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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
I hate solo queue. I really do.

I **** my lane as GP super hard. Our Twitch dies to MF twice. I switch with him only to discover she has 100 cs to his 20 and has a bf sword. I still kill her (with just a wriggles :3). Twitch then dies to the lane I *****.

No matter what I do, I can't carry these *******.
request a sticky for that one thread you wrote


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I hate solo queue. I really do.

I **** my lane as GP super hard. Our Twitch dies to MF twice. I switch with him only to discover she has 100 cs to his 20 and has a bf sword. I still kill her (with just a wriggles :3). Twitch then dies to the lane I *****.

No matter what I do, I can't carry these *******.
I'm always shocked how highly rated bad players can get.

After playing Corki almost exclusively for two days, I agree with Mogwai in that he is a god.
But as I showed Elementz, Pantheon can make even gods bleed.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
The more I play the more I want to quit the game :urg:

I was playing Malphite last night and I realized that even with the buffs they gave him, he still kind of sucks because his base stats aren't tanky enough.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
Oh funny story from last night: I'm first pick and rather than just choose GP straight away, I ask my team if they want anyone. Our 3rd pick guy says "MF" with 1 seconds left for me, but I grab MF just in time. He asks who I want and I tell him grab me GP... but he doesn't have GP. And apparently 20 seconds isn't enough time for him to read "then choose me Gragas" because he just goes to Morgana instead.

Luckily, our last pick said he had GP and would be willing to play Morgana. Nice guy. So I switch with him for GP and our 3rd pick switches Morgana for MF. Apparently this douchebag doesn't realize that YOU CAN SEE IF THEY HAD YOUR CHARACTER. The switch button was on between me and 3rd pick after I had GP, which means he had GP all along.

Then in-game MF feeds like hell in mid while me and our last pick morgana are the only people doing well.

When will these ******* realize that my ELO is higher than theirs for a reason?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I dislike it when people beg for stickies, so I'd rather not be a hypocrite.

But yeah, it looks like tons of people agree with the thread but not many are posting in it. In case you don't know what John was referring to, its my thread about the unspoken "rules" of ranked solo queue I wrote on a whim last night.
If Locicero is my first pick, he better pick Pantheon. =3

The more I play the more I want to quit the game :urg:

I was playing Malphite last night and I realized that even with the buffs they gave him, he still kind of sucks because his base stats aren't tanky enough.
don't get discouraged from losing a game with wits end -> zeal -> BF ashe. Yes there are problems with Malphite, but they were not the reason why we lost that game (no sustained DPS, you and I could put them all low with our initial hits but when ashe hits for like 100/attack, we can't finish anyone).


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
Bumped it. Excellent thread. I hope more players learn these rules and apply them.

So I've noticed a really annoying trend recently where teams hit the mid-game and then just turtle up HARD for the next 15 minutes or so, farming jungles and taking turns pushing out lanes. They refuse to engage anywhere on the map and just hide in jungles in groups of 3-5 and wait for someone to split off from their team. So the game just DRAAAAAAAGS while everyone farms up items and one team waits for the other to make a mistake. Even teams that are clearly winning do this, rather than just push. So boring. So lame.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
But as I showed Elementz, Pantheon can make even gods bleed.
All good players know that Pantheon is an absurdly strong champ. Its only mediocre and bad players that think Panth isn't good. IMO he fits the current meta rather well since he ***** the hell out of ranged carries in lane.

Bumped it. Excellent thread. I hope more players learn these rules and apply them.
I appreciate it. Thank you.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I might just suck vs. Ranged carries, but I think that MF and Corki and Trist can all handle Pantheon in lane. But that's irrelevant, I was just making a bad 300 reference because even after Elementz was roflstomping my team last night, his team positioned poorly once and I jacked him up with just ghostblade and d-blades vs. triforce + manamune + bf sword, lol.

EDIT: because I <3 Pakman: http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=4038346#post4038346


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
I might just suck vs. Ranged carries, but I think that MF and Corki and Trist can all handle Pantheon in lane. But that's irrelevant, I was just making a bad 300 reference because even after Elementz was roflstomping my team last night, his team positioned poorly once and I jacked him up with just ghostblade and d-blades vs. triforce + manamune + bf sword, lol.

