Minor changes and Bug Fixes
I still honestly hate when everything else gets nerfed, people find the next best thing.
I bought Riven just cause she looked cool upon release and people in my town commented how she has my hair, that use to be when the likes of shen and Irelia dominated in S2. S4 and now it's Riven renekton jax etc. while Fiddle support gets his terrify nerfed finally after almost 4 seasons since he was released.
Basically saying, nobody hated either Fiddle all that much or Riven since other top laners or junglers (since fiddle at the time in S2 and early S3 wasn't a support roleish type yet) was almost never used outside of Zionspartan in S3 with Riven.
I mean, I hate renekton with a burning passion, but I've been taught of the true terror which is cancer croc cause of Neryth in the /vg/ threads waaaay before he started to get picked up competitively and became one of the top laners that never loses a Matchup when him and Susan use to be considered the worst top laners.
Now too uneasy on even playing Ribbit anymore top lane just cause of some bad backlash from enemy team or even my team if I mess up, so I use Zed kha'zix and on rare occasions Vlad.