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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
my friend plays GP top, and when he plays against a shyvana they just build some armor and that's the end of that lane. idk how the matchup really goes though, he isnt that good of a gp.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
my friend plays GP top, and when he plays against a shyvana they just build some armor and that's the end of that lane. idk how the matchup really goes though, he isnt that good of a gp.
GP will lose to a lot of lanes post wriggles because he won't be able to sustain his mana to harass, especially vs no mana champs. There's no way he should beat Riven Shyvanna etc after a certain point. There's no real way around it, so you either try to get some edge early on and keep it as long as possible, or prove that you're more useful for having global presence/TP if they don't.


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
I don't think you read my post at all.

Well other than Sona I'm comfortable with Nautilus, Shaco, Rammus, TF. I haven't had the chance to use TF yet. And Rammus and Shaco are always banned. >_>

I am comfortable with ranked with more than a few champions. There's no reason I shouldn't be doing ranked. Also Sona NEVER gets picked when I play ranked. Only by me she does.
I read it and your subsequent posts.

It's no excuse, and I have seen Sona picked, it will happen to you sooner or later. And the amount of champs your "comfortable with" is going to bite you in the end depending on how high (elo wise) you end up being. With the exception of Nautilus (since he can solo lane or jungle), Sona and TF. You only have 3 champions you have a chance of playing in ranked. Naut and Sona are decently popular picks, and sooner or later the odds are going to go against you and you either won't be able to pick your champs due to roles being taken and what roles you need to fill.

I mean I hope you do well in ranked and etc. But you only have several champions that your comfortable with in ranked, considering Rammus and Shaco are banned almost always.
You have 3 champions, and no ability to counterpick. (IE Janna vs Kennen).

I'm really posting from a help your team point of view, if you want to only play very few champs and such that's fine, your just limiting your options by a lot.

Just because I didn't cite your posts and individually call out each issue doesn't mean it's not true.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
This isn't the only thing that matters, especially as Janna. Supports that have heal are easier to use at lower elos because you can make up for your ADs mistakes by healing them back up over time.

With Janna all you have are reaction shields and that's it. If your AD doesn't know how to trade effectively with shield and how Janna works to make them strong then you have issues.

Janna's shield can pretty much block as much as most of the heals can, the issue is you need the shield before and not after.
People with an IQ > 110 should understand this very quickly. I mean, what else are you going to use the shield for other than to aid harass + trade favourably or block spell damage.

I agree the main downside to janna is that your AD carry needs to know this as well, but eh. That's more a fault of the players than janna herself being difficult to play.


Smash Ace
Nov 19, 2006
One big room, full of bad *****es
my friend plays GP top, and when he plays against a shyvana they just build some armor and that's the end of that lane. idk how the matchup really goes though, he isnt that good of a gp.
I lvl w first which does magic dmg. I love it when ppl stack armor against me.

People with an IQ > 110 should understand this very quickly. I mean, what else are you going to use the shield for other than to aid harass + trade favourably or block spell damage.

I agree the main downside to janna is that your AD carry needs to know this as well, but eh. That's more a fault of the players than janna herself being difficult to play.
Well my IQ is over 110 but I can't say the same for most of the people I end up in queue with.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
It was a half-joking comment. I was just saying it doesn't take a genius to work out when or how to use janna's spells in the laning phase or teamfights.

Personally, most jannas I come across are good.


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
I don't understand what your arguing, as there are no champions that are truly difficult to figure out in this game. The skill comes from playing them effectively.

Saying it doesn't take a genius to work out how to play Janna proves or solves nothing. She's STILL harder than supports who have heal, because once your AD loses health Janna has no way of giving it back (cept for her ult which is pretty pathetic use of it). That alone makes it harder, and it's why Leona/Nunu aren't popular at low elos as well.

I mean grats she isn't hard to figure out, she's still HARDER to play effectively.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
so dangr what do i need to be doing so i can hurry up and be at your lvl with high elo and stuff

i wanna get to the really competitive nitty gritty part of this game asap


Apr 10, 2008
My level isn't really competitive 5s worthy yet, I don't think.

