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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I could be wrong, but I think they're keeping the initial cost of activating it and just lowering the cost of maintaining it.
Glacial Storm

* Initial mana cost increased to 100/150/200 from 25/35/45
* Cost per second reduced to 40/50/60 from 50/70/90
* Slow duration reduced to 1 second from 2.5

Nvm, not a complete buff but overall it turns to a buff. It's only 30 more mana at rank 1 to start it, and after 3 seconds it would be the same overall cost. After rank 1 though, it starts to completely **** the old ult mana wise.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
Anivia is still nerfed, the passive and slow nerf is pretty significant. Two patches ago no one would pick Anivia. It is after 5 seconds then it would be the same overall cost for level one. Anivia is manageable with the recent champions that have come out.

Zilean as a support received a buff.
Experience changes are good, very good.
Should be a good patch, could have made the nerfs more significant. Some changes have potentially made certain champions OP oh well.


Apr 10, 2008
btw i have an iMac 5,1 1gb RAM that i got handmedown and installed 4gb RAM into it and then formatted 90% bootcamp 10% mac partitions and installed windows 7 and now i just use it as a pc :) i have a mac and i can use .exes and dont have bad loadtime :)
No way I'm technical enough to do that LOL.
Dan, why nerf Ashe? Being one of the best doesn't mean she needs nerfing, all that does is leave a new best. Then the team with Corki would have guaranteed win b/c he outshines everybody else. Then we'd have to nerf Corki.

Actually Corki could use a tiny damage nerf b/c he already scales well but has absurd poking and harass between Q and R at low levels, then he has his escape and jeez he's so damn good.

She's not overly dominant but her presence is felt when played well and she gets her items, so she's at the right powerlevel for a carry I think.
What Shaya said. :<

Being the best by the margin Ashe is over the worser carries means she either needs some nerfs or the other champs need some buffs. With a game the devs can easily patch, their goal should be to make it as balanced as possible, right? Corki probably needs some tweaking as well.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
Jpak do you have another build for irelia that is good for taking down turrets

the current one you gave me works like sooooooo good but thats against other champs...I still have slight trouble pushing down turrets when I'm supposed to be the pusher (like when the rest of my team is a bunch of casters.)


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
Dan: I agree she's the best/2nd best carry pick in the game ATM. That doesn't address whether she needs a nerf though.

If she's not OP, and other champs can be buffed to her level of usefulness without rendering carries in themselves OP, then *that* should be the goal, don't you think? Don't you think that rather than nerf champs for being really good, it's better to find a zone of power where everybody is really good?


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
The "appropriate" power level for a carry lies closer to Trist than Ashe IMO. I'd rather nerf/buff everyone towards that level, than buff everyone up to Ashe. Same thing for people like Shen: I'd rather NOT all tanks be like that power wise.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Dan: I agree she's the best/2nd best carry pick in the game ATM. That doesn't address whether she needs a nerf though.

If she's not OP, and other champs can be buffed to her level of usefulness without rendering carries in themselves OP, then *that* should be the goal, don't you think? Don't you think that rather than nerf champs for being really good, it's better to find a zone of power where everybody is really good?
Ashe is too strong. She does way too ****ing much for your team with a single pick. I have no idea how to nerf her, but she brings too much utility as it is right now.

The simple fact of the matter is that you just can't buff other carries up to her level because no one's even close to a global ranged Stun on a 75 second CD (best initiation skill in the game) + a free limited ranged CV + a 4 second CD, long range, multi-target BV popper + perma-slowing auto-attacks. It's just too much to have on a character with good base stats for being a ranged DPS.

Her kit is conceptually flawed, she brings the sort of utility we'd expect of a Support, but does so on a ranged carry.


