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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Jaz, I get your cynical reaction feels all truthy to you, but I think you are wrong. I've been as high as 1350 in solo queue and I am clawing my way back up there through the muck. Using some of these "unspoken rules" has indeed made my experience better and allowed me to win some games with donkeys in tow that I would have otherwise lost. If I'm first pick, I nab a top cary for someone else and ask them to grab me an appropriate tank or jungler. Then even if they aren't playing great, I can help turn the tide and since they've now got characters that can take advantage of a successful teamfight to push or dragon/baron... I have a better chance of winning.

I'm not trying to argue, just put a little perspective in place:

#1, and this is really #1: Solo Queue is a lottery. Just because you've won some games following some kind of mentality doesn't mean that mentality is good. I've won and lost so many games in DotA/HoN/LoL due to random bull**** it isn't even funny. The only thing I've learned through it all is that you either pick a carry to supplement your team, or you don't pick a support.

I'm a really big support guy, always have been. And it was no end of frustration playing support and still losing. You say you've used these "rules" and it's helped you. Well, I've used my own "rules" and it's helped me. Now what?

I don't care what you think or how you think it, the only thing I hate is sheep-like mentality "HURR DURR HERE'S HOW YOU WIN THE LOTTERY GUIZ, BUY TOP TIER CHARS AT THE EXPENSE OF YOUR TIME AND HOPE YOU GET LUCKY HURR DURR."

Right now I'm really liking Sivir, because I can do it all. I've won many games afkfarming until 35 minutes and 1v5'ing noob teams at this point. I queue dodged with my IRL friend as a joke to stomp noobs, but I see that genuinely good players have decently high ELO so I'm going to get there as well. With Sivir, I don't care what my noob team does or doesn't do, I just take mid, place wards, and afkfarm for 30 minutes and I end up winning hands-down. I've come back from 3v5's, 4v5's, the most random **** ever. I carried an entire team that was on average 1-7.

Random BS like "rules that make it easier to play with scrubs" is a joke. Either play the game properly, or play at your level.

LIKE I ALREADY SAID; if you want to "play the game properly" (to quote myself), if you put some effort in to learn this game you'll get there eventually. If you want to "tryhard" to win Solo Queue, then by all means go ahead and do it. If you want to do random things however, don't expect some magical rules to actually help you. Solo Queue is a lottery.

As for what you said, you said you'll pick a high tier champ to swap for an appropriate tank or jungler. Well, you're already playing properly by the rules of the game. Not some silly little rules someone somewhere on the internet made up. A more synergitstic team comp is more likely to win. Pretty simple.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
To be honest, not like I'm meatriding but I feel like Jaz makes some of the best posts in this thread regardless of how he chooses to phrase them.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
To be honest, not like I'm meatriding but I feel like Jaz makes some of the best posts in this thread regardless of how he chooses to phrase them.
I phrase myself in the "I don't give a **** about you" way because it underscores the fact that what I say requires intelligence to be understood. It further underscores that fact, because smart people don't listen to the words people use, but rather the message behind them.

Like the idea that Go is simpler than Chess. You would have to be a complete ****** to think that Go is less simple than Chess. Strategic depth comes from the manipulation and effective usage of simple resources. Since this is SWF, I can make the analogy of tech skill vs mindgames. Mindgames are simpler than tech skill. To forward smash I don't need any other buttons other than A + Smash or C-stick. But the correct usage and timing of that fsmash is what makes it complex. However spacing and timing are metalogical concepts, and thus not directly related to the complexity of the initial action.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
I phrase myself in the "I don't give a **** about you" way because it underscores the fact that what I say requires intelligence to be understood. It further underscores that fact, because smart people don't listen to the words people use, but rather the message behind them.

Like the idea that Go is simpler than Chess. You would have to be a complete ****** to think that Go is less simple than Chess. Strategic depth comes from the manipulation and effective usage of simple resources. Since this is SWF, I can make the analogy of tech skill vs mindgames. Mindgames are simpler than tech skill. To forward smash I don't need any other buttons other than A + Smash or C-stick. But the correct usage and timing of that fsmash is what makes it complex. However spacing and timing are metalogical concepts, and thus not directly related to the complexity of the initial action.
Dude DMG won that argument like 10 pages back.

Jazriel- You play Sivir, in unranked games, against bot-like players, and yet you still don't take this as an indicator of "maybe I don't know everything!"

I'm sorry buddy, but you're a medium sized fish in a small pond. You're nothing special, like players such as HotShotGG or Chauster, and don't actually have an understanding of high level play of this game because you haven't actually participated in it.

tl;dr you are bad, and don't know everything, and hopefully some day will realize this.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
There are 5 different runes now? O_O DD, illu, haste, invis, oh yeah and regen. Lol, I thought there were only 3 for some reason.