If you're talking about improving your mindset for getting better, talk to jpak about it. I can help improve your basics tho. On now if you wanna play. :p


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
I don't understand what your arguing, as there are no champions that are truly difficult to figure out in this game. The skill comes from playing them effectively.

Saying it doesn't take a genius to work out how to play Janna proves or solves nothing. She's STILL harder than supports who have heal, because once your AD loses health Janna has no way of giving it back (cept for her ult which is pretty pathetic use of it). That alone makes it harder, and it's why Leona/Nunu aren't popular at low elos as well.

I mean grats she isn't hard to figure out, she's still HARDER to play effectively.
I don't understand your problem lol.

I originally said janna is not particularly hard to learn. You are the one who disagreed.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
"not particularly hard to learn" gives no frame of reference. That's like saying getting to 2499 solo queue elo isn't that hard compared to 2500 elo.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
My level isn't really competitive 5s worthy yet, I don't think.

If you're talking about improving your mindset for getting better, talk to jpak about it. I can help improve your basics tho. On now if you wanna play. :p
at work

i really just wanna hurry up and get to the scene where the more competitive lol'ers are as soon as possible. still only around 200 wins but w/e, i wanna be at the point where i can compete with high elo players asap.

my guess is that i need to start edging up other roles that i use? i've been going strictly jungle for the longest cuz my goal has just been a really really really ****ing good jungler.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
approaching the game in highly critical way is how you will improve the fastest
lots of people think they see their mistakes fine but they usually just see a few a very very limited number of them (based on listening to what people think went wrong)

i mean really 90%+ of the blame in a game should be on yourself. this includes other people's deaths, teamfights, objectives, warding w/e


Apr 10, 2008
at work

i really just wanna hurry up and get to the scene where the more competitive lol'ers are as soon as possible. still only around 200 wins but w/e, i wanna be at the point where i can compete with high elo players asap.

my guess is that i need to start edging up other roles that i use? i've been going strictly jungle for the longest cuz my goal has just been a really really really ****ing good jungler.
Just try to play with us whenever you get the chance. Also, if you wanna have a broader understanding of the game, I would play all the roles. When you have a good grasp of the basics, that's when you should specialize.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
approaching the game in highly critical way is how you will improve the fastest
lots of people think they see their mistakes fine but they usually just see a few a very very limited number of them (based on listening to what people think went wrong)

i mean really 90%+ of the blame in a game should be on yourself. this includes other people's deaths, teamfights, objectives, warding w/e
i agree.

Just try to play with us whenever you get the chance. Also, if you wanna have a broader understanding of the game, I would play all the roles. When you have a good grasp of the basics, that's when you should specialize.
okay. i will. how do i know if i have a good grasp of the basics? i feel like i do but maybe i'm not exactly understanding what the basics are? if i had to say.

- understand all the roles:

top: bruiser/sustain role focusing on staying in lane, not dying, and coming into teamfight/dragon at opportune moments

mid: ap metagame. kill the other ap carry. get ahead. roam/gank after pushing lane. dont get ganked.

jungler: most extensive. know this pretty well. would be really long but probably carries the most responsibility of the success of a team

ad bot: last hit. harass when opponent is last hitting. focus on strategy in lane based on ad bot/support combination i.e. kill lane, sustain, poke, etc.

support: complimenting the above. ward good places. bait well without dying. extremely vital for making your ad bot work

i need like a Lol Basics quiz


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
How do u manage ur ganks? With no cc that super stagnant bot lane seems to be next to impossible to gank. At least with shyvana. Move fast into dragon **** can never really do enough damage to be noticeable and of course I end up pushing the lane while just trying to help.
When you say "move fast" you mean her w, right? I play a fair amount of jungle shyvana. Don't approach with w if you can help it. W is a huge source of damage for my ganks as her. Gget in close, then pop her w so the aoe does damage them close, it will also last longer cuz you are auto attacking them, allowing you to maintain the speed increase and stick on them longer.

