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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
Man, solo lane Cho just amazes me. I don't think I've lost a single game where I went solo Cho. He's definitely one of my best IP purchases ever, I'm so glad I got him.

Today I Learned: If Cho'Gath straight up destroys Mordekaiser in lane. (Though maybe this is because that Morde kept trying to fight me instead of just pushing. Either way, I was pleasantly surprised.)
how do u build cho?


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
or it might be because of your op as **** silence and ability to shrug of any harass

also jungle cho is amazing.
It's totally the silence. God damn I love that silence, it's poetry is motion

And jungle Cho is TOTALLY legit; I just tried it in a real game for the first time this last game and it *****. If a laner has some cc of his/her own, his ganks are DEVASTATING. Not to mention jungle tank is always a huge plus :)
how do u build cho?
Sapphire Crystal + 2 HP Pots (Jungle Cho starts cloth armor + 5 pots)
Chain Vest or Negatron Cape (depending on which resistance I need quicker, usually go for Chain Vest)
Glacial Shroud/Whichever I didn't get from above.

And from there I branch out. Frozen Heart will pretty much always be finished. Options besides that include: Banshee's, Force of Nature, Rod of Ages (tend to shy away from this unless I truly need more HP), Abyssal Scepter, and Guardian Angel. The occasional Thornmail if I need it for a Trynd or something. I think that about covers it.

As of now, I've worked up to 1240 elo, and my win rate with Cho is 87.5% (only 1 loss, 8 wins). Cho is amazing, I can't believe what I've been missing. Irelia's strong and I'll still pick her if I need to but good lord Cho is great.

Question for anyone willing to check: does my ranked info show up on my page yet?


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Shaya, teach me to play lane Shaco plz
Okay. I am lane shaco.

I get jack in the boxes level 1, because I am the boss.

Is it possible for my team's jungle to be invaded?
No. Try it (unless my team just has absolutely no way of capitalising on 2-4 half second aoe stuns that come one after the other).

Do I increase the speed of my junglers through a jitb at a camp or two? Yes.

You play with a bottom lane that can [help] control the flow of things / high sustainability. Your lane is nearly ungankable, and you can counter aggressive play from your lane enemies with smart play as well.

Sivir and Caitlyn are very strong ranged carry partners for Shaco.
Soraka is amazing for UNRIMITED SHIVS and gives shaco the ability to last hit a bit. Supports are good in general because with the utility/support of GTFO jitbs they can be reasonably safe while shaco... goes elsewhere.
Rumble/Jarvan/Noct and the likes are extremely strong as well. You want lane partners who have ranged aoe of some sort, because Shaco can last hit creeps in melee range and capitalise on confrontation. Of course partner with a stun or snare is likely results in someone being chain cc'd for like 3 seconds and then you can deceive to chase them after flash.

You jitb both brushes, you force the enemy to not be able to zone you from the brush.

You work with your jungler to gank, invade, zone dragon/baron. You still have great pushing presence without needing to be with the team at dragon/baron because someone else on the team has smite. That is, if you're going AD Shaco.
If you're AP Shaco you just zone all choke points to a tower and just shiv people who are stuck until you dive them. Using your clone to take tower aggro so others can move in without the initial tower damage.

Shaco has too many responsibilities as a jungler so it's often very hard to do all the many many amazing things he can do while still handling the jungle portfolio.
May 3, 2009
when i jungle cho, I start regrowth pendant + pot

go wraiths, wolves, then blue and then their golems or counterjungle them at their red depending on who the other jungler is.

on my first b I usually get philo stone + boots, followed by a catalyst on my next b. I usually get RoA first then either abyssal scepter, FoN, or Frozen Heart depending on how well i'm doing and the opposing team comp.

Cho's jungling is so goddamn fast which usually lets me get a significant leg up vs the other jungler or even get a kill.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
If I get an AP item on Cho it's either an Hourglass or a very late Rabadon's. Why get RoA and get MORE health w/o mitigation when you already get a huge bonus from his ult? That's just asking to get eaten up by % of health moves.

Though I will admit buffed RoA is not as bad anymore because of the retention of the Catalyst passive.
May 3, 2009
because at the time which you should be getting RoA is also the time when everyone is still pretty weak. During this time your feast stacks should be keeping you alive pretty well. Plus you should already be decently tanky with base stats + runes.

