Funny you mention your problems with the new jungle Mogwai, been feeling the same for a few days now and considering writing something up under the lines of 'so... new jungle... is going back a consideration?'
Jungle gets changed (then a slight buff) and all of a sudden 4 or so bans out of 6 are dedicated to junglers. Shaco wouldn't be as frustrating if he couldn't so easily abuse his early game through buff control (+red buff applying to single target spells). Warwick was completely castrated from the changes. The jungle now seems to be a lot more problematic than it was before, at least in solo queue conditions. Camping a lane is suddenly viable, buffs give [almost] a level of xp early, and sharing xp with a solo while ensuring the enemy can't do **** is stupidly strong.
Intended junglers like Olaf, Warwick, Trundle (although he's still strong, just very underused, but he has similar issues), Nunu (although the red buff change was great for him) aren't seen at all. Characters who were strong in the old jungle due to it producing a good income that would overcome their weak ganking/early game has all but gone. It's pretty much impossible to be god tier with Olaf by the 25-30 minute mark any more unless you're soloing top. People are using cheezy gank junglers (Maokai, Shaco) instead of Lee Sin for some bizarre reason.
Riot intended to 'nerf' jungler power, but all they did was make junglers permanent roamers. If the jungle was reverted, we would likely 'love' Nocturne again (an amazing farming jungler), Maokai/Shaco/Rammus/Skarner wouldn't be as cheesy (although rammus/skarner probably need adjustments). There may be reasons to use Warwick again. Dragon control would mean a lot more again (I may be off, but if I've gotten my top fed, while their top is completely ****ed and we've likely obtained a tower and our top is likely impossible to kill (Nidalee, Tryndamere, etc etc) is worth more than a dragon in a lot of cases....)
This new jungle makes me happy only for the case of Shyvana, who most definitely feels significantly stronger now than in the last jungle (even though she still had the fastest clear speed, her ganks were quite terrible [red buff change + camping lane strength alleviate that - she isn't giving up farm for ganks).
Riot intended the changes to make Jungling 'viable' for more characters, and intended for a jungler to choose whether or not to gank or keep farming, and not be able to do both without being put behind. I would say this has almost completely backfired.