Nocturne doesn't afraid of anything.
I'm 1 win away from 1400 in ranked 3s. It's not really getting hard yet, although we did have an HOUR long 3s game last night, where the other team kept turtled up and the only way we beat them was finally catching one of them trying to counter push after we traded 1 for 1 at their inhibitor.
Hilt, I completely agree with your Akali description there, except I build sheen before Rylais, and often even before I finish my boots. The damage you get from double proccing your Qs along with sheen bonus damage is just absurd. She's my 4th most played champ, after Udyr, Zilean, and Urgot.
I'm mad that it's Urgot free week, since he'll get way more attention and maybe get nerfed again...also, when I pick him, I'll have a bunch of people thinking I'm a free week urgot, when he's the ONLY champ I ever bought the day they came out.