No idea what was in the patch.
Also, here's my Tankplank right now:
21/9/0 Havok so good, Strength of Spirit goes very well with a Manamune build
APen reds, APen quints, flat armor yellows, mr/level blues
Been starting sapphire crystal + pots, building an early Tear, and getting Manamune + Sheen as quickly as possible. From there I go Bveil or Frozen Heart depending on what I need more, and Trinity Force.
Add in Merc Treads and you have the last slot still open for whatever the game calls for.
Very end game you end up 90 damage from Manamune, 30 damage from Trinity, 52 damage from Raise Morale active, Grog Soaked Blade, and Trinity procs... You pack so much pain. And you are so tanky plus you have a built in cleanse/heal, and 35 health/5 from Strength of Spirit.
I feel like Ryze all over again