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
I'd much rather the game "balance high" than keep up the nerf/buff cycle. If they could bring all the carries in line with Ashe and all the tanks in line with Shen then I think the game would be more dynamic and exciting. The current "over buff, over nerf" system Riot uses can be really frustrating.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
It is just really hard to kill ashe if the ashe is good. The slow + volley makes it really hard to get to her. The arrow is just a bonus.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I'd much rather the game "balance high" than keep up the nerf/buff cycle. If they could bring all the carries in line with Ashe and all the tanks in line with Shen then I think the game would be more dynamic and exciting. The current "over buff, over nerf" system Riot uses can be really frustrating.
Balance High? Sure. Balance SUPER high? No.

Carries more like Trist = Fantastic.

Carries more like Ashe = Dumb game. Imagine Old Sivir, Heimer, Shaco, Shen, TF, Jax, Morgana, Sona, Ezreal, Pantheon, Gragas, Malphite, Xin, etc

If every character was at their strongest level ever for example, the game would frankly be ***. It's bad enough to have isolated cases of characters gone over the top, but putting EVERYONE at that level would just basically mean countering OP bull**** with even more OP bull****.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Balance High? Sure. Balance SUPER high? No.

Carries more like Trist = Fantastic.

Carries more like Ashe = Dumb game. Imagine Old Sivir, Heimer, Shaco, Shen, TF, Jax, Morgana, Sona, Ezreal, Pantheon, Gragas, Malphite, Xin, etc

If every character was at their strongest level ever for example, the game would frankly be ***. It's bad enough to have isolated cases of characters gone over the top, but putting EVERYONE at that level would just basically mean countering OP bull**** with even more OP bull****.
if everyone's at that level, it's by definition not OP. You can't be overpowered if everyone is similarly powerful. But anyway, the issue is again, at a conceptual level with her kit. It's not something that can be fixed with numbers, it requires reworking her kit.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Balance High? Sure. Balance SUPER high? No.

Carries more like Trist = Fantastic.

Carries more like Ashe = Dumb game. Imagine Old Sivir, Heimer, Shaco, Shen, TF, Jax, Morgana, Sona, Ezreal, Pantheon, Gragas, Malphite, Xin, etc

If every character was at their strongest level ever for example, the game would frankly be ***. It's bad enough to have isolated cases of characters gone over the top, but putting EVERYONE at that level would just basically mean countering OP bull**** with even more OP bull****.
Isn't that how people describe DOTA?


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
if everyone's at that level, it's by definition not OP. You can't be overpowered if everyone is similarly powerful. But anyway, the issue is again, at a conceptual level with her kit. It's not something that can be fixed with numbers, it requires reworking her kit.
I guess it depends on what you think the base should be. I mean if everyone had a 10 second stun, it wouldn't look overpowered when compared to everyone else also having that. But you'd heavily question how smart it would be design wise to give everyone that.

I'd rather nobody have a 10 second stun/be like Ashe, than balance things by bringing everything else up to that level. A lot of characters would be quite fun if they were tweaked upwards, but only to a certain point. After that, you delve into the realm of "Well it's not really OP because similar things exist, but it's still incredibly stupid." and that's not exactly a great improvement imo.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 7, 2010
what would you nerf about ashe?

i mean i thought you were just supposed to beat carries in lane in order to keep them from a god like late game

also imo ashe laning isnt as good as other carries (mf trist corki cait). she has no escapes and no early damage. i mean her late game is amazing but early idk. how could u nerf her carrying without forcing her to go bot with a janna to even make it that far?

ive been watching high elo streams of people playing ashe and the ashe player always sits back and last hits. the other laner just does the same thing.. and i dont know why.. i mean ashe cant stand toe to toe with anybody at early levels. she cant control a creep wave at all until volley gets leveled up.. so why not push the wave hard on her at lvl 2 or 3, leaving her unable to stop the push and making the creeps die at tower. then the lane will push back your way, right when your jungler (and theirs) finishes their side of the jungle. so when the lane pushes back over to your side...
then (if you hit creeps correctly) the creep waves will clash for a bit near your tower but not under it.. which forces her to either move forward for last hits or harass and potentially get ganked or get zoned out.

