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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
Why not just give Flash a bit of startup lag? That way you could use it for initiation, but not as easily for escape.

Also: http://www.nerf.hu/2010/10/31/ptr-patch-note-v1-0-0-104/

Not a fan of the Twitch and Rammus nerfs, but the Heimer and Teemo buffs are awesome. Not sure how I feel about the Mord changes, I'm absolutely sick of Mord but apparently he's not viable at high Elo? Because making a team fight 6v5 and being unstoppable during laning is somehow not viable?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Why not just give Flash a bit of startup lag? That way you could use it for initiation, but not as easily for escape.

Also: http://www.nerf.hu/2010/10/31/ptr-patch-note-v1-0-0-104/

Not a fan of the Twitch and Rammus nerfs, but the Heimer and Teemo buffs are awesome. Not sure how I feel about the Mord changes, I'm absolutely sick of Mord but apparently he's not viable at high Elo? Because making a team fight 6v5 and being unstoppable during laning is somehow not viable?
meh, doesn't start up lag defeat the whole purpose of Flash?

Morde is so far from unstoppable during laning it's hilarious (note: when a champion gains health for fighting near your creeps, don't ****ing fight him near your creeps). He also tends to be dead weight until his team kills the person he puts CotG on in teamfights, but w/e. The nerf was necessary because low elo people ***** about Morde to no end even though he's pretty much the definition of mediocre in my book.

Iirc, flash dodging is a bug- not intentional.
if so, they've left it as a bug FOREVER. It's been this way since I started playing 10 month ago... And it's not like they don't have flash skills that don't dodge to model it after (Kass and Ez don't dodge **** with their blink skills).


Apr 10, 2008
if so, they've left it as a bug FOREVER. It's been this way since I started playing 10 month ago... And it's not like they don't have flash skills that don't dodge to model it after (Kass and Ez don't dodge **** with their blink skills).

Also, not sure if you guys have noticed, but it's not as consistent after this last patch as it used to be. I and others I've talked to aren't dodging projectiles as much as we used to. Riot and their stealth nerfs.


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
What is the purpose of Flash then?

And you have to understand how annoying Mord is for most people. If your team has one weak link (which happens a LOT in solo queue) who overextends in a team fight, Mord simply has to ult them, they die, the other team now has two supercharged champs instead of one mediocre champ.

edit: Talk about good timing! I was typing up this reply while in queue and was interrupted by champ select. Here is that game:


I had solo top vs. Mord and Yi (they had no jungler). Mord walked in front of the minion waves, and I could not do ANYTHING. Fortunately they didn't know how to last hit, and I got a high creep score. But I couldn't approach them at all. How is it possible to out-harass someone who casts a single spell and is then invincible for the rest of the creep wave? Not to mention Mords almost always get regrowth pendant first and thus gain health quickly (and can cast spells infinitely).

A team fight happened up top after a while. Our Xin was fond of going rambo. He was the "weak link" I talked about earlier. Mord would ult him, I would bulwark him but it wasn't enough, he would die, and their team would have a supercharged Xin who would tank the tower while the rest of them fought. A fight at bottom lane ended with me and Mord alive. Xin's ghost alone took the tower from 1/3 health to dead, while me and the tower were hitting it the entire time. That is the definition of bull****.

I know it must be nice to play at the level where nobody does stupid ****, people buy QSS'es, and Mord is shut down by your team. I recently escaped from Elo hell (I was 800-1000 for about 100 games, then got a winning streak about 25 games ago and am now around 1250 and rising) so hopefully I'll get there someday. But he is definitely a pubstomp hero on the level of Twitch and it's REALLY unfun to play against. I'm all for making him viable at high level play, but it must be done wihtout buffing him to the point of brokenness at mid and low level play.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Morde didn't need a nerf.

Edit: And even after reviewing the notes a second time, he got buffs everywhere else apart from his E being nerfed and his 5% lopped off his ult's bonus effect. This is stupid. This nerf is more like a simple balance... seeing as people might actually take Q before 13 now. And now his ult deals a small amount of Burst damage... christ.

