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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2001
Queens/Stony Brook, NY
Your condescending tone is noted but you're speaking out of your ***.

SamuraiPanda, Azen Zagenite, and Mogwai are all consistently ranked pretty high in their ranked games of choice, and myself and Iggy have played Dota for years before playing this.

So I think you should stop just trash talking smash players because you clearly haven't played all of them.
No, he's kinda right. None of us are anything to write home about, but we're not so far below from the best that what Dekar said would be right. Though what M3D said is true, you'd have to play us before making judgments like that.

That being said, the players you've mentioned (except Azen cuz Azen never posts) also inflate themselves to be higher ranked than they really are (no offense guys). I'm not saying they're bad, not at all in fact, I'm just saying that it's all really blown out of proportion.

Now let's talk about astronaut Teemo.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
I also think the Dota argument is pitiful because if anything me and Iggy die a lot just based on our expectations of Dota's metagame vs this one. *shrugs*.

Lea I wasn't saying that the aforementioned people were gdlk, but to say smashers are free and that you all "probably don't play Dota" are just baseless assumptions that only serve to make him seem like an ***.

Especially since like I've mentioned I for one know me and Iggy are a helluva lot better in Dota and that other smashers are really good in this game.

Such as your 3 v 3 record for a while Lea.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
A LOT of things said in this thread are either plain silly, or outright wrong.

I just wanted to put that out there before someone takes what someone says about so and so hero, and keeps it in mind from here to eternity.

There are plenty of good players, but none of us is a top player yet.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
I think what we should really talk about is how epic the Magma Chambers meta is going to be.

GP and Teemo are broken, if the lanes are long enough GP will get 3 denies at level 1. Heroes with high base MS and global ults will be extremely effective. Etc etc. I'm really looking forward to Magma Chambers, I'm hoping it's absolutely huge and I can afk farm with GP all game every game. :D


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
A LOT of things said in this thread are either plain silly, or outright wrong.

Like you thinking reducing the CD on GP's Raise Morale will "break" him.

Aaaaannnnyyyyyyyways, internet drama is so clichéd. Asking people to be aware of the limitations of their sources of advice is meaningless. If they're smart enough to understand that their sources can be biased then they don't need such advice. If they're not smart enough to understand these things then they certainly won't listen to someone explaining said lack of understanding.

At the end of the day my ELO is 731 and I'm really good at this game. :)


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
Lag issues did mess up the second in-house yesterday, but I think we still managed to have fun. Oh man, I had two players at like 12 health as they ran into their fountain and I got killed by the lasers before I could kill them :(

Dekar, why hate on Smash kids? Clearly we have some high tier players around here and the rest of us do alright for ourselves when we tryhard. You might have a better idea of how good Smash kids are if you actually played with us. Every time you log on and people try to get you to play, you say no and go play with other friends. Maybe you need to get off your high horse and have some fun with your Smash Bros homeslice.
Dekar doesn't like the Melee community either, so just ignore him lol.

I've logged into swf a few times... there's been like 10-15 people in there but nobody talks at all! Am I missing something?


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Dekar doesn't like the Melee community either, so just ignore him lol.
I don't like Melee scrubs, unfortunately the loudest people in the Melee community tend to fall into that genre.

Wobbles is the ****, as are all of the AZ pros, but people who suck balls at Melee and yet feel the urge to ****talk every Brawl player in existence? Yes, I hate them, and for good reason.

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
ignorance is bliss.

astronaut teemo on the other hand is amazing. my friend has him and i'm pretty sure he's tier 0 in everyone's tier list now.


Apr 10, 2008
Why the hate, fellas?

Yah know, I'm fine with admitting I'm not one of the ripe apples of the LoL tree. Tbh, all I care about right now is learning how to get better, and none of you guys tell me when I do something wrong. :< (besides that one match where I failed pretty hard at those 2 gragas ultimates LOL)

I'll take any constructive criticism I can get... about ANYTHING. Like if I'm chasing someone into a bush for a kill and you think body slamming into a bush would have been a better idea than I dunno... zoning them away from one side with a barrel and then body slamming towards the other side or something then speak up! Don't be hesitant to give me some tips/advice if you think I could have done something better or more efficiently either. :) I'm not a super casual that shuns that sort of thing. :c

Agreed about Astronaut Teemo.


Apr 10, 2008
Forget Hybrid and DPS TF, besides maybe Guinsoos because it's soooo cost effective.