As much as I like refreshing my dota/hon knowledge, this is the LoL thread. I personally think LoL is slightly better than DotA simply because the game is simpler (in a sense that Go is simpler than Chess) and less prone to landslide effects or things with no counter (Doom Shaman has better projectile speed and attack animation, there goes that lane etc etc).

Chess is simpler than Go. By FAR. Maybe you meant it the other way around?
Go has 1 type of piece and basically 1 rule, place stones on an intersection. Chess has 6 different pieces, all of which have different ways to move and different amounts of each piece.

I think you should check your premises again as what defines a "simple" game.
Go has simpler rules, but is a much more complex game. The amount of positions available to Go is MUCH higher than Chess because of the much larger board and because of the permanence of moves.

Like the idea that Go is simpler than Chess. You would have to be a complete ****** to think that Go is less simple than Chess. Strategic depth comes from the manipulation and effective usage of simple resources. Since this is SWF, I can make the analogy of tech skill vs mindgames. Mindgames are simpler than tech skill. To forward smash I don't need any other buttons other than A + Smash or C-stick. But the correct usage and timing of that fsmash is what makes it complex. However spacing and timing are metalogical concepts, and thus not directly related to the complexity of the initial action.


I'm gonna leave it at that.

Oh there is Dekar. Sup


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
It's not breaking the rules if we're explaining to a particular person why they're bad at League of Legends in the League of Legends thread :O


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Alright well I think I'll take my chances on receiving infractions.

@Jaz- play ranked, get good, learn lots about LoL, profit. Questions marks, also *****.

But seriously, your elitist attitude, as an unranked scrubaddy is uncalled for.

You have knowledge about DotA? Big ****ing deal, I played cal-i, and took third in its last season running DotA. It doesn't take much to get good at these games aside from a bit of time and intelligence, sure, but you don't have to try to discount other's opinions (z0mg Hotshot is bad I'm good he doesn't know that much his tier list is bad!!!) when others are disagreeing with your own. You also don't have to be a **** about it, because it just makes you seem like the worst kind of *******, a dumb one.

I'm done lecturing I'm sure everyone else and their mother has already tried to reason with Jaz and he'll continue to play normal games, stomp nubs, and think he's some sort of moba god or something.

Teemo is a douche.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Alright well I think I'll take my chances on receiving infractions.

@Jaz- play ranked, get good, learn lots about LoL, profit. Questions marks, also *****.

But seriously, your elitist attitude, as an unranked scrubaddy is uncalled for.

You have knowledge about DotA? Big ****ing deal, I played cal-i, and took third in its last season running DotA. It doesn't take much to get good at these games aside from a bit of time and intelligence, sure, but you don't have to try to discount other's opinions (z0mg Hotshot is bad I'm good he doesn't know that much his tier list is bad!!!) when others are disagreeing with your own. You also don't have to be a **** about it, because it just makes you seem like the worst kind of *******, a dumb one.

I'm done lecturing I'm sure everyone else and their mother has already tried to reason with Jaz and he'll continue to play normal games, stomp nubs, and think he's some sort of moba god or something.

Teemo is a douche.


@slox - lately i lose just about every game i queue with swf friends, rage every game with IRL friends, and make wonderfully great, polite, understanding teammates with random solo queue people.

also, pantheon is SO BRO. SO AWESOME.


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights

edit: lol wtf it put a random space in there

so is poppy viable? i never really tried her before today, because she looks like an ugly *****... but she's actually a lot like tryndamere with the 6 second invulnerability.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Alright well I think I'll take my chances on receiving infractions.

@Jaz- play ranked, get good, learn lots about LoL, profit. Questions marks, also *****.

But seriously, your elitist attitude, as an unranked scrubaddy is uncalled for.

You have knowledge about DotA? Big ****ing deal, I played cal-i, and took third in its last season running DotA. It doesn't take much to get good at these games aside from a bit of time and intelligence, sure, but you don't have to try to discount other's opinions (z0mg Hotshot is bad I'm good he doesn't know that much his tier list is bad!!!) when others are disagreeing with your own. You also don't have to be a **** about it, because it just makes you seem like the worst kind of *******, a dumb one.

I'm done lecturing I'm sure everyone else and their mother has already tried to reason with Jaz and he'll continue to play normal games, stomp nubs, and think he's some sort of moba god or something.

Teemo is a douche.