If I'm not doing well I might ditch RoA and elect for mitigation but early RoA is just too good to pass up.

Deleted member

whenever i play lane chogath i go hard caster runes, spell pen red, mana regen yellow, ap per level blue, flat ap quints

is this a mistake? my mindset is that i wanna **** my lane (top lane dorans, bot lane shield) but not sure if it'll screw me over later without any tank runes

it seems fine if after i go catalyst i go rod of ages but vs certain team comps it seems like it'd be not smart


also i used to run flash ignite, nowadays though i either run flash ghost or flash clairvoyance if nobody on my team gets it

if they have homoe *** CC/ not n00bs i usually opt for banshees instead of rod of ages but i feel like my runes kinda make it a waste, not sure

tanking advice:

when i run flash ghost i usually ghost then go to eat/ chase away their carry

but at the same time it might leave my carries vulnerable

should i just stand on top of my carry so they have to click on me and disrupt with knockup/silence

probably situational


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
The thing is if you build AP and they're good they're just gonna stay incredibly far away (and probably do this anyway since Cho is so sustainable) and last hit all day.

I'm just saying, unless there is one other tank or a support with an Aegis or something, RoA is not optimal, especially if they have someone like Vayne or WW or Amumu.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Is it possible for my team's jungle to be invaded?
No. Try it (unless my team just has absolutely no way of capitalising on 2-4 half second aoe stuns that come one after the other).
I hear that people are starting to use wards to pop boxes now. Drop ward > ward takes aggro > invasion successful
when i jungle cho, I start regrowth pendant + pot

go wraiths, wolves, then blue and then their golems or counterjungle them at their red depending on who the other jungler is.

on my first b I usually get philo stone + boots, followed by a catalyst on my next b. I usually get RoA first then either abyssal scepter, FoN, or Frozen Heart depending on how well i'm doing and the opposing team comp.

Cho's jungling is so goddamn fast which usually lets me get a significant leg up vs the other jungler or even get a kill.
Interesting. I hadn't thought about getting Philo on Cho, but I'll probably run into games where getting fed off ganks just doesn't seem likely. Which runes do you run for this?
whenever i play lane chogath i go hard caster runes, spell pen red, mana regen yellow, ap per level blue, flat ap quints

is this a mistake? my mindset is that i wanna **** my lane (top lane dorans, bot lane shield) but not sure if it'll screw me over later without any tank runes

it seems fine if after i go catalyst i go rod of ages but vs certain team comps it seems like it'd be not smart


also i used to run flash ignite, nowadays though i either run flash ghost or flash clairvoyance if nobody on my team gets it

if they have homoe *** CC/ not n00bs i usually opt for banshees instead of rod of ages but i feel like my runes kinda make it a waste, not sure

tanking advice:

when i run flash ghost i usually ghost then go to eat/ chase away their carry

but at the same time it might leave my carries vulnerable

should i just stand on top of my carry so they have to click on me and disrupt with knockup/silence

probably situational
I run m pen reds, armor yellow, mp/5/lv blues, and hp quints (same page I use for jungle Mummy). I like the extra tankiness and the blues keep me tossing spells for a while along with his passive.

I'm still not sure how I feel about Rod of Ages. If the goal is to hurt more, why not just invest the money in a better IP item, like picking up a lone Needlessly and then letting it sit til my tank items are finished? I'm not crazy about all the HP on RoA for Cho and I'm not convinced it's optimal. Does it really make a difference or is it just a semi-wasted stat?

For summoners, I pretty much always run Flash/Exhaust. I feel like since I'm the tank in most cases, I should try to pack as much cc as possible. Not to mention it can lead to some easy kills in lane :awesome:


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
anybody know a good jungle guide for xin zhao?
21-0-9, AS Reds, Flat Armor Yellows, MR/level Blues, Armor Pen quints.

Start Cloth and 5 pots and go for your blue. If they leash for you you'll be at like full health when you go for a gank after red, might even have a pot left over. Start with Q, and use it to reset auto-attack animations (press it immediately after your normal auto-attack connects) and then level up skills however you want after that (if they have slightly more difficult to gank laners, prioritize charge > battle cry > three talon, otherwise it doesn't matter).

You can also go 0-21-9 if you're gonna build tanky but it's quite a bit slower.

