Smash Master
I figure I would just power farm the jungle as malz, not very gank heavy, maybe hit mid whenever ult is up but other than that....yea.
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lol sweet i finally unlocked garenHey if you guys have a Twitter account and want a free Dreadknight Garen skin, here you go:
I basically shut up most people when I say, "and you're more the expert on my character how ?" or just... carry. And I've heard literally the same lines "lol this isn't season 2", "oh you shouldn't pick malz because they have Y", yada yada yada. What I can't stand is people going troll picks because of that character choice, and obviously I've powered through most of those occasions but its still quite daunting to deal with (I'm kinda over having Fiora top picked what seems like every time I've gone malz recentlyLegitimately had people telling me "It's not season 2 anymore why pick Malzahar mid?" after I warned them that Pantheon was level 6 and they kept dying to ganks because they kept extending.
Oh, and I got raged at for building RoA, thanks Shaya![]()
It just depends, both are equally viable. Picking a champ who can win the early game and use that to snowball your team is probably easier, but if you can guarantee making it to late game (and know how to survive early yourself) going someone like Vayne or Jax can be equally as viable, if not more so.Lol
By the way, I was wondering just in general whether you think early game champs like lane-bullies, or late-game hyper carries are better for carrying soloQ. Obviously it differs from champ to champ, but personally I've found most success with hypercarries that push turrets quickly. I have negative KDs with the two hypercarries I played but positive WL because I've had the safety net of late-game scaling and being able to splitpush and take objectives quickly.
I feel that with early game champs, you're on a timer to win the game, and it can be hard to win the game in that time if your other lanes are losing.
Something that roams is your best bet imo. Lanes can't lose if you're forcing kills down their throats. Even though I have a billion Malz games, I'd pick someone I'm less comfortable with if I was in a low elo game, like maybe Diana. If I could win lane early with her, she can roam more often because her ult has such a short CD, you can gank every lane forever. In top lane I'd just pick like Garen or something, stomp lane and then become an unkillable monster and hopefully win. In jungle I'd probably just do what I always do, pick teleport Rammus and be everywhere on the map at all timesLol
By the way, I was wondering just in general whether you think early game champs like lane-bullies, or late-game hyper carries are better for carrying soloQ. Obviously it differs from champ to champ, but personally I've found most success with hypercarries that push turrets quickly. I have negative KDs with the two hypercarries I played but positive WL because I've had the safety net of late-game scaling and being able to splitpush and take objectives quickly.
I feel that with early game champs, you're on a timer to win the game, and it can be hard to win the game in that time if your other lanes are losing.
Yeah that's what I generally do, although if I get raged at it's generally not because I picked Malz, it's because I picked Malz and made a mistake at some point and got [insert enemy assassin] a kill or two ahead, so the game becomes a nightmare at that point. Also it's funny how Gragas/Leblanc/Lulu are ~the~ mids right now, when I don't even own these champs and the last time I played, you'd probably get trolled for picking them mid :| (not so much Gragas, but he wasn't considered a god tier pick like he is now)I basically shut up most people when I say, "and you're more the expert on my character how ?" or just... carry. And I've heard literally the same lines "lol this isn't season 2", "oh you shouldn't pick malz because they have Y", yada yada yada. What I can't stand is people going troll picks because of that character choice, and obviously I've powered through most of those occasions but its still quite daunting to deal with (I'm kinda over having Fiora top picked what seems like every time I've gone malz recently). It's the curse of playing off-meta/non-fotm ****. If your will isn't strong, why not just play gragas?
