I really love Pirate being a strong pick.
Like REALLY love it. Flavor-wise he's one of my favorite champs.
I'm still not sure about Jungleplank, but solo lane Tankplank is an amazing build.
My only issue with Jungleplank is that I find it hard to see him being a better pick over junglers like Nunu, Trundle, Lee Sin and the like. His ganks aren't crazy strong because all he has is slows, and other junglers in that same position have more to offer in the jungle itself.
In lane though he's just really tough to gank or even force him out of lane prematurely. He comes out of most trades on top when he can get a few stacks of Grog Soaked Blade on you too. Pretty easy to get somebody with a Q+auto attack+Q unless they are playing super passively.
He has global presence with his ult, an endless stream of stacking slows, and a mini Shurelya's+free pickaxes for his entire team. So he isn't lacking in utility for the rest of his team either.
His teamwide steroid is crazy good already, but the fact that he gets double the effect is bonkers especially when his passive is already a strong steroid adding 63 damage per stack at level 18.
Also, I'm wondering what is a better Tankplank build.
Right now I've been going a Manamune build with Frozen Heart, Banshee's Veil, and Triforce as the other core items. How do you guys think this stacks up to an Atmogs build?
I really like having an infinite mana pool, plus with Strength of Spirit I get crazy health regen which means I never have to stop lategame short of dying. Frozen Heart has been great with shutting down AD carries, and Bveil+Remove Scurvy is a dirty dirty combo to have. I'm still at over 2500 health, plus an ~400 heal from W if needed.
The way I see it, you need to be stacking multiple Warmogs to be getting the same damage from Atma's as you get from a tanky Manamune build so I feel like its more efficient at what it does.