EDIT: because I <3 Pakman: http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=4038346#post4038346

I think after I play my next match in the SWF starcraft 2 tournament, I am gonna take a week or two off from PC gaming. It is borderline stressful over a **** game.

It'll also give me time to train a little bit for RoM3 :p.


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
You know what I KNOW is kinda unreasonable given the Freemium nature of LoL's model... but I really wish SP could include on his list of unspoken rules of solo queue?

Make sure to own at least half, if not 3/4s of the top tier characters before you start doing ranked games.

It drives me nuts when I get into a ranked game and our captain has first pick and he's like... "who should I pick" and after a list of three or four champs he doesn't own, dude just picks someone random and essentially gives double first pick to the enemy team.

The other day I was in ranked and our captain banned carries, rather than some of the common top-tier tank bans. I thought he was trying to force one of the tanks to be free for his own pick. So then he said "I don't really care who I play. Who should I pick?" and I said "Get me Galio or Mummy" and he said "I don't own them... I don't play tanks." and so he picked Twisted Fate, locked in and I watched helplessly as the other team picked Galio/Mummy with their two first picks.

Seriously, I know everyone can't have every character. I know that tiers change and characters get buffed/nerfed. I know that not everyone is good with every class of champion, but at LEAST try to nab some good champs or at least one good champ from each class before you start playing ranked games. If you own ZERO tanks, you shouldn't be joining solo queue.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
^^^ But then they pick Morgana and Shield the AoE user. Unless she's banned/you pick her along with Grag/Janna


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
no one really cares about the Amumu or Galio persay though. It's the fact that it creates a giant opening for your team to go to town. Once you gain the ability to **** with their team's positioning, you can completely negate an otherwise well placed Mummy/Galio ult.

basically, 1 person being in the right spot isn't what makes Amumu/Galio good. It's everyone being in the right spot and positioning heroes like Janna and Gragas counter this.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
In ranked can one team not use the same champs as the other? Where can I read up on "Everything you need to know before doing ranked games?"


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
You know what I KNOW is kinda unreasonable given the Freemium nature of LoL's model... but I really wish SP could include on his list of unspoken rules of solo queue?

Make sure to own at least half, if not 3/4s of the top tier characters before you start doing ranked games.
Added the rule and credited you for it. First rule someone suggested that is actually worth putting in, lol.

Also, Gragas doesn't conter amu/galio. On paper he does, but in practice his ultimate is too small of an AoE to effectively work against them. But cleanse (or QSS) Janna >>>> Amu/Gal.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
In ranked can one team not use the same champs as the other? Where can I read up on "Everything you need to know before doing ranked games?"
<3 Zac. Dunno where you can read up about it, but just jump headfirst into ranked games (don't let them intimidate you) and ask us any glaring questions you may have.

In ranked games the same champion cannot be chosen more than once so there are 10 different champs in the game. You ban 4 characters in a 1-2-2-1 fashion. Your highest ELO player is your captain who determines the ban. First/last ban is 2nd pick while second/third ban is first pick. The picks alternate between the teams.

1 on team A picks (the guy with the middle 2 bans)
2 on team B pick
2 on team A pick
2 on team B pick
2 on team A pick
1 on team B picks


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2001
Queens/Stony Brook, NY
<3 Zac. Dunno where you can read up about it, but just jump headfirst into ranked games (don't let them intimidate you) and ask us any glaring questions you may have.

In ranked games the same champion cannot be chosen more than once so there are 10 different champs in the game. You ban 4 characters in a 1-2-2-1 fashion. Your highest ELO player is your captain who determines the ban. First/last ban is 2nd pick while second/third ban is first pick. The picks alternate between the teams.

1 on team A picks (the guy with the middle 2 bans)
2 on team B pick
2 on team A pick
2 on team B pick
2 on team A pick
1 on team B picks
There are cases where the creator of a duo queue can be the captain, despite him not being the highest ELO (i.e. his partner may be the highest ELO).

