Justice Man
As Anivia don't be afraid to last hit using your nuke or stun. You just want to get that early RoA so you have mana to burn and HP to keep yourself from being overly vulnerable.
Pushing a lane can be good or bad, as Mogwai said go mia and force them to play more on the safe side. Keeping lanes pushed can be good from a position point of view, and allowing for yourselves to get ready to gank, but it also gives them free last hits and allows for them to sort of control the lane.
Always last hit. I saw someone the other day say "no the creeps are pushed I've gotta just hit them" and facepalmed. Gold is always important :|
Pushing a lane can be good or bad, as Mogwai said go mia and force them to play more on the safe side. Keeping lanes pushed can be good from a position point of view, and allowing for yourselves to get ready to gank, but it also gives them free last hits and allows for them to sort of control the lane.
Always last hit. I saw someone the other day say "no the creeps are pushed I've gotta just hit them" and facepalmed. Gold is always important :|