Imo, he should be more about pushing lanes + backdooring, and porting in for ganks. In my experience the burst component of AP TF will help you do those better. Pick a different ranged AD carry for sustained damage in teamfights. TF isn't very good at it comparatively.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
I was queueing and came up against a team that was heavily hp but I had runes/masteries for ap so I went for bloodrazor/hybrid and did decently.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
ignorance is bliss.

astronaut teemo on the other hand is amazing. my friend has him and i'm pretty sure he's tier 0 in everyone's tier list now.
I've traveled enough to run into plenty of melee scrubs, they exist and you trying to deny this fact is sad.

Then again, it's the people like Wobbles, Axe, and Tai that I travel for, not the bads :)

@Tura- I hate you for playing TF, he's another of those hilarious if the player's bad, disgusting if the player's good, heroes.

Imo build him like a typical carry, except stack it more towards AP than AD.

The coolest part about TF is when he teams with Gangplank. He gets gold for denying his own minions and eventually gets to buy a sight ward for all his troubles :O

@Jaz- most of the silly things come from you. Like the "Jazriel plays this character different from everyone so he's effective!" or "Gangplank's cooldowns need to be way lower for him to be viable!" or "Mundo can towerdive THREE towers!"

It's okay though, you'll hit ranked and come to learn that nobody knows it all, not even me!


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
Dekar - can you give me your standard build for Cho? I've been ****** with him lately, but I wanna know what you use so I can **** harder.

Also Flash > Feast is ****ING AMAZING

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
because i was referring to *******s / noobs not existing, in ANY community . . . right.

did you guys end up getting a 5v5 going last night?

Zolga Owns

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
Southeast PA
Nasus is so much fun to use. He doesn't die....and he has a ~600 hitting spammable spell(2 sec CD) which resets his auto attacks late game. His ult is like...TOWERDIVE AND THEN USE WITHER FOR ESCAPE. :D

I killed a Pantheon who chased me into tower at full health by running in circles around it while he was withered and spamming Q like a champ. I was at like 100 health.


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
I'm a fan of Nasus. Haven't played him in a while though. Might need to rectify that. Actually, the other day we ran into a really solid anti-jungling Nasus that ruined people's days. I might have to try that soon.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
****ing hated yesterdays ward tele yi and ashe.

Ruined my jungle, first time I've seen that.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Dekar - can you give me your standard build for Cho? I've been ****** with him lately, but I wanna know what you use so I can **** harder.

Also Flash > Feast is ****ING AMAZING
Runes: seals- flat armor
glyphs- flat MR
marks- attack speed
quints- movement speed

Summoner skills: Smite + Ghost

3s- top lane, if you have a jungler, you do the bottom 2v1 (unless you've got a mord or MF or someone who can reliably shut down the lane)

fort elixir + 5 pots (only use the fort elixir if you have to, for survivability or in order to get a kill)
zerk greaves (are they heavy CC/AD? Merc Treads or Tabi accordingly)
bilgewater cutlass > hextech revolver > hextech gunblade (this is my core item)
Spirit Visage (1 wave and you heal 600 hp)

Now you build according to the game, there are 3 scenarios-

you are ****** them: phantom dancer/wait for the surrender

they are AD: Randiun's Omen > Atma's Impaler

they are AP: Force of Nature > laugh

*Feast guarantees the last hit on lizard and dragon, and coupled with smite it allows for you to be clearing the top jungles faster than any other hero in the game.

**Elixirs are VERYYYYY important. If you don't have an elixir going, think about it!

5s- Jungle, start at the double golems and don't use your smite > Lizard use smite > wraiths > wolves > mana golem

I build Cho the same in 5s, except once I have my hextech I build GA, then typical tank items.

Don't be afraid in solo queue to use a feast before the carry is at death percents, this instant drop in health will signify to your teammates that this is the target (since you can't rely on them to automatically target the carry for some reason --a)


Smash Apprentice
Jun 12, 2010
Near Paris
Ahhhh this week is the Trynda fashion week in Europe...
I made a game with Pantheon, I've played really well making early kills taking 5 turrets and 2 inib and defending pretty well but then it happened...
Trynda got his stuff, they had a good set up with Trynda+Poppy (tank)+Galio (tank too)+Janna (support AP with heal tp)+Lux (Support AP and damage dealer)...
We lost lol... we had almost all their turret and they had none, they came in teamfight and ****ed up us like if there was 10 level diff between us...
I really hate to play against Trynda, I always got another AD char who gets ***** in 1v1 against Trynda... He has more damages than anyone with his passives and he has more survivability than any other DPS, when I don't have Anivia I totally don't know what to do against him.
Trynda+good set up=win...
Any advices please?