not very well explained but.. if some ssuper weak carry doesnt want his or her lane to push, then push the lane towards them and wait for it to push back (preferably early when the jungler hasnt gotten red yet).
idk maybe im missing something


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
what would you nerf about ashe?

i mean i thought you were just supposed to beat carries in lane in order to keep them from a god like late game

also imo ashe laning isnt as good as other carries (mf trist corki cait). she has no escapes and no early damage. i mean her late game is amazing but early idk. how could u nerf her carrying without forcing her to go bot with a janna to even make it that far?

ive been watching high elo streams of people playing ashe and the ashe player always sits back and last hits. the other laner just does the same thing.. and i dont know why.. i mean ashe cant stand toe to toe with anybody at early levels. she cant control a creep wave at all until volley gets leveled up.. so why not push the wave hard on her at lvl 2 or 3, leaving her unable to stop the push and making the creeps die at tower. then the lane will push back your way, right when your jungler (and theirs) finishes their side of the jungle. so when the lane pushes back over to your side...
then (if you hit creeps correctly) the creep waves will clash for a bit near your tower but not under it.. which forces her to either move forward for last hits or harass and potentially get ganked or get zoned out.

not very well explained but.. if some ssuper weak carry doesnt want his or her lane to push, then push the lane towards them and wait for it to push back (preferably early when the jungler hasnt gotten red yet).
idk maybe im missing something
You actually mentioned it - while you can aggressively push during the first 4-5 minutes somewhat safely, any time after that is just begging for a gank (and even earlier in several cases like Shaco and Nunu). Additionally, it's not hard to stay alive as Ashe if you pack Flash/Ghost.

The only thing I can possibly think about that they could nerf on Ashe is majorly upping her mana costs. Whenever I play Ashe I barely give a second thought to my mana past level 9, so forcing her to really budget her resources could help tone her down a bit. An increase on her Hawkshot cd would also be acceptable, and I'm not even sure that the gold passive is necessary.


Apr 10, 2008
Dan: I agree she's the best/2nd best carry pick in the game ATM. That doesn't address whether she needs a nerf though.

If she's not OP, and other champs can be buffed to her level of usefulness without rendering carries in themselves OP, then *that* should be the goal, don't you think? Don't you think that rather than nerf champs for being really good, it's better to find a zone of power where everybody is really good?
Imo, her powerlevel is just too far above what I'd like the other carries to be at. If everyone was at her level I feel like the game would be too much about jumping your opponents first and less about trying to outsmart them. Kinda hard to explain.

But imagine release leblanc top + old tf mid. Once they both hit six whoever is top is dead. Period. But oh wait, release xin is top and jumps leblanc as soon as he hit six too, and kills leblanc from full health as tf ported in. Seems like it'd be about whoever attacks first lol.

Not the sort of game I wanna play, though I guess this is the case right now to a much lesser degree.

I dunno, I just don't want that much utility and damage flying around. Doesn't seem fun or anything.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
Ashe is too strong. She does way too ****ing much for your team with a single pick. I have no idea how to nerf her, but she brings too much utility as it is right now.

The simple fact of the matter is that you just can't buff other carries up to her level because no one's even close to a global ranged Stun on a 75 second CD (best initiation skill in the game) + a free limited ranged CV + a 4 second CD, long range, multi-target BV popper + perma-slowing auto-attacks. It's just too much to have on a character with good base stats for being a ranged DPS.

Her kit is conceptually flawed, she brings the sort of utility we'd expect of a Support, but does so on a ranged carry.
port drow ranger over from dota and replace ashe with her


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
You nerf ashe by reducing her attack range, the slow amount on her Q, decreasing the range of volley slightly and increasing the cooldown at higher ranks. Slightly nerf the stun duration of arrow, and nerf the aoe slow that comes with it. Or just rework her :)


