Even with a lot of opinions, tier lists aren't ever truly perfect. Elementz has a good grasp of the high level game and he's said all along that this is his opinion, not necessarily fact. It's just his view of the current meta from the top of rankings.
Apart from that, I think your original criticism of his list is silly. His list is about the utility of each pick, right? So yes, easier to play, higher utility champs are going to sit near the top of the list because in any given team comp, these champs fit in more easily and have a bigger impact. The more nuanced champions or ones that fit a niche roll are naturally going to be lower on the list. Why? Because you aren't going to generally make them first picks. They fit specific roles, so you wait for the team comp to come together before those champs are more viable as picks.
Think about it this way: Would you be upset with a player first-picking Fiddle and leaving champs like Morgana, Garen, Sona, etc for the other team to take? The answer if probably yes because Fiddle is a low probability pick that someone in the last two spots could pick for him. You'd probably rather him pick a stronger or higher utility champ for someone else first and then swap. That's the essence of Elementz tier list and any other legit one for a game like LoL.