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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
I'll be on and off this weekend. Got soccer and stuff on Saturday, but I think Sunday should be pretty free.

Does anyone have a vent server or something that smashers can get on to voice chat outside of the in game chat room?


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
Never laned against her with Gragas. I'm mostly talking from the perspective of laning WITH her.

In other news, I just ***** the living hell out of Nicosharp's MF with my GP 1v1 in lane. Who the hell starts with boots on MF?

Guinsoo's talk of remaking GP in the future makes me sad. He just needs tweaks, not a full do-over. But I hear when they start remaking a character they talk to well-known players that use them. Since I streamed for like 2 weeks, my name has somehow become synonymous with GP :X
You should start streaming again so you can make sure to be on the short-list when they go to remake GP.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
I've been having some problems livestreaming while in fullscreen mode so I stopped streaming for awhile. I got in contact with the procaster (livestream.com's program) developer team about the problems I've been encountering, and they said they finally figured out the bug. Next beta of procaster should probably have it fixed so I can FINALLY stream again whenever they release it.

Even though I really shouldn't. When you livestream, people want you to play for like half a day at least, which I can't really afford with med school going on and all.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
2 more wins and I have a wall of straight 10 wins in a row. I've gone up 120 ELO in 2 days. This pirate build is raaaaaape.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006

Right now I'm running 0/9/21 (3 points in strength of spirit in defense). My rune page is either APen marks/quints with mp5 seals/glyphs or the same thing but with HP quints instead (depends on the other team, if they have a strong early game ganker like Shaco then I'll run HP quints).

If I solo lane then I start with cloth armor + 5 red pots. With side lane I start with Doran's Ring. From there its rather simple. Rush wriggle + zerks, then grab a Ghostblade, and then I'll build according to the game. But what I've found is that for nearly every game I can just grab a Giant's Belt then an Atma's, and I'll be melting faces. Its a little bit reliant on Green Elixer for the full package (I try to have one at all times around this part of the build) but so far its been an absurdly effective build.

And of course I ALWAYS run teleport/ghost. These 2 summoners are so essential and amazing for Pirate. I honestly can't imagine running anything else.

Every game I've played GP in my last 10+ games, I've gone godlike and carried the game HARD even if I'm side lane. Also, I honestly prefer GP in a side lane with a strong harasser. GP/Sona is SUCH an OP lane. Absolutely ridiculous combo. Last game I got that combo again and steamrolled the other team. I was level 7 by the time the solos in the game were level 5. Destruction.


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
Not Corki? Is there something I'm missing here because I think he's so **** strong right now.

Granted he doesn't fit into as many team comps as Kennen or MF but sometimes he can just power through with raw damage.


Apr 10, 2008
*picks pantheon* (me)
*player 1 picks and locks in zilean*
*player 2 picks and locks mordekaiser*

*selects smite*
Me: I'll jungle panth.

Player 3: "Why would you jungle with pantheon? He's amazing at laning."

Me: I'll lane if someone else wants to jungle and another person picks a ranged dps.

*player 4 picks and locks in leblanc*
*player 3 picks and locks in fiddlesticks*



Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON

Right now I'm running 0/9/21 (3 points in strength of spirit in defense). My rune page is either APen marks/quints with mp5 seals/glyphs or the same thing but with HP quints instead (depends on the other team, if they have a strong early game ganker like Shaco then I'll run HP quints).

If I solo lane then I start with cloth armor + 5 red pots. With side lane I start with Doran's Ring. From there its rather simple. Rush wriggle + zerks, then grab a Ghostblade, and then I'll build according to the game. But what I've found is that for nearly every game I can just grab a Giant's Belt then an Atma's, and I'll be melting faces. Its a little bit reliant on Green Elixer for the full package (I try to have one at all times around this part of the build) but so far its been an absurdly effective build.

And of course I ALWAYS run teleport/ghost. These 2 summoners are so essential and amazing for Pirate. I honestly can't imagine running anything else.

Every game I've played GP in my last 10+ games, I've gone godlike and carried the game HARD even if I'm side lane. Also, I honestly prefer GP in a side lane with a strong harasser. GP/Sona is SUCH an OP lane. Absolutely ridiculous combo. Last game I got that combo again and steamrolled the other team. I was level 7 by the time the solos in the game were level 5. Destruction.

You run a variation of my build. Atma's is core on GP and I've been considering Wriggles for a while.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
Corki is an absurdly good character. I've even seen him started to get banned. Among all the ranged carries, he's definitely the best farmer (second being Tristana) and he fits quite well in the current AoE meta. After MF/Twitch, he's probably the strongest ranged physical carry that has AoE.

Also, I'm a bit iffy on the Atma in my build. Feels a bit too slow for my tastes (especially because at that time in my build GP benefits more from AS to increase my overall damage output), and its not great at leading into something else.