I much prefer lane Xin, but I'm going to try him out in jungle soon where I turn my razor into an MBR instead of Wriggle's... I don't think the latter item is that great on Xin.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
21-0-9, AS Reds, Flat Armor Yellows, MR/level Blues, Armor Pen quints.

Start Cloth and 5 pots and go for your blue. If they leash for you you'll be at like full health when you go for a gank after red, might even have a pot left over. Start with Q, and use it to reset auto-attack animations (press it immediately after your normal auto-attack connects) and then level up skills however you want after that (if they have slightly more difficult to gank laners, prioritize charge > battle cry > three talon, otherwise it doesn't matter).

You can also go 0-21-9 if you're gonna build tanky but it's quite a bit slower.

I much prefer lane Xin, but I'm going to try him out in jungle soon where I turn my razor into an MBR instead of Wriggle's... I don't think the latter item is that great on Xin.
thanks. ya so jw, u go blue and then liike wraithes, wolves, red, gank?


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!

I hear that people are starting to use wards to pop boxes now. Drop ward > ward takes aggro > invasion successful
Because Shaco protecting his team's jungler is stacking jack in the boxes on one spot.

That strategy exists of course, but for jungle shaco it isn't the end of the world.
For one, that requires them to actually GET to your jitbs in the first place. The brush behind red is where your team should be to stop dem invasions. Blue's a bit different because there are more entrances, hence why I don't start blue.

(I'd rather get mini golems to get instant level 2 without needing smite then qqing about my jitbs at red being exploded and wasting moar time running to blue)

Also ward placing is a laggy animation that can get you killed.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
wtf, that xin jungle is super inefficient

w/e mix of AS/ArPen on Reds and Quints, Armor Seals, MRes/Level Glyphs



go small gols -> wraiths -> wolves -> blue. your HP will basically never drop during this route. b for long sword, go small gols -> red -> wraiths -> wolves with options to gank pretty much whenever after you get E at level 4 (QWQE)

EDIT: basically cloth + pots is a waste of 175 gold on completely unnecessary pots and starting blue slows your jungle + wastes buff time.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
It definitely doesn't slow your jungle nor is it inefficient from a utility perspective (just from a starting gold one)... You get done in under 4 minutes and are in perfect position to gank. The build order/path you provided is slower (b/c of additional time walking in order to grab the buffs) but safer and cheaper.

If you want to be aggressive with ganking you go my order, otherwise Mogwai's. Starting Vamp Scempter also leaves you susceptible to strong counterjunglers b/c it provides you nothing of use in a 1v1 that early on and leaves your buffs open for taking/warding.
May 3, 2009
I don't like getting caster runes on cho since his AP ratios are really subpar. if you're maxing out your W first (which you should be) the base damage should be sufficient harass early on. I prefer getting tank runes because it makes him less susceptible to being countered by ranged carries.

Jungle cho uses generic jungler runes. as marks, health quints, armor glyphs, and mres@18


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
one 1.0 and 2 .7 ap ratios = really subpar
going ap runes on cho is completely viable for when you know you will be 2v1ing vs 2 good players. the extra ap will allow you to last hit creeps from a distance with Q/W a lot easier. but you dont need to build ap items until ur like 4th or 5th slot. abyssal/deathcap are good


Banned via Warnings
Nov 7, 2010
lmao this tribunal

basically feedest was winning until this taric (who ive played with before and is pretty much a little *****) said something to him, then feedfest starts feeding and suiciding. scyx17 is in teh game and he just unloads on feedfest too, telling him he always gets carried or loses the game.
/korea time


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
yes, he's from both of them actually iirc. he's very good and appreciates underappreciated champs like mao and karma, so more power to him.

funny to me that 2-5 are jiji, HSGG and both their smurfs, lawl. also funny that maknoob's smurf is #10 while his main is #11... seriously though guys, elo is purely luck :p.


List Evader
Jun 3, 2003
I don't recall him being on any notable DotA teams, so I didn't really include that, but he definitely has played both. He did very well in HoN, however.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
I'm intending to win the australian division qualifiers for WCG (isn't it great that australians suck?). Also possibilities for dreamhack, but I don't think they're intending to do anything with aussie land. Dekar, get Chu to be our team strat caller. We'll totally give him uber hugs if we go to dreamhack.

Also my latest match history is funny. All ranked games, all laning shacos, all victories.
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