Guys I'm looking to pick up a ranged carry. I made a list of impressions on certain ones. Feel free to add input, as it will probably effect my decision.
I play a Jungler, and a solid laning champ, but I'm looking to add a ranged carry to complete my trio.I made a list of all the ranged carries in the game, and my opinions on them. Please, add your input on any of the champions below, as I'm looking for opinions from everyone before I finalize a decision.
Corki: A really fun champ that can pump out some damage.Feels like once you get missiles you dominate mid lane with the ability to poke and widdle away the opposing champs health. Phosphorous Bomb is really strong ( I'm not happy with Riot it doesn't reveal stealth anymore though, robbing the yordle of his unique-ness. ) IMO, with some lifesteal, corki is a 1on 1 monster with his temporary blind, big ones, gatling gun, and good damage output.
Sivir: I've probably played Sivir twice and that was before Boomerang Blade was converted to AD. These days, late game i catch myself saying "wtf sivirs Q just did 600 to me raaaaaaaaage". Awesome pusher, extremely useful to have on a team I feel like but could use some opinions on what Sivir does/what she can do etc.
Ashe: Ashe is goood. Easy to last hit with, Volley is an amazing poke, I don't give Hawkshot enough credit for how good it really is. Her ult guarantees people die with a good CD. After some sufficient farm, she turns into a monster. I like Ashe because she poops on melee DPS. Her slow + constant critting/high damage is fatal to melee DPS. Awesome carry that brings some amazing team utility.
Tristana: Should probably explore her more. Longest range at 18, an amazing AS steroid, built in escape, maybe 2 if you count her ult. Trist seems extremely sold, especially with the new Last Whisper I feel she can really take advantage of it with her Q. Trist IMO is one of the scariest people to have red buff, as there is no getting away. Apart from this, I don't know much about Trist.
Kog'Maw: Farm up a 20-25 minute madredz and KogMaw is a monster. His damage output is mindboggling, and the speed and range at which he can do it is more mindboggling. Has awesome synergy with a lot of junglers, WW's supress, shen/rammus taunts, nunu slows etc etc. These chars just let him keep wailing on the whoever is getting ganked. Not really sure how good of a ganker Kog is ( will let a Kog main inform me.) IMO, with the right protection/supporting cast to aid him, Kog is a super carry.
Miss Fortune: My most experienced carry by far and one of my more most played chars (Thanks btw Riot, for 4 or 5 nerfs in a row). Awesome laner, Make it Rain makes farming creep waves harder for the opponent and Double-Up is an amazing harass that will easily send people back to base. Her speed combined with her W ( AS Steroids <3 ) makes her very threatening before level 6. She just chases people down and shoots them, plain and simple. Ult can swing teamfights by itself, but as always position is everything. Very good with Amumu/Malphite/Galio. MF is gooood.
Ezreal: I'd give Ez's a bad name if I tried to play him right now. He is extremely fun to use, I love his skillset. I feel like you've got to put in the time to be really be "good" with Ez though. He's been slightly buffed over the past couple of patches and the new LW looks amazing on him. A lot of people feel he is not good in teamfights due to his Skill Shots. If an Ez main could elaborate on Ez's role in teamfights for me (that isn't stay back and shoot stuff your the ranged carry) it would help clear up some confusion. Is he good at getting the 1v1 kill at mid?
Twisted Fate: TF has become more and more popular it seems. Gating around, pushing towers, ganking enemies, he has his own kind of style. Wild Card provides a crazy ranged poke that can hit pretty hard. He has a stun with like a 6-7(?) second cooldown. Fun char, potentially frowned upon. I do think he's better then the community/tier list say he is.
Twitch: I've only played Twitch once I think. With the recent changes to his ult I'd still be willing to try him out. A good farm and positioning seems like the key. A good ganker, you can't see him >.> Working with teammates to get fed before the late game, keeping red buff, and positioning carefully with ult is how you win games with twitch. Out of the all the carrys I've listed, Twitch is definitely the most team dependent. When a Twitch pops, people will step on kittens to get to him if they have too. He needs the proper support to keep him alive and spraying.