So like, I wanna learn Shaco, what is everybody's opinion on this character competitively? Do you think hes a good character in ranked games or can be good?
He definitely has a higher learning curve than others, but he can be a wrecking ball when you get him going.
He's a great jungler AND anti-jungler, and starter items for jungling have great synergy with his typical DPS builds (madreds, and it allowing him to dragon early).
His lane presence may leave something to be desired as far as last hitting goes, but he can set up for ganks easily, use his JitB to control brush (and through that, the lane) and harass/chase for the kill VERY easily through the use of his Q and E.
Yeah, Shaco's a pretty nasty character. Fun too
@Rappster- Killing the dragon on Summoner's Rift gives your entire team a decent amount of gold and EXP.
On Twisted Treeline, it does the same thing as well as a buff for your entire team that gives you an additional (your character's level)% damage.
Baron > Dragon > Red > Blue on Summoner's Rift
Red > Dragon > Wraiths > Wolves on Twisted Treeline
I originally was skeptical as to how using jungles in order to designate buffs and such would work out, as I used to play DotA a LOT and loved the rune system (bottle starter on Rexxar, yay) but after seeing that it forces you to commit, and ISN'T luck based (except the 2 random TT buffs) I love this system.
LoL is fun.