Zolga Owns

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
Southeast PA
First ranked game was awful. I carried as Janna. We lost horribly because our Annie and Olaf liked running INTO THE OTHER TEAM BY THEMSELVES. Olaf complained that Sona was too fast. I lost all hope then.


Smash Ace
May 27, 2007
Library, Ponyville
Hey guys,

I started playing like....a couple days ago, and I wanted to post here to see if y'all could help me in any way.

So far I'm picking up Annie and I'm only at Lv.2


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
lol, or not, who the **** picks pirate, lolololol
No joke, I hate it when people play pirate on my team. And when I see one on the other team I know its a free win (unless they go tankplank, where they're useless but they at least don't feed).

I've seriously never seen a successful pirate at this level who isn't me. I've even fed off of Grandjudge's pirate before :/


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Make sure to own at least half, if not 3/4s of the top tier characters before you start doing ranked games.
I own Amumu, Morgana, Kogmaw, Vladimir, Ashe.

Others I own are Rammus, Sion, Tristana, and maybe a couple others I forgot about.

Been thinking about who I should buy next. Was considering Twitch, Sona, Anivia, or Garen. Galio looks pretty beast too.

Suggestions on who I should get next?


Apr 10, 2008
I didn't think anyone but me liked Durarara...


Galio... Sona... MF... they're all really good. Riot's nerfing them all tho. Tbh, I'd wait till Riot finishes castrating all the AoE champs before you go on a buying spree. :/


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Owning heroes and tryharding doesn't really matter. If you want to get really high/good, you'll learn all this eventually. If you simply want to be higher than 1200, the real way to tryhard would be to play a jungler.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Owning heroes and tryharding doesn't really matter. If you want to get really high/good, you'll learn all this eventually. If you simply want to be higher than 1200, the real way to tryhard would be to play a jungler.
It's more about being courteous to other players while solo queuing but I'm sure you already knew this, right?


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
It's more about being courteous to other players while solo queuing but I'm sure you already knew this, right?
You're really pathetic. Your troll bait is so obvious it's painful. Who made you a mod and who should I PM to see that you get banned for harassment?


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Lol what are you talking about? Dekar was spot on: you don't necessarily pick up a bunch of top tiers and hope to be really good with all of them. You pick them up because inevitably someone on your team WILL be good with Galio/Shen/Sona/etc. If you are first pick, even if you **** with someone else, you ask your team "Hey does anyone here play Galio/Sona/MF/Ashe/etc?" so you can secure better overall picks for your team.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Lol what are you talking about? Dekar was spot on: you don't necessarily pick up a bunch of top tiers and hope to be really good with all of them. You pick them up because inevitably someone on your team WILL be good with Galio/Shen/Sona/etc. If you are first pick, even if you **** with someone else, you ask your team "Hey does anyone here play Galio/Sona/MF/Ashe/etc?" so you can secure better overall picks for your team.
It must be really nice to live in this deluded world where people who play LoL are any good. Maybe they're as good as you, but that doesn't mean anything.

Solo queue is full of ******** idiots who have no idea how to play properly or even use halfway decent builds. You know what First Picking Garen does because 5th pick asked for it? It gives you a guy who builds Boots1, double zeal, and then chain mail. He'll go 0-6 and ***** about how their Ashe is OP.

There's no point pretending that there's some level of courtesy you can portray or some magical ruleset you can follow that will make your LoL experience any better/smoother. Wasting time grinding IP to buy "top tier" champs means nothing if 1) You're not even good enough to use them and 2) You're not good enough to play with people who are good enough to take advantage of the fact that you could possibly be Captain.

All of this is based on the probability that something will happen in your favour. If this is how you play LoL, relying on the chance that you could have good teamamtes and wasting IP on heroes you don't really plan on playing, then you're a ****ing moron.

Like I already said, there's no point buying champs and pretending people will care/be nice or even ask for it. It's far more rational to realize "I'm playing Solo Queue, time to practice my fundamentals and not give a **** about these 1300 scrubs."