Man, I'm in a bad mood. I really wish I could meet you in real life, so I could just beat the **** out of you for being such a *******. It's so easy to have no accountability over forums. Lucky you I guess.

You're an idiot. Plain and simple. You don't know me. You don't know what I know. I play unranked? Prove it. Oh wait, you can't. Gee, I can look back 1 page and quote myself saying I'm specifically working on raising my Solo Queue ELO. Get better reading comprehension please.

My elitist attitude? You know who cries "Elitist?" A scrub. That's who. Good job at proving that you are in fact, the scrubbiest of scrubs. I know a lot about this game. I'm also quite good at it. I'm not the best, nor have I ever said I am. However being confident in my knowledge means I can speak knowing that I am right.

You however, have demonstrated that you are unskilled at this game and lacking the finer points of game knowledge. You thought GP with a slightly faster E would be overpowered ffs.

I would really love to see you make a post regarding myself that doesn't include a logical fallacy. However I realize you're simply some idiot on the internet and that hope will be dashed quite easily. I had decided to not even respond to your stupidity but since an Admin is here, I'm hoping that your harassment will be noticed by someone. Why on earth you are a mod is beyond me. Then again, I enjoy being around quality people.

Also, for the Go vs Chess analogy. It's called scope. Go is simpler than Chess. Stop trying to argue something obvious.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Man, I'm in a bad mood. I really wish I could meet you in real life, so I could just beat the **** out of you for being such a *******. It's so easy to have no accountability over forums. Lucky you I guess.

If you were good at Smash you could travel for tourneys and meet me some day!

You're an idiot. Plain and simple. You don't know me. You don't know what I know. I play unranked? Prove it. Oh wait, you can't. Gee, I can look back 1 page and quote myself saying I'm specifically working on raising my Solo Queue ELO. Get better reading comprehension please.

It's not difficult to view your profile and see that you're sooooo bad you lost a low level 3v3 ranked match. :laugh:

My elitist attitude? You know who cries "Elitist?" A scrub. That's who. Good job at proving that you are in fact, the scrubbiest of scrubs. I know a lot about this game. I'm also quite good at it. I'm not the best, nor have I ever said I am. However being confident in my knowledge means I can speak knowing that I am right.

I dunno, your anger with the tier list (despite it being much better than anything you could think of) sort of says otherwise :)

You however, have demonstrated that you are unskilled at this game and lacking the finer points of game knowledge. You thought GP with a slightly faster E would be overpowered ffs.

I play GP, if his E were even 2 seconds faster, you could start denying 2 fighters every other wave, or 1 fighter 1 siege every third wave. This is significant enough to the point where your opponent would be required to jungle in between waves, due to the abuse of a mechanic that no other character has access to.

I would really love to see you make a post regarding myself that doesn't include a logical fallacy. However I realize you're simply some idiot on the internet and that hope will be dashed quite easily. I had decided to not even respond to your stupidity but since an Admin is here, I'm hoping that your harassment will be noticed by someone. Why on earth you are a mod is beyond me. Then again, I enjoy being around quality people.

I'm a mod because I've contributed to this community, not sure about yourself though, you seem too self-absorbed to contribute to anything that isn't yourself! ;)

Also, for the Go vs Chess analogy. It's called scope. Go is simpler than Chess. Stop trying to argue something obvious.

I heard DMG plays a lot of chess we should get his input on this^
z0mg! You're amazing jaz, really. You are the greatest player in the world, and all others shall bow to you.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Guys, knock off the flaming or I'll heavily infract you. No more warnings.
z0mg! You're amazing jaz, really. You are the greatest player in the world, and all others shall bow to you.
Yawn. You're so easy. Again though, you have nothing but insults and logical fallacies.

Also, I lost a 3v3 ranked game because I have friends and they enjoy doing random ****. Ever seen an Olaf and Kennen camp Dragon spawn and harass/last hit with nothing but skill shots from level 1? It's really funny. Keep trying though. It's good enough that you actually checked my account. You're easier to manipulate than I thought.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
I don't think the argument between you two will ever go anywhere positive. Both of you are derailing the thread and leaving a sour taste in everyone else's mouth when they come to read.

I think the reliable suggestion of "Taking it to PMs" would be a good idea.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
But Jaz doesn't look dumb in PMs :(

Also, I've looked at your match history since before today, I look at all smashers match histories to see who they like playing :O


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I do it too lol. I like to see how hard Dekar ***** someone in his games lol


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
I meant the site in general. Finding anything there is fairly difficult.

Do they have Broodwar vs SC2 arguments like they had melee vs brawl.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Original v Sequel



Both groups are idiots, CS 1.6 is the greatest game ever, and there never was a sequel :)
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