Smash Ace
Jaz, I get your cynical reaction feels all truthy to you, but I think you are wrong. I've been as high as 1350 in solo queue and I am clawing my way back up there through the muck. Using some of these "unspoken rules" has indeed made my experience better and allowed me to win some games with donkeys in tow that I would have otherwise lost. If I'm first pick, I nab a top cary for someone else and ask them to grab me an appropriate tank or jungler. Then even if they aren't playing great, I can help turn the tide and since they've now got characters that can take advantage of a successful teamfight to push or dragon/baron... I have a better chance of winning.
I'm not trying to argue, just put a little perspective in place:
#1, and this is really #1: Solo Queue is a lottery. Just because you've won some games following some kind of mentality doesn't mean that mentality is good. I've won and lost so many games in DotA/HoN/LoL due to random bull**** it isn't even funny. The only thing I've learned through it all is that you either pick a carry to supplement your team, or you don't pick a support.
I'm a really big support guy, always have been. And it was no end of frustration playing support and still losing. You say you've used these "rules" and it's helped you. Well, I've used my own "rules" and it's helped me. Now what?
I don't care what you think or how you think it, the only thing I hate is sheep-like mentality "HURR DURR HERE'S HOW YOU WIN THE LOTTERY GUIZ, BUY TOP TIER CHARS AT THE EXPENSE OF YOUR TIME AND HOPE YOU GET LUCKY HURR DURR."
Right now I'm really liking Sivir, because I can do it all. I've won many games afkfarming until 35 minutes and 1v5'ing noob teams at this point. I queue dodged with my IRL friend as a joke to stomp noobs, but I see that genuinely good players have decently high ELO so I'm going to get there as well. With Sivir, I don't care what my noob team does or doesn't do, I just take mid, place wards, and afkfarm for 30 minutes and I end up winning hands-down. I've come back from 3v5's, 4v5's, the most random **** ever. I carried an entire team that was on average 1-7.
Random BS like "rules that make it easier to play with scrubs" is a joke. Either play the game properly, or play at your level.
LIKE I ALREADY SAID; if you want to "play the game properly" (to quote myself), if you put some effort in to learn this game you'll get there eventually. If you want to "tryhard" to win Solo Queue, then by all means go ahead and do it. If you want to do random things however, don't expect some magical rules to actually help you. Solo Queue is a lottery.
As for what you said, you said you'll pick a high tier champ to swap for an appropriate tank or jungler. Well, you're already playing properly by the rules of the game. Not some silly little rules someone somewhere on the internet made up. A more synergitstic team comp is more likely to win. Pretty simple.