I'm not inclined to believe many patch notes that aren't official, though. Seeing as PTR is pretty locked down, anyone will grasp at straws.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Why is everyone calling this a nerf? It's a rework, intended to make AP builds more viable for him, plus now QSS doesn't make him entirely useless in teamfights.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
if flash had a startup animation, in what way would it be better than ghost? I mean, the whole point is that it's instant, as far as I'm concerned.

that's a case of the 2v1s, not of morde being OP. you simply pick the fight with him before he gets to your creep wave or you harass long range. Pantheon just ***** him sideways in the level 1 fight so long as you pick it before your creep get there (you can fight him in his creep and it doesn't matter because you have SoS and he doesn't so your damage means more). He also only has siphon at level 1 so you just abuse that CD while you can and get an advantage to leverage for the rest of the laning period.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
i though they were removing flash this patch >.<
but at least kat got buffed even if riot doesnt realize that they need to fix the range of her Q before her cool downs


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Flash has always intended to break projectiles.

Flash is dumb. The problem is that Flash/Ghost are too universal, and every other summoner spell is too specific/just bad. Smite is for Junglers, Clairvoyance if picked is almost always on support, you probably won't see a carry packing exhaust, etc. Flash and Ghost are things anyone in the game can use well, and it feeds itself in a cycle. The opponent packs Ghost to get away, well now you need Ghost to keep up. He has Flash to get in, I need it to get out. There's no "He has Ignite, I need to have Ignite" etc. IDK what they should do about Flash/Ghost, but their prevalence is a bit silly.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
Guys, its official. This game has taking melee's spot in my life.

Whenever I see CC now I think "crowd control" and not "crouch cancel".


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
Dan, I think what we needed you to do last night was to isolate and punish the Sona. Since Nidalee sucks in late-game teamfights anyways, if you could have at least chased the Sona out of the fight I think we could have won that match. The problem was they could push without risk, because Sona stayed WAY back and if things started to go against them, they ran to her heals/speed boosts to get out. So we could almost never finish off the Morde/Garen, which meant even when we won the fight and stopped their push, we couldn't safely counter-push. If you could have eliminated the Sona from the equation, we could have killed Ashe/Jax and then dealt with the tanks without Sona's heal-spam BS keeping them up.

You didn't make a LOT of mistakes. We just didn't coordinate as a team as well as we should have. It's all good.


Apr 10, 2008
Dan, I think what we needed you to do last night was to isolate and punish the Sona. Since Nidalee sucks in late-game teamfights anyways, if you could have at least chased the Sona out of the fight I think we could have won that match. The problem was they could push without risk, because Sona stayed WAY back and if things started to go against them, they ran to her heals/speed boosts to get out. So we could almost never finish off the Morde/Garen, which meant even when we won the fight and stopped their push, we couldn't safely counter-push. If you could have eliminated the Sona from the equation, we could have killed Ashe/Jax and then dealt with the tanks without Sona's heal-spam BS keeping them up.

You didn't make a LOT of mistakes. We just didn't coordinate as a team as well as we should have. It's all good.
Iirc, I tried doing that the first few fights, but Nidalee is melee, and she's slower than Sona, and I had to get through everyone else first... and she did enough damage to solo me with kiting if I got through that much... :glare: I mean, she can run and do damage at the same time with Q. She doesn't even have to pause.


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
Oh yeah, Sona is dumb. They really need to nerf something on her. Either her damage output need to get scaled down significantly or her heal needs to get nerfed into oblivion like all the other support champs.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 12, 2010
Near Paris
Yesterday I played against a Sona+Ezreal AP lane, I had Garen with a TF.
That was bull****, they were regenering faster than me after clash and they were doing more damages than me + TF (isn't sona supposed to be a ****ing support? Why does she hit that much with a good range...?)
So they destroyed us, and Ez was never oom... (he was spaming a lot his to skill shots tho...)
I talked with a friend after, and he told me Sona wasn't op at all, she was even more low than op.....................................
(Anyway he told me Galio wasn't op at all too...)

I've been playing Pantheon a this week end and he needs a buff on his E (the multiple spears attack) it's totally useless (except the 100% crit on the low life ennemies and I don't think it's enough.) he's bad in endgame too... I've seen a gangplank with 503 damages per hit lol he was pure **** even with his small life he had an insane lifesteal.
I'm wondering what's the maximum damages we can have in this game (if we stack full damages with a char who has already damages buff with a spell like Yi or Gangplank)


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Technically speaking you could get infinite damage through atma's impaler + Sion's enrage.

