason (huge reason people stay in low elo.) lategame your bad poisitioning can lose the entire game for your team, so don't dive after carries in fights if you're gonna get ***** and your team isn't protecting you. your goal is to hit the best target available to you as long as it is safe. some times the only safe thing you can do is hit tanks, as long as you keep your positioning and know when to switch to other targets/dive carries when the time is right, there's nothing wrong with this.

ashe will get better and better as your overall game sense improves and you understand how to use arrow correctly. but you're gonna find it easier to **** your lane and snowball if u pick someone easier like sivir/kog/graves


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
Lovage/anyone else who plays AD: My mechanics on AD are not that strong, but I have a good feel for some of them from playing bot lane so much. But my Ashe feels like...orders of magnitude worse than all my other AD champs. Any basic Ashe tips?

Thanks guys!
depends on where you are finding issues with ashe

in laning pre 6, you normally can't trade with most of the other AD's, except at 1 with crit > volley > auto attack. i just normally play sorta passive pre 6 with ashe. i'll harass when i can and try to volley the support sitting in the brush every time it's up. sometimes a good way to make a trade go in your favor is to hawkshot their bush, auto > volley > auto and retreat to your brush.

post 6 you can get easy ganks even if you are warded (lane ganks from tower strong) and sometimes just kill your lane 2v2 depending supports. or just farm a wave real quick.

later in the game gotta land those arrows. in team fights don't be afraid to just auto attack the tank who is diving onto you. kiting with ashe is very import (inb4px). it's easy to keep like an udyr from doing much of anything to you

there is more to ashe than just right click because she doesn't get any damage steroids/doesn't have any escapes/doesn't have 650 range

EDIT: and what lovage said, in solo queue at lower ELOs ashe is pretty hard to carry with. she's better for higher ELO/5s. practicing AD with other champs might be a better idea


my ap tf worst tf in universe

should just ask anyone i play with about my tf


Apr 10, 2008
jpak/DanGR: Support is my favorite role, but what kinds of changes can you make to your gameplay when playing with an AD who is far worse than you overall? An AD far better?
(assuming soloq)

Don't assume anyone is worse or better than you until you're able to look at everything from a more objective point of view (when you get tons of experience and pretty much know all the numbers on everything). HOWEVER, the better you get, the better you'll be able to judge. So...

Worse: Jeeze. Hard to say. I think.. it's a matter of judging your lane-mates strengths and weaknesses, and not relying on them to do anything you don't think they're uncomfortable with, which is incredibly difficult to do.

That said, look at your collective strengths and push those, and minimize your weaknesses. Like if you see that they don't do so well when you set up good avenues for poking, but they're very good at last hitting compared to their opponents, I wouldn't even use mana or take damage to set up those poking opportunities anymore. Continue to poke, yourself, if you can but don't rely on them- and watch the map more to compensate for you doing less in lane. You wanna try to use all your brain power- you should never just be sitting there thinking of how boring it is that you're not doing anything when you could be assessing how the game is going and helping your team in chat. It's one of the big reasons I like playing Soraka. You can have a bigger impact elsewhere on the map more easily, and still be very relevant in lane.

That said, the absolute worst thing you can do is get in a habit of doing less than what you see as optimal, so if you're consistently better than everyone in your lane (opponents and lane-mate), I wouldn't even play support much until everyone else is better. For example, I played carries in ranked until about 1600 Elo when I felt like I was going to actually learn stuff by playing support.

Better: Learning opportunity. Play as close as you can to how you think your champ should be played optimally, and learn from your mistakes the best you can. You'll do a bunch of things you'll see were dumb, and you may feed a lot... but you'll get better more quickly. Trust me. :o

Or... If you just wanna win that match and don't really care about getting better, just play safe and let them carry you. -_-

And of course, all of this is in addition to all the stuff you should be doing that is way less dependent of your lane-mate (warding, timers, etc).

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Spring Break's next week, and I just realized I need to buy HP Regen Quints and Flat MR Glyphs.

Ohohoho, it's gonna be the best week ever. :applejack:


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
Honestly half the elo I got is because I tried really hard not to die

Just as you can easily lose because of trolls/feeders/AFKers you can win without having to do anything that takes skill

inflated my elo way past my skill level several times because of abusing simple stuff like this
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