I picked it up from theoddone's stream, and it's done wonders for me, if you ever jungle her I'd give it a shot.

omni, lets compare jungle notes. I'm a jungle main looking to get good at this game as well. :)


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
omni, lets compare jungle notes. I'm a jungle main looking to get good at this game as well. :)

Basic Jungle Stuff
1.) Know timers. Wolves/Wraiths/Golems spawn at 1:40. Wraiths take 50 seconds to spawn. Wolves/Golems take 1:00. Blue/Red spawn at 1:55. Respawn is 5:00. Buff stays on you for 2:30 (or 2:50 with utility tree). Dragon is 6. Barron is 7. Enemy jungler respawn time for Blue (if they start Wolves/Blue) runs around 7 minute mark. Good to ward around that time in order to either smite Blue or gank AP carry who is trying to get Blue. Also, announce the times when objectives will respawn. Especially enemy Red/Blue since having a timer on those is very good.

2.) Know routes. Most common route is Wolves/Blue/Wraith/Wolves/Red/Lizard. Varies pending on champions. Know which ones use the most common routes and abuse that knowledge to counterjungle. I.E. Lee Sin vs. Amumu. Do your Wolves, then your Blue, then wait in bush near their Wraiths. Amumu will be coming down there almost everytime. Easy counterjungle. But essentially the more you know about routes the easier it is to counterjungle/prevent counterjungling/alter your route/gank.

3.) Know best entry points for ganking. For mid, best points would be above the rock near the enemy turret, or the opposite end on your turret side. Good AP carries/junglers will have their mid bushes warded. For top, tri-bush gank is really good, but try not entering the river to get there. Rather, go in from enemy wraith's side to avoid being spotted by top's ward. Bot is hard to gank. Best entry point I've found is coming into the bushes from behind when your team is pushed the creep wave and the creep wave momentum starts to shift back down.

4.) Know common ward placements to avoid crossing them during ganks.

5.) Give AP mid your second blue.

6.) Always do better then the enemy jungler. If you get a lead keep it. If you don't have it don't fall behind.

7.) Roam, but don't fall behind in EXP, but don't farm all day. Requires experience and judgement. Also character dependent (Shaco should gank early a lot; WW should try to reach LVL 6 asap, etc.). But realize every failed gank attempt puts you behind. Burning summoners = gank. Keep timers on enemy flash/heal especially for future ganks.

8.) Control dragon. It is your responsibility. All of the objectives are your responsibility, but especially Dragon.

9.) Get Oracles if you're in the lead. Removing vision is so, so, so good for your teammates. Forces enemy team to play passive or risk getting ganked.


The rest is kinda' champion specific.


Apr 10, 2008
okay. i will. how do i know if i have a good grasp of the basics? i feel like i do but maybe i'm not exactly understanding what the basics are? if i had to say.
I dunno. Maybe basics, as in, things I expect everyone to do in every match at a certain elo. As unpredictable as people are, lots of things have to go without saying for anything to get done. You get all those things down and it becomes a matter of calculating things and making more and more plays than your opponents.

I'd try to get to the point where, after a while, we don't have to tell you to come down for dragon if you don't have tp, or cut off so and so because he passed a friendly ward into dangerous territory, come with us to push after securing baron instead of doing double golems, ETC. The "overall" things, I guess.


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
Omni I think DanGR meant basics as your familiar with actually playing those lanes, not knowing what they do.

Just play with them more, we had fun games yesterday (they looked like stomps but it was really because once team fights started we just outplayed). It's really just the little things, you seem to have a good game sense of how to dive properly so far (I haven't seen a mistake in taking turret aggro yet), not farming when we are doing specific objectives. Farming wraiths when minions are hitting mid tower.

There were a few times where you went off to jungle when you should of stayed with team, but this was easily remedied and you seemed to pick it up very quick. I would say as long as you keep playing with better people you'll get better just fine.

I still remember when I did that flash through dragon wall Kennen ult while blocking Janna from Cait ult death, saving Janna from getting approached due to ult and Q'ing Trundle for the kill while E'ing away. Felt like that was one of the plays I've done in a while.

