Smash Master
I still think Rammus and Cho Gath are better than Galio. Like, Rammus is best tank in my book.
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I always did Philo + Chalice -> Deathcap on him and then playing it by ear whether I needed defense of offense. I'm generally not a big fan of RoA and I'm even less of a fan of it when Banshee's is so good on Galio.Would RoA be a good item on him? I only build him With Magic res items with a thornmail.
it dependsI still think Rammus and Cho Gath are better than Galio. Like, Rammus is best tank in my book.
you better RUNNNN, RUNN, RUN, RUNN, RUN.Pretty sure I'm buying Ahri just for her dance.
Even if your support / tank have FH?And FH also comes with a lot of CDR. I always sadface when people have Thornmail.
If your tank dies, aren't you sort of screwed either way?What if they die, and now their DPS does even more damage!? If you have the money and it's a good item for you, no harm in getting it.
Not if it's just you and the other DPSer left when he dies, and you have FH and they don't.If your tank dies, aren't you sort of screwed either way?
Wouldn't their tank still be alive / die after your tank because you don't do as much damage due to the Frozen Heart?Not if it's just you and the other DPSer left when he dies, and you have FH and they don't.
Not in this hypothetical situation, no.Wouldn't their tank still be alive / die after your tank because you don't do as much damage due to the Frozen Heart?
I feel like it is similar to:Ahri sends out her orb, dealing 40/65/90/115/140 (+0.33) magic damage, and pulls it back dealing 40/65/90/115/140 (+0.33) True damage.
60/65/70/75/80 Mana
Except you can just use it to really harass people and NOT be in danger. And that range is huge, so playing at the very edge of it will easily grab you both hits.Mark of the Assassin -
Akali throws her kama at a target enemy to deal 45/70/95/120/145 (+0.4) magic damage and mark the target for 6 seconds.
Akali's melee attacks against a marked target will consume the mark to cause 45/70/95/120/145 (+0.4) magic damage and restore 15/20/25/30/35 Energy.
60 Energy
no he didn't. vampyro runs arpen, arpen, crit, crit. real ****ing man stole that twitch rune page from vampyro.
spoken like a true falcon mainit depends
and **** heal/ **** passivity/ **** gp5
i'll just comment as i readstuff
Those items might have been in previous patches but no one noticed until now. They might also have been part of a group of changes being worked on for future release and when those changes were integrated into the release client, the coders didn't take the time to scrub the unused files from the game. Happens ALL the time in game development. Spend some time reviewing game code and you'll find a bunch of swear words, inside jokes and left over files packed into the gold master. Totally believable in this case.Shurelia left riot ages ago though :|
ZionSparta (I think) and The Cpt. America are the two that come to mind to me. I feel like The Cpt. America has a team though and I just don't know what it is.So who do you guys see in "high elo" that consistantly win mid/top lane but probably aren't on a team?!
zion spartan is on Bro Fist Gaming (BFG), and i think cpt america is a rager. gimme moreee!ZionSparta (I think) and The Cpt. America are the two that come to mind to me. I feel like The Cpt. America has a team though and I just don't know what it is.
ok first never open AP tome + pot like ever either boots + 3 pots or sapphire + 2 potsI'm bored, So I like playing bad characters and doing random **** that works most of the time.
Anyone who feels like it, tell me stuff i'm of course doing wrong on Twitch Anivia and Twisted fate.
Too lazy to type up stuff for Singed Shaco and Fiddlesticks
I usually have A Normal build, while Other items depends on the team/who's fed.
Twitch Stuph
Q: What the sweet feathery **** are you doing with dodge runes?
A: I dunno, waiting for refund to think of something else to buy. Throw suggestions my way if you have something in mind.
Masteries: 24/6/0
Almost never finish full build, but it usually looks like this.
Infinity Edge, Madred's Bloodrazer, Bloodthirster, Wit's End, Banshee's Veil, Boots of Mobility
Start Vampiric Scepter
Boots of Speed
Best Friend Sword and Boots of Mobility
Infinity Edge
Recurve arrow or Bloodthirster
Madred's Bloodrazer then Wit's End for Magic Resist
Other Random Items: Black Cleaver, Phantom Dancer, The Brutalizer, Executioner's calling, Tiamat, Cloak and Dagger, Frozen Mallet, Atma's Impaler, Quicksilver Sash
Twisted Fate Stuph
Q: Armor Pen Marks but AP glyphs, Are you attempting hybrid?!
A: Yes, with the release of Hybrid runes i'll be getting those for sure. Which also means more work needing to be done
Masteries: 30/0/0
Basically what I typed below is my usual build.
Amplifying Tome One Red Soda
Greaves or Boots of Speed, Sheen > Lich Bane
Blasting Wand > Guinsoo's Rageblade
Vampiric Scepter > Hextech Gunblade
Dagger x2 >Malady
Banshee's Veil
Other Random Items: Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, Trinity Force, Wit's End, Sword of Divine, Abyssal Scepter, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Merc Treads,
Anivia Stuph
Masteries: 9/0/21
Alright, this character i'm a dumb ***** with cause I dunno what to do half the time.
If my team is doing good, I go full AP.
If we're doing decent I go Support AP cause I found it fun.
Don't ask how, I just build items that help with the team like Soul Shroud Will of The Ancients or Clairvoyance
Full AP:
Rabadon's Deathcap, Lich Bane, Rod of Ages, Abyssal Scepter, Frozen Heart, Sorc Boots
Doran's Ring
Boots of Speed/Blasting Wand
Rab cap/Sorc boots
Blasting wand > Lichbane or RoA
Negatron Cloak
Support AP?:
Lich Bane, Archangels Staff, Will of the Ancients, Soul Shroud, Frozen Heart, Boots of Mobilitycause she's a slow *****
Amp tome + 1 pot or Two Faerie Charms One health pot one mana pot
Boots of Speed + Hextech Revolver > Will of the Ancients or Mana manipulator + Blasting Wand
Boots of Mobility
Soul Shroud or Archangel Staff
Lich Bane or Glacial Shroud > Frozen heart (Depending if AP or AD is doing alot)
No I don't play ranked. Only once, As Singed.