This is assuming you have half a brain and are even capable of attaining 1300. I've seen some of the swf guys play, I realize that's as much of a stretch as finding a good team in Solo Queue.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
When you come across those people, it doesn't matter (usually) how good you play. That's the case for everyone, just about every elo level has that problem. Aside from the Herpa Derp cases, being a team player means giving your team plenty of good possibilities and doing what's best for the team instead of immediately going Carry/Jungler and assuming everyone else sucks. If you want to improve, you probably will do better trying to be a team player instead of insta "Im going Carry/Jungle, I hope you guys aren't brain dead"


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
If you want to improve, you probably will do better trying to be a team player instead of insta "Im going Carry/Jungle, I hope you guys aren't brain dead"
Is this funny or sad? Or is it sad that I don't really find it funny or genuinely sad? If that's what you honestly think then I will simply say that I am better than you are at this game.


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
Jaz, I get your cynical reaction feels all truthy to you, but I think you are wrong. I've been as high as 1350 in solo queue and I am clawing my way back up there through the muck. Using some of these "unspoken rules" has indeed made my experience better and allowed me to win some games with donkeys in tow that I would have otherwise lost. If I'm first pick, I nab a top cary for someone else and ask them to grab me an appropriate tank or jungler. Then even if they aren't playing great, I can help turn the tide and since they've now got characters that can take advantage of a successful teamfight to push or dragon/baron... I have a better chance of winning.

Sure, you can't do anything about true morons. If you are solo'ing top and your bottom duo loses their tower in 4 minutes... there's not much you can do about dudes that bad, but you still improve your odds of winning by playing solo queue "right." No sense in discouraging the lower-leveled players by telling them that its pointless and everyone sucks and they probably suck too.

@Variola... wait until the next patch notes come down and see if Riot ruins any top champs. Assuming things are still cool and you like tanks Garen or Galio are good pick-ups.
- Twitch can be a great pubstomper/carry, but can be tough to learn because you have to master the right timing on his invisibility. Knowing when to pop out and spray is the difference between winning and losing a teamfight.
- Sona is a top tier pick, but Riot does intend to nerf her soon so the 3150 might not be well-spent in a month's time.
- Anivia is awesome and you will feel like a boss when you do well with her, but she has her own nuances that take some time you learn and master, like when to wall, when to pop your Q, how to stun/attack over walls, etc. Fortunately, if you are patient and careful, you probably won't FEED while learning her, you'll just feel like you are doing NOTHING until you get into a grove. When I first picked her up, I would finish 40 min games like 1-1-5 and wonder what I had been doing all game. Once I got her learned, I started finishing games something like 15-3-14 and felt like a champ at the end.

Hope that's helpful.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Improving isn't necessarily correlated to your elo rising. You could win 10 games in a row and not improve one bit, while losing 10 games in a row and gaining a better grasp on what to do. It's much more likely for you to learn more about the game, and improve as a player, if you adopt a team player mentality over "Im in this alone".


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
@Variola... wait until the next patch notes come down and see if Riot ruins any top champs. Assuming things are still cool and you like tanks Garen or Galio are good pick-ups.
- Twitch can be a great pubstomper/carry, but can be tough to learn because you have to master the right timing on his invisibility. Knowing when to pop out and spray is the difference between winning and losing a teamfight.
- Sona is a top tier pick, but Riot does intend to nerf her soon so the 3150 might not be well-spent in a month's time.
- Anivia is awesome and you will feel like a boss when you do well with her, but she has her own nuances that take some time you learn and master, like when to wall, when to pop your Q, how to stun/attack over walls, etc. Fortunately, if you are patient and careful, you probably won't FEED while learning her, you'll just feel like you are doing NOTHING until you get into a grove. When I first picked her up, I would finish 40 min games like 1-1-5 and wonder what I had been doing all game. Once I got her learned, I started finishing games something like 15-3-14 and felt like a champ at the end.

Hope that's helpful.
Thanks for the advice. Think I'll wait it out.
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