And SuperBowser,

My issue is what Wave said. You say she's easy to learn with no frame of reference. I said Janna was still harder than most supports, then you re-stated that people with IQ > 110 should be able to figure it out. Which didn't disprove what I was saying, but you just threw it out there anyways.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
And SuperBowser,

My issue is what Wave said. You say she's easy to learn with no frame of reference. I said Janna was still harder than most supports, then you re-stated that people with IQ > 110 should be able to figure it out. Which didn't disprove what I was saying, but you just threw it out there anyways.
The iq thing was just sarcasm. Soz.

It doesn't matter if janna is "harder" to learn than other champions if she's still easy to pick up. I don't see why your response was relevant to what I originally wrote.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2006
I have found that one of the best ways to improve is to analyze the games you lose, and then think about why you lost them. Think about every single thing that went wrong in the match and ask yourself what you could have done differently to prevent that situation from happening. You learn more from a loss than you do from a win.

Also, getting into the habit of buying wards no matter what role youre playing is good, aiming to maximize cs (this means prioritizing cs over harass), and timing everything (wards, buffs, summoners etc) will mean you are getting fundamentally better at the game.


Smash Hero
May 16, 2009
Lake Worth Florida
get a bunch of referrals or have a sexy redcard kat cosplay at one of the live events(helps if you are female)
You pretty much guessed it. Get 5,000 referrals to unlock everything. But do they really expect us to get 5,000 referrals? I don't see any other way to get Silent Night Sona. Other than keep discussing it with the Riot team who I keep talking to.

Deleted member

self analysis

people watching ur games and telling what u did wrong

humility/ not being delusional (80%+ OF SMASHERS DO NOT FIT THIS, THEY **** UP BIG TIME THEN EVENTS CHANGE IN THEIR HEAD). some people are ****s like me and especially dphat but we know when we mess up

smart lane strategy esp. top lane IMO the little things really count. learning when to freeze the lane or push lane hard so that failing opponent either gets ****ing ***** or jungler has to come top = easy dragon/ no jungle pressure on other lanes. If you are farming opponent top lane sometimes you should not kill tower so they keep losing creep waves and you **** them each time they come to lane so they fall behind many levels.

if vs competent opponent and they are denying you sometimes pretending to go B will make them start pushing to your tower so they think you will miss creep waves. Or roam/show yourself somewhere else even if you don't accomplish much most opponents will push in response.

watch streams to learn not to be a zombie and waste time, i currently gain most from watching dyrus stream

lane dominance- get cs while harassing well to deny (heaviliy matchup based but lots of scrubs crumble under smart pressure).

For bruisers/jungling tanks:
Threat assessment in team fights. Most people think squishies are first but it depends on a lot of things like which squishies are stronger/ which opponents bruisers/tanks are more disruptive/ assassins

If a tank is zoning your ad carry your ad carry is often forced to hit the tank, sometimes you want to blow everything on that tank zoning your ad carry so he dies quicker so the enemy team without a tank will now get *****. Sometimes you want to be the one that catches the carry or if you are someone like alistar just push them away for 50 years

solo q strat: command your ****** team after ****** your lane gaining their respect. If people start failing tell them what they are doing wrong not in mean way so they won't do it again unless they are trolling/ suck balls. Sometimes just telling that vayne not to rambo and shoot any target will change team fights. Tell your support alistar/taric/w.e to stick onto your teams ad carry rather than leave him to get ***** by some bruiser. ETC


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
or he could become a god worthy of no equal by using crit reds on casters

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
GP will lose to a lot of lanes post wriggles because he won't be able to sustain his mana to harass, especially vs no mana champs. There's no way he should beat Riven Shyvanna etc after a certain point. There's no real way around it, so you either try to get some edge early on and keep it as long as possible, or prove that you're more useful for having global presence/TP if they don't.
It's really annoying how terrible his mana sustain is.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
after like almost a full year. I have my full win page.

and I'm finally back on "LEVEL" ground with ELO

today has been a good day in league for me.
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