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
You nerf ashe by reducing her attack range, the slow amount on her Q, decreasing the range of volley slightly and increasing the cooldown at higher ranks. Slightly nerf the stun duration of arrow, and nerf the aoe slow that comes with it. Or just rework her :)
imo volley's range was already decreased enough
the attack range nerf might be overkill but the rest is good

also they say BKB would be overpowered in LoL but what about if the major nerfs to champs haven't occured, would it be overpowered?
talking double stun annie, tf, jax, xin, leblanc, mf, and stuff all together


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
You nerf ashe by reducing her attack range, the slow amount on her Q, decreasing the range of volley slightly and increasing the cooldown at higher ranks. Slightly nerf the stun duration of arrow, and nerf the aoe slow that comes with it. Or just rework her :)
Actually, now that you mention it, I think nerfing the slow duration on Q and reducting her AA range would work wonders. Volley nerfs might be necessary too, but it makes me sad because I like my lane power :(


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Did anyone get Nocturne? He looks good... but he's freaking 6.3k of IP =.=

Also... does anyone know how to play Akali? I just got her and she's quite squishy :(


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I will be buying nocturne as soon as I'm home.

Akali can only succeed vs. squishies, but she's got pretty crazy burst and is the best chaser in the game with that ult. She's essentially the only character than can actually stick to Kassadin. Top akali builds are all over the place, but most of the time they're AP centric with stuff like Rylai's, Deathcap and Void Staff. I have also seen hybridy items like Gunblade and Rageblade on her, and even seen Ghostblade thrown on her before, but it's usually something like 2-3 offensive items -> GA in my experience. to just start off with her, I'd run 9/21/0, open a cloth armor + 5 hp pots or boots + 3 hp pots, then build doran's blade and amp tome to activate your passives, then go for a rylai's scepter. You see some pretty crazy rune pages out there for her to activate her passives off of minimal items, but obviously that's not worth messing around with unless you're madly in love with her.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
I'd activate my passive with runes becuase acitviating your passive lvl1 is pretty good and you own`t have to elay your item build. I`d go 21/0/9 and start with pots and boots. Play aggressive, if anyone harasses with you they should be in range for you to do a lot more. This would be the only champion I'd consider going 21 in offense with. Rlyai is cover, flash + ignite. Q>E>W, use E only for farm. I'm guessing you don't have the IP to get all the necessary runes though so may be later on try this.


Apr 10, 2008
Just bought Nocturne and tried him out in a practice game.

First thoughts: Pretty OP. His Q is OMG WTF. Shield is nice. Fear is okay. Both Q and E scale +50 base damage per rank, but starts kinda low.

E has 1:1 scaling with AP.
Q has .8:1 scaling with AD.
R has 1.2:1 scaling with AD.

I really wanna go the generic trinity force build because of his moderately long cooldowns and how well you can chain them.. Best I can describe him is playing VAGUELY like Irelia. I dunno tho.

I'll try maxing both Q and E first. Q makes you ignore unit collision, gives you a huge AD boost when standing on it, and gives you movespeed. E is some decent damage and a fear that scales with level. Q seems better.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Just bought Nocturne and tried him out in a practice game.

First thoughts: Pretty OP. His Q is OMG WTF. Shield is nice. Fear is okay. Both Q and E scale +50 base damage per rank, but starts kinda low.

E has 1:1 scaling with AP.
Q has .8:1 scaling with AD.
R has 1.2:1 scaling with AD.

I really wanna go the generic trinity force build because of his moderately long cooldowns and how well you can chain them.. Best I can describe him is playing VAGUELY like Irelia. I dunno tho.

I'll try maxing both Q and E first. Q makes you ignore unit collision, gives you a huge AD boost when standing on it, and gives you movespeed. E is some decent damage and a fear that scales with level. Q seems better.
Wouldn't play him like Irelia because he can't laugh at CC and fully heal with a largely damaging ultimate :p Would play him more like a stealth Assassin.


Apr 10, 2008
Wouldn't play him like Irelia because he can't laugh at CC and fully heal with a largely damaging ultimate :p Would play him more like a stealth Assassin.

Just sayin what I think he plays MOST like. He's pretty unique.
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