If I make mistakes in solo queue, I usually just accept that I can't be upset if we lose; It's the standard I set for myself.Yeah that's what I generally do, although if I get raged at it's generally not because I picked Malz, it's because I picked Malz and made a mistake at some point and got [insert enemy assassin] a kill or two ahead, so the game becomes a nightmare at that point. Also it's funny how Gragas/Leblanc/Lulu are ~the~ mids right now, when I don't even own these champs and the last time I played, you'd probably get trolled for picking them mid :| (not so much Gragas, but he wasn't considered a god tier pick like he is now)
Recently I realized I hadn't been abusing Malz's level 1 power as much as I could be. I always start Q and charge it up when leashing so I go to lane with a Voidling ready to cast, but with the way Voidling AI is now, just a Q on enemy laner and then an auto or two, combined with the voidling attacking, you can bully people really hard starting at level 1. (but then Leblanc hits level 2 and instantly takes half your health until you get your Catalyst)
ah yes the classic pedo garen skinHey if you guys have a Twitter account and want a free Dreadknight Garen skin, here you go:
I've always played champs I like rather than meta champs. I switched to Jax because I found that I was having much more success with him than the laners that I mained (Rumble and Wukong) without needing anywhere near as much champion knowledge and mechanics.neither type of champ is better for carrying, if u wanna carry put time into the characters like shaya did malz or i did rengar easiest way to climb
i climbed to challenger with jungle rengar in s3, dont need to pick meta **** to win just need to pick something you know in and out
That's true, but at the same time if you win your lane 1v1 and are able to take objectives top lane you'll be able to shift your opponents focus onto you making other lanes really easy for your team. You do have to be careful of dying or getting caught out depending on who you are and how far you push, but overall a few wards and some good map awareness shouldn't make staying alive too hard.The thing about splitpushers is that they still require your team to have some objectives in mind. If you're splitpushing top or whatever and win 1v1 and get towers, that's great. But if you wind up 1v3 and the rest of your team doesn't bother to do anything when their team has 3 top, you don't get anything accomplished with your death![]()
Some projectiles just go through people. Ashe's Enchanted Crystal Arrow is notorious for sometimes simply not detecting enemy characters and just going through them.
what if that's not a troll pick, bro?What I can't stand is people going troll picks because of that character choice, and obviously I've powered through most of those occasions but its still quite daunting to deal with (I'm kinda over having Fiora top picked what seems like every time I've gone malz recently)
Because picking more damage and no beefyness when there's a malzahar on the team is trolling :<what if that's not a troll pick, bro?
Ohh, ok that's fair enoughBecause picking more damage and no beefyness when there's a malzahar on the team is trolling :<
He was one of the first champs I bought but I found his kit really awkward. I'm actually in a Shen phase at the moment because I really like his kit, even if he isn't much of a carry. I was considering AP Shen with lich bane and maybe nashors as a split pushing carry type. His ult has good bases plus 130% AP scaling. If that doesn't work I'll probably resort to a sunfire abyssal triforce build if I decide to bring him out in ranked.You'd probably really like Twisted Fate if you like to do your own thing the majority of the time Dre. You basically do you're own thing split pushing late game, or harassing with your ablitity pokes, but still have the map presents to hurry up to an area and turn around gank attempts or join team fights.
The maximum bonus AD you can get from your ult is 300AP Nasus with that sneaky 800 AD while ulting.
I'm pretty sure it's very strong on Amumu since he benefits from the aura and the AP a lot. Beyond that, hard to say. Maybe on Shyvana against multi-AP comps?My mistake, must have read that wrong. The other day I was thinking that AP Nasus would be interesting. You'd still get some stacks with Q, and you could probably Zhonyas in your ult and keep your ult going.
On another note, just wanted to know what people thought of the sunfire-abyssal combo on tanks. I know abyssal isn't really considered a tank item, but I feel like sunfire wouldn't do much damage without any mpen.
after getting tabi, randiuns, sunfire, and thornmail vs an all ad team, i got seekers->zhonyas and its ****ing awesome lmaodre
no ap shen plz
at least play ap nasus if you want to do something stupid
I actually think Riot wants Abyssal to be more of a tank item, considering they nerfed the aura radius because too many non-tanks were buying it.I know abyssal isn't really considered a tank item, but I feel like sunfire wouldn't do much damage without any mpen.
It doesn't if you hit at least two people with it though, which I think is good design.after getting tabi, randiuns, sunfire, and thornmail vs an all ad team, i got seekers->zhonyas and its ****ing awesome lmao
i wish taunt didnt cost so much energy