In a slightly less ridiculous world, it's probably Mundo with 1 maxed SotO, red elixir, all AD/level runes, 21 offensive masteries and 5 maxed Bloodthirsters activating Masochism with 1 HP... that's lessee... 110.23 base damage + 5% from havoc = 115.7415 damage + 28 (red elixir) + 3 (brute force) + 13.5 (Quints) + 21.87 (Marks) + 17.1 (Seals) + 6.57 (Glyphs) + 110 (SotO) + 500 (Bloodthirsters) + 200 (Masochism with ~100% Health Missing) = ~1015 damage. NOTE: This is still pretty ****ing ridiculous and at the very least he'll be a lot worse off than a mundo with some **** like IE + Bloodthirster + LW + Phantom Dancer + Ghostblade + Zerker's Greaves in terms of damage output.

In the real world, I have seen balls to the walls Pantheon/Sivir players with above 400 AD, but almost everyone else eventually scales better off getting more AS and Crit around 200 AD.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
I would think some sort of Poppy using her ult and DFG on a high HP opponent would give a ridiculous amount of damage (since he ult affects DFG's active).


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
Watching HotshotGG play a little LeBlanc earlier...Distortion, Mimic Distortion, flash...and then reactivate the first distortion to blink all the way back to the beginning. Evaded a three to one gank. ****ing hilarious.


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
@Sethlon, ROFL... that's hilarious. We played a match tonight where Dan was using her and he just repeatedly kept saying how safe she was. She is MAD annoying to fight and she's got really good burst, especially for early-mid game. Late game her burst isn't as scary, but with CDR and a good mana pool, she can keep someone perma-silenced during a fight. It's ridiculous.

@VaNz, they took down the link for the Mac client a while ago. I don't have access to the stand-alone client anymore so I couldn't tell you how to get it. I just keep updating the one I've got. Sorry.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
I don't know, but I saw Azen go against Elementz and CleverAdvisor on Hotshot's stream last night and Azen's team just wrecked them. Was very fun to watch :bee:


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Who's in Azen's premade?
I honestly didn't recognize the names but they're pretty good. I mean, no johns, but my team had thrown in the towel before that game even started. You're just not going to win high elo ranked with GP + Karthus + Blitzcrank, even if your last 2 characters are WW and MF. *sigh*

In other news, I disagree strongly with Azen's AD Kennen build (I see no reason to not just do generic triple d-blade -> zerkers -> I.E. -> LW), but I do think he's onto something with the general concept of AD Kennen. He's a good carry for the same reason as Ashe... having a reliable stun on your carry is incredible utility. Granted, Kennen's stuns don't have the utility of ECA, but he has way more of them and when an anti-carry chases him out of the fight, he has an escape (lightning rush) and after he's reached a safe distance from the rest of the fight, he can just turn around and chainstun 1v1 **** anyone in the game other than like, maybe Tryndamere. He's definitely going to be my carry pick in solo queue from now on.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 12, 2010
Near Paris
Wow I didn't know Azen was that good so actually he might be one of the best player around the globe in LoL?
Can you tell me how does he play kennen?
(Stuff with pictures and runes/masteries would be amazing since I play in french and those name you give are too hard to understand [I use french names so if you don't put full name at least it's just impossible to know what you're talkin' about =s])


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I can't put pictures, but he plays a standard AP Kennen:
D-Shield -> Sorc Shoes -> Rylai's + Zhonya's (order depends on the game) -> GA + Void Staff (order depends on the game)

his AD Kennen build is super unothodox though:
D-Blade -> Berzerker's Greaves -> Emblem of Valor (wtf) -> Infinity Edge -> Starks -> Last Whisper (I believe, most games are over by here tbh)

Shunning extra early D-Blades for an early Emblem (and thus Starks over Last Whisper), is very odd and I honestly cannot support it. I like just straight D-Blade -> boots -> 2 more D-Blades -> Zerker Greaves -> Infinity Edge -> Last Whisper -> Madred's Bloodrazors.
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