I laned against a Heimer last night as Malz and it seemed pretty easy.
Malzahar has been a hard counter to heimerdinger since his release.
Akali's sustain from Q and it's proc is pretty impressive (and the amount of damage that does is really daunting), and unless you have reliable means of out trading her, you're going to lose the attrition and get zoned if you're melee. If you can't hard cc akali AND you're melee you're going to lose.
Aatrox, Mundo pre-6 gets zoned and won't get to 6 first; Jax loses harder pre-6 and has no counterplay to Akali's kit while she has for his (stealth), Nasus... Akali is literally his worst top lane match up in the game bar none, Olaf is the rulebreaker, he out trades with true damage, has comparable sustain and dat axe, renekton can win, Riven gets ****ed now with the shield duration nerf, Shyvana gets uber ****ed, Trundle gets pretty ****ed, Tryndamere has to win at level 2 or get to level 6 first or he loses the rest of the game and gets severely out traded.
Akali will try to win the lane at level 1. And she will. She zones out SO MANY CHAMPIONS AT
LEVEL ONE. (Like pantheon is the only notable character I can think of with a better level 1) Her laning phase dynamic is just toxic as ****. If she gets to six first you've lost the game and will get dived and die. She's going to be able to force her will on you and only gets stronger in trades by the level and gets too much by the item.