Relaunch Team
IronStylus also commented on the relaunch process as a whole, saying:
"...It's a big task, but we're up to it. The team is always growing, and it's changing. I'm taking on 3D currently, going to try to be a rounded character artist which can handle concept, modeling and texturing. We've recently nabbed a new animator. VFX is our bottleneck at the moment. They're an awesome team but VFX artists are hard to come by,
We'll grow, and we'll take on more. We currently have 2 big pushes we're on right now, and 2 more in the immediate afterwards of those. The thing is it's actually easier than champion development because we're not dealing with mechanics most of the time. The last relaunches have come with a host of kit reworks. That complicates things. When things are more explicitly VU's, that's when we have a lot of smooth sailing. Good case being Sivir. Mostly Visual changes, nothing balance related at least not that I'm aware of. The opposite example is Sion. He's a major project.
Relaunches can sometimes take less than 2 months to do. Champions can take 6 months to a year depending on how long each phase of ideation/pre-production/production is."