There are several really good ways to play Cho'Gath.
I build him 0-21-9, but 9-12-9, and 9-21-0, and 0-9-21 are all viable too.
Flash/tele is how I play him. Ignite, ghost, cleanse, and clairvoyance are all good too.
I rush catalyst, then tier 1 boots, then Rod of Ages. Then speed boots. (or merc treads, or CDR boots...)
Then I usually build Aegis and GA early, and then it varies.
The following items are legit 5-6 items on this build:
mejais (cause you'll never die anyways...might as well)
frozen heart
There are so many ways to build him. This is just my build. Some people go AP and play him as a CC-Caster. Some people just stack HP, and pray that no one builds a madreds. I prefer to stack resists and CDR, and spam my Q+W and stand around in the way of their attacks cause I'm huge.
I build him 0-21-9, but 9-12-9, and 9-21-0, and 0-9-21 are all viable too.
Flash/tele is how I play him. Ignite, ghost, cleanse, and clairvoyance are all good too.
I rush catalyst, then tier 1 boots, then Rod of Ages. Then speed boots. (or merc treads, or CDR boots...)
Then I usually build Aegis and GA early, and then it varies.
The following items are legit 5-6 items on this build:
mejais (cause you'll never die anyways...might as well)
frozen heart
There are so many ways to build him. This is just my build. Some people go AP and play him as a CC-Caster. Some people just stack HP, and pray that no one builds a madreds. I prefer to stack resists and CDR, and spam my Q+W and stand around in the way of their attacks cause I'm huge.