Like I said, I'm still making adjustments to the build. Right now I'm feeling that HP quints are the way to go (unless I'm side lane with a good babysitter like Janna), and the only parts that I really feel confident about are the wriggles + ghostblade. Everything after that is still up in the air for me. I'm considering going Frozen Heart instead of Banshee/Mallet if they don't have much magic damage. FH works really well on Pirate, and in combination with Phantom Dancer it makes him hilariously tanky vs physical damage.


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove

Pick Miss Fortune if you like shredding faces in relative safety. Pick Kennen if you've got the talent to take a relatively squishy champ into the fray. He's got amazing harass, multiple stuns and can wreck entire teams if he times his ult correctly... but he's more complex to play than MF/Corki.

I dunno enough about Corki to give you good advice, but he seems to be a lot better after his recent buffs. He's probably still not as good as MF/Kog as a ranged carry, but a solid pick for a team that needs a tank shredder.

I think it comes down to your preferences really. Do you want a top tier ranged carry? A complex and exciting harasser/carry? Or a freshly buffed alternative with a little AoE damage and a built-in escape?


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
If corki had a tad of the utility other carries had, he would probably be better than him. Some form of CC besides a soft blind would benefits him so well


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
Runes: seals- flat armor
glyphs- flat MR
marks- attack speed
quints- movement speed

Summoner skills: Smite + Ghost

3s- top lane, if you have a jungler, you do the bottom 2v1 (unless you've got a mord or MF or someone who can reliably shut down the lane)

fort elixir + 5 pots (only use the fort elixir if you have to, for survivability or in order to get a kill)
zerk greaves (are they heavy CC/AD? Merc Treads or Tabi accordingly)
bilgewater cutlass > hextech revolver > hextech gunblade (this is my core item)
Spirit Visage (1 wave and you heal 600 hp)

Now you build according to the game, there are 3 scenarios-

you are ****** them: phantom dancer/wait for the surrender

they are AD: Randiun's Omen > Atma's Impaler

they are AP: Force of Nature > laugh

*Feast guarantees the last hit on lizard and dragon, and coupled with smite it allows for you to be clearing the top jungles faster than any other hero in the game.

**Elixirs are VERYYYYY important. If you don't have an elixir going, think about it!

5s- Jungle, start at the double golems and don't use your smite > Lizard use smite > wraiths > wolves > mana golem

I build Cho the same in 5s, except once I have my hextech I build GA, then typical tank items.

Don't be afraid in solo queue to use a feast before the carry is at death percents, this instant drop in health will signify to your teammates that this is the target (since you can't rely on them to automatically target the carry for some reason --a)
I tried your build and I freaking love it!! I feel like just a bad *** when my kill count is almost triple the rest of my teams combined kill count. And I can't help but lol when I chase a gangplank nearly half the map away only to eventually catch him (phantom dancer) with feast XD


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
Why yes, I find myself to be a very wise individual. Beyond my years, even.

So I've wanted to make a thread for some time now that defines the 3 different types of "tanks" in the game (off tank, initiator, babysitter/counter-initiator). I'm tired of people saying things like "Garen isn't a tank!!" or when someone says we need a tank (and actually trying to say we need tanky CC) and someone else chooses Mordekaiser to fill the role. I just wish people were able to verbalize and understand the different roles that tanks have in a team... But honestly I have no idea how to title the thread to get people to read it :/


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
most of the time I feel like I'm wasting my breath when I post something on the LoL forums too. :(

I swear, playing L0CUST's team in arranged 5s has got to be the most demoralizing thing is this whole game. Every time my 5-man runs into them, it's just another clinic on how terrible we actually are :(. Gimme CLG any day of the weak, just don't make me play L0CUST :(.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
TheOddOne, cFangNasty, Classick, Frozt, Master Of LoL

I think there are a couple others who sometimes rotate in, but those are the ones I remember. TheOddOne is probably the most impressive singular player on their team but the way the whole team functions is just... absurd... It feels like they have maphack right from the get go and their coordination and overall team strategy is just on a whole nother level from every one else from our experiences vs. them.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
Wow... how awkward. So I searched up this guy who has been spamming me with friend requests after I played a single game with him only to see that he has been playing a LOT of pirate... and he is imitating the build I used in that game over and over again. He's doing it a bit wrong and he's lost every ranked game... but thats just odd.

I don't know if I should be flattered or flabbergasted.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Flattered if they do it right

Disappointed if they doin it wrong

General rule


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
pre-season 1, I had 3 or 4 people friend me after playing with me and then I saw that they all were playing Pantheon and had stolen my exact build. At first I was pissed, but then I remembered that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and it made me happy.

and now I'm trying to steal LociCero's build, but it doesn't seem to work when your team is 4 Melee DPS + Annie vs. 350 Armor Malphite + Fed Kog Maw.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Have any of you guys looked at Dota 2? I'm pretty excited and it looks pretty awesome so far.
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