Support Cass is really fun right now. It was done sometimes in Korea (go figure) but with the ability to actually get items now she can transition from being just a lane bully into another constant dps caster.
I would say veigar is decent now but he still cant stack his q so Its sad playing him bot lane. I like morg/fidd/annie even more now too. J4 is still a decent support as well. Targons man.
You can actually q stack to an extent with relic shield. With the changes to relic shield, ranged champs no longer need to use an auto attack to proc the gold, they just need to cs properly as they dont get the execute.
Even before s4 support veigar was half-viable if the enemy had an apc. I know it was used a bit in China and Korea. Non-ult aoe stun and a nuke on enemy apcs with no ap investment meant he always had a very small niche.
Also am I the only one who feels the melee adcs are toxic? I think theyre toxic because not only can a lot of them just brainlessly trade with anyone, a lot of them can just stand there and 1v3 people with no mechanics once theyre fed.
Ranged adcs at least get blown up if theyre ccd no matter how fed they are, and they cant just facecheck 3 people and end up getting a triple.
If you look at all champs that people QQ about, they're all melee adcs, or are melee champs like nasus who whilst aren't technically adcs, still have very hard carry potential. I think the reason why people complain about these champs the most is because theyre more about stats than mechanics, or their 'mechanics' have next to no counterplay (eg. fiora ult, aatrox passive) and they can just stand there and kill 3 champs without having to think much about it.