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
For Tryn you just need Exhaust, Ignite and some CC. That's really it. If he's smart, he'll pack a cleanse, but if you get him to ult and throw on Exhaust/Ignite/CC, there isn't much he can do. Only downside is you waste it all on him but hey, if it beats getting critted to death.


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
For Tryn you just need Exhaust, Ignite and some CC. That's really it. If he's smart, he'll pack a clarity, but if you get him to ult and throw on Exhaust/Ignite/CC, there isn't much he can do. Only downside is you waste it all on him but hey, if it beats getting critted to death.
Virg is right. All the best Tryndameres use Clarity.

edit: ahh Lea beat me to it! And he was nice about it too.

double edit: I'm currently playing on my smurf (isIand) and the games are about as good as ranked since over half of the players are smurfs...

triple edit: i change my mind, smurf games are a ****ing joke. i can't carry at all. it's 50/50.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Queue dodging tactic is usually Mundo with Clarity/Revive. But that might be TOO obvious...

Whenever I saw somebody try to Queue dodge like that before, I'd pick Ghost/Revive on whomever I was playing and played chicken.

Eitherway, it was going to be a fun game...


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
That being said, the players you've mentioned (except Azen cuz Azen never posts) also inflate themselves to be higher ranked than they really are (no offense guys). I'm not saying they're bad, not at all in fact, I'm just saying that it's all really blown out of proportion.
I AM OFFENDED!!!ONE!!!!ELEVEN!!!! :mad088:

seriously though, since I switched to WW + Kennen with a side of Udyr, my Elo has jumped over 200 points. herpdederp, Pantheon can go suck a **** :p.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 12, 2010
Near Paris
So Azen Zagenite plays LoL *_* aaaaargh that's so sad I can't talk with him because I'm on Europeans servers, why isn't he posting sometimes here?


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
So I've been thinking about the "problem" with Ghost/Flash and I think the biggest problem with them is that it ruins ganks. Using those spells offensively is awesome because it makes for some of the most exciting kills in the game. But defensively they are just too overpowered.

So I was thinking how to combat that without ruining the offensive abilities of the spells and I thought of an interesting idea. What about adding a Summoner Spell that worked to suppress summoner abilities. So when its activated, it creates a large aura in which summoner spells couldn't be used for a specific duration. Then it goes on a long cool down, like say, the length of Flash, so you can't use it all the time. This would impact BOTH teams, so it wouldn't be imba powerful for your side.

This would be really effective for junglers to use in their ganks and could also be used as a really fun way to counter-jungle, since you could pop it at an opportune moment and keep the jungler from burning his Smite. It would also be good for the end of a team fight when the losing side starts popping Ghost/Flash to run away. It also encourages team coordination, since you'd want your teammates to use their spells FIRST and then activate this so your team had a decided advantage. Imagine coming to gank bottom lane as Warwick and having your Sona/Garen both pop their Ghosts, THEN you trigger Suppression so the enemies are flanked and slower than their pursuers. Would mean you'd have to be really smart warding defensively too.

The biggest potential problem with this skill is that it opens up a whole new world of griefing to LoL. A lot of champions barely survive jungling Golem at lvl 1, so if your teammate was mad at you, he could wait until you were about to smite golem and then block you, so you'd get screwed. You might also use it on accident RIGHT before your teammate was about to Ghost to finish someone off and ruin their chase. So there's a negative to this as well, but maybe the positive would outweigh it, what do you think?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
sounds pretty unfun to be honest. It would also completely futtbuck jungling for like... everyone but Olaf/WW/Udyr. *shrugs* I honestly just think that Flash needs to have a higher CD and not dodge projectiles. With 21 in utility it's like a 3 minute CD, which is absurdly good and you can't even do aggressive **** like flash -> stun to initiate a jungle gank because they'll just flash away from your stun and then everything's ruined. The dodge projectiles part of flash is just so dumb and I have no idea why it was ever implemented that way. It also needs to realistically make you vulnerable to another jungle gank if you blow your flash at top, when in reality if the jungler sticks around for another attempt at a gank while Flash is still on CD, he's already lost his team dragon and thus has probably lost his team the game since Dragon is such a huge part of what actually wins games.

And even though I'm not a big fan of copying DotA mechanics, adding the Blink Dagger